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第六年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2018 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年規模擴大,創新高邀請來了十位藝術家,以景觀畫與人物畫為主。我們已經看過了四位人物畫大師 Fabio Hurtado 、Didier LourençoGerman Aracil 和 Antonio Varas de la Rosa,外加一位人物寫實雕塑大師 José Manuel Belmonte;在景觀畫的部分,我們也介紹了夢幻寫實風景畫大師 Pedro Roldán 、都市寫實景觀畫大師 Cristóbal Pérez García,以及寫實風景畫大師 Joan Coloma,接下來要介紹的是今年ROSA區最德高望重、76歲的印象派景觀畫大師 Josep Cruañas [譯音:喬奈普·克瓦拉斯]的作品。印象派從色彩和光的角度觀照自然,專注於光的變化和氣氛的營造,使他們畫中的景物漸漸喪失實質的主體,剩下色塊勾勒出的輪廓依稀可辨。Josep 也是如此。以這幅畫為例 [威尼斯市集 Mercado en Venecia],早上的威尼斯市集,太陽光從斜角度的方向打下來,造成明部與暗部的對比;明部與暗部又各自發展出各自的細節,譬如,在暗部可以看到橘色牆壁與藍色的窗戶做了一個對比,成為暗部中的亮點;明部則是以亮色調的黃色與暗色調的紫色又形成一個對比,使得明部的構圖輕快了起來,傳遞出市場中那種熱鬧的氛圍。至於人物的勾勒,簡單幾筆就把動作、表情展現出來,這如果沒有深厚的功力,是畫不出來的!就像老師傅修理電器一樣,他知道要敲哪裡!



Josep Cruañas 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


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Josep Cruañas [譯音:喬奈普·克瓦拉斯]
76歲(1942),西班牙人(拉加羅查,加泰羅尼亞自治區赫羅納省的一個縣)。自學成才,但也在多位大師的工作室研習。印象派風格但擁有抽象派的內涵,擅長描繪高濕度的迷濛氛圍,多以中性色調來表現都市或郊區的景觀。自1970年起迄今至少有73項個展、83項群展(包括5項美術館) 展出記錄。
官網 http://www.josepcruanas.com/
FB https://www.facebook.com/josep.cruanas 


His impressionistic works with abstract connotations transmit a special mistiness immersed in a magic atmosphere, the brushstrokes, the density of the palette and the chromatic intensity of the neutral shades and highlights, to emphasize some parts of the composition, are also essential characteristics of his canvas. His paintings have been exhibited successfully worldwide and are held in very important Art Collections and Museums. 



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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146701_卡達克斯 Cadaques_油畫 oil on canvas_ 100x81cm_40F_sm_2016

Cadaqués is a beautiful fishing village in the wild Catalan Costa Brava. For its beauty Cadaqués has always attracted many painters, who wanted to capture its beautiful landscapes. The great genius of painting Salvador Dalí had his home studio there, and also spent long periods Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Marcel Duchamp among others artists. Nowadays this town still maintains its cultural and bohemian atmosphere.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146703_蘭布拉大道I Las Ramblas_油畫 oil on canvas_73x92cm_30F_sm_2017

Las Ramblas de Barcelona, the most famous and visited street in Barcelona, which takes us from the heart of the city to the sea. Together with the Sagrada Familia by Gaudi, this is the place most enjoyed by the millions of tourists who visit us each year, the activity of the Ramblas, its color and joy are unmatched.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146707_蘭布拉大道II Ramblas de barcelona_油畫 oil on canvas_100x81cm40F__sm_2016

Another tribute to the Ramblas of Barcelona, one of the most beautiful streets in the world. This street is full of small flower stalls, which flood the walk with color and joy. There is no visitor of this city that does not enjoy this extraordinary spectacle for the senses.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146704_威尼斯市集 Mercado en Venecia_油畫 oil on canvas_73x60cm_20F_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》

Traditional market in Venice on a spring morning, I was interested in highlighting the sunny area, the warmth, the joy and the bustle of the people, while strolling through the market stalls, I tried, with a little defined treatment, that the figures do not remain static and maintain movement and activity.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146708_威尼斯的里亞托 Rialto_油畫 oil on canvas_100x81cm_40F_sm_2017

The majestic Grand Canal of Venice. Venice is art, the plasticity of these historic palaces and facades, the gondolas, the light, the reflections in the waters of the canal. Venice is changing, it is never the same, the light, the atmosphere, is a constant provocation for an artist and always inspiring.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146705_街道的雪景 Nevado_油畫 oil on canvas_60x60cm_18_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》

I was captivated by this beautiful and pictorial corner of Amsterdam, the plasticity and beauty of the snowy streets, with their bicycles and the colorful barges in the canal, inspired me the energy and motivation to create this romantic work with pretty contrasted colors.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146709_通往阿姆斯特丹國家美術館 Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam_油畫 oil on canvas_73x92cm_30F_sm_2017

Amsterdam, Holland, this street, with its precious buildings, transports us to the 17th century, and lead us to the Rijksmuseum, the most important painting museum in the Netherlands, and one of the most important in the world, where we can contemplate its impressive collection of masterpieces of Flemish painting by artists such as Vermeer, Rembrandt and Frans Hals. Strolling through the neighborhood of Spiegelgraf we can enjoy many art galleries and antique shops. 
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146702_中央公園的雪場I Central Park N. Y. _油畫 oil on canvas_100x81cm_40F_sm_2018

Skating in Central Park, winter and snow surround this amazing city of magic and poetry. Painting this theme is a technical challenge for me and a great satisfaction.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)


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↑上圖:11467_Josep Cruañas_20181146706_中央公園的雪場II .Nieve en Central Park_油畫 oil on canvas_100x100cm_50SQ_sm_2017

The wonderful Central Park of NY, the lung of the city, and place of meeting and fun for New Yorkers, at all times of the year, even when snows. The small figures in movement, on the skating rink, accentuate and emphasize the grandeur and monumentality of the skyscrapers. The simplicity of the treatment of the buildings tries to give them the appropriate distance.
(Translated by Yingchi Ku)



在巴塞隆那,他專職於廣告業。做為一名平面設計師,他可以用創意的方式來觀察身邊正在發生或甚至超越日常生活的事情。在70年代,他在巴塞隆那開始參加群展 (首次群展在 Mundi 藝廊),之後他開始個展(首次個展在 Ausart 藝廊)。
In Barcelona he dedicates himself professionally to the world of publicity, working as a graphic designer which is a creative way to observe what is going on, not only in his direct environment but also sometimes beyond the proper daily reality.  During those years, he combines publicity with painting until, in the beginning of the 70s, he enters definitely the world of painting when he has his first group exhibition at the Mundi Art Gallery in Barcelona and, one year later, the individual exhibition at the Ausart Gallery in Vic.  

在1970年代中,他對所有畫派都有興趣-包括抽象主義、超現實主義和表現主義。但是他的畫家朋友 Frederic Lloveras 勸他遠離那些潮流主義,專注在找出個人風格,譬如說 Lloveras 自己喜好的印象主義,這使得他的畫風轉而偏向幾何圖形化。另一位畫家如此形容 Cruañas 早期的風格:「他用非常個人化的的表現方式來畫出扭曲的城市空間」,作品中甚至可以看到倒塌的建築物、工廠等等。顯然他對都會風格非常有興趣,使得城市空間仍然是他作品的主軸之一。
During the decade of the seventies he is interested in all the isms of the moment, that is, those which were close to him like abstraction, surrealism and expressionism.  The fact that he maintains relations with artists like Frederic Lloveras induces him to move away from these tendencies inclining towards a more personal impressionism, like Lloveras himself, and tends to a more geometric and graphic style of painting,  evidently without obviating the colour.  When Jordi Rodriguez Amat is referring to Cruañas' beginnings he points out that "he embraces a very personal representation of distorted urban spaces" where one observes even collapsed buildings, factories etc. Therefore, it is evident that his interest in urban spaces reveals itself since the very beginning and still is one of the principal characteristics in his works.

接著,他開始遊歷歐洲,讓他接觸不同的景色,這讓他找出如何解讀光線明暗與色彩的新途徑。他經常與 Lloveras 結伴旅行,Cruañas記得當他第一次訪問倫敦時發現了“北國風景,就是一系列灰階色彩和鉛筆色的天空”。
Now the moment has come to open up to the exterior and, therefore, he starts travelling throughout Europe.  This allows him to get to know different places, unknown to him up to now, and represents new ways of understanding and captivating light and color.  He accompanies Lloveras on many of these journeys.  Cruañas remembers discovering "northern landscapes, the range of grey shades and the lead-colored skies" when he first visited London.

Cruañas的畫風,基本上屬於印象主義,但他自認為流著表現主義的血液,因為他作畫時常隨心所至。因此,他喜歡像塞尚、布拉克或斯泰爾那樣的畫家,以及和自己畫風相似的畫家,譬如 Lloveras 和 Juan Alcalde。
Normally, artists underlie certain influences, and in the case of Cruañas this is not an exception. Although he does not follow a very determined creative line, he belongs to impressionism.  He considers himself as "heir of expressionism and of the opinion to let flow what comes out of me when I am painting".  Therefore, he prefers painters like Cézanne, Braque or Staêl, but also some of those close to him like for example Lloveras and Juan Alcalde.  

But it is not until the 80s that he will find his own pictorial space, because until then he was more interested in the isms that predominated the 20th century like abstraction, surrealism and expressionism.  This can be verified when he represents the urban landscapes of different port and maritime cities, especially in the north of Europe, product of his traveling spirit which allows him to observe, as many times affirmed, what only the artist himself is able to grasp what for the rest of the mortals goes unnoticed, like for example: the atmosphere, the mistiness, the nostalgia, the ambient...

-Contemporary Art Museum of Montevideo, Uruguay (個展,當代藝術美術館,蒙得維的亞,烏拉圭)
-National Museum of Archeology. La Valeta (Malta). “Artistes espanyols” (個展,國家歷史博物館,馬爾他)
-Museum Martinez Lozano – LLANÇÀ, Girona, Spain (赫羅納,西班牙)
-Bolivariano Museum of Modern Art, Bogotà, Colombia (現代藝術美術館,波哥大,哥倫比亞)
-Reial Cercle Artistic –TOSSA de MAR painting Museum (濱海托薩,赫羅納,西班牙)


His work is placed within an impressionism with abstract dyes. His painting conveys a special vapor, immersed in a humid atmosphere. Likewise, the gesture and density of the palette, in addition to the chromatic intensity of the neutral tones, with chromatic hints to highlight some part of the composition, are other essential characteristics of his work, where the landscape dominates, both urban as rural. In his current work the views of different places of Normandy , Paris , Cadaqués , Barcelona , Venice , Amsterdam or Ampurdán, are the most common in his oil paintings and watercolors, two of the most used techniques by the artist. 
以上文章引用自 https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josep_Crua%C3%B1as_Fages         


藝評 Reviews

Josep Cruanas至今維持印象派風格,也可以說他是抽象畫家。他以陰影的安排來代表某些事物—在此情況下是風景畫。由該觀點出發,這位Passeing de Gracia Group的年輕大師,知道如何掌握及斟酌他的筆觸,無須猶疑,在第一筆畫下時,就很肯定是一件傑作。
“Josep Cruañas has carried his impressionism so far that one could say that he is an abstract painter who arranges his shadings in a way so they can represent something – in this case landscapes -. Up to that point this young master of the Passeig de Gràcia Group knows how to handle and measure his brush-strokes, without insisting, but achieving veils and qualities at the first stroke.”
J.R. ABC, Madrid. 1984

 “Ranges of colours, predominating the grey shades, outlined against some adjusted and expertly comprised colourful notes.”
Goya. Madrid. 1991

內心的情感、色彩的氛圍、微妙的變化,這些特色讓 Cruañas 的油畫有著特別的風格,這也是他的成功之處,當然也包括了濃厚的色料、簡樸素淨、有人味、美麗,令人印象深刻。
“Mental atmospheres, chromatic climates and dominant nuances impregnate and surround Cruañas’ canvases, conferring them a particular, stylistically recognizable quality and contribute evidently to the success of a work which is, despite of its dense and austere soberness, humanly rich, evocative and extremely beautiful.”
Raafel Kyoga-Berliner. Exhibition Catalogue Galeria El Claustre. Girona. 1991

Until recently, in his works dominated grey and ochre shades - colours which intensify the feeling of nostalgia and romanticism in those sceneries - but now red and blue shades are becoming more important.
Cristina Vila. Diari Emporda. 2004

藉由水彩或油畫的方式,Cruanas 將景觀以他自己的創意來呈現。他並不是那麼寫實地畫出他所看見的景觀,而是用他的想像力。就好像運河和雨天所帶來的濕意,所營造出的氣氛,只能用中性色調來表現。
By means of watercolour or oil painting, as it is the case at the moment, Cruanas transforms the landscape adapting it to his creative necessities. I don’t pretend to affirm that he is not painting what he sees, but that the greyish and bluish shades of sky and buildings are more due to his imagination than to the proper reality.  It is as if the humidity coming from the canals and the rainy days creates a very special atmosphere and can only be represented through neutral shades.
Ramon Casale. Exhibition Catalogue Galeria El Claustre. Girona. 2007




Josep Cruañas 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框,東側入口第一站] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

Art Revolution Taipei 2018 
貴賓之夜:2018. 5.17(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2018. 5.18(五)~5.21(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 


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    Chris Lee


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