第六年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2018 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年規模擴大,創新高邀請來了十位藝術家,以景觀畫與人物畫為主。在介紹完前面四位人物畫大師 Fabio Hurtado 、Didier Lourenço、German Aracil 和 Antonio Varas de la Rosa,以及人物寫實雕塑大師 José Manuel Belmonte 之後,現在要正式進入景觀畫了,首先來看這位夢幻寫實風景畫大師 Pedro Roldán [譯音:佩德羅·羅爾丹] 的作品。與雕塑大師 José 一樣也是來自西班牙南部大城哥多華。從小就展現繪畫天賦,得獎無數,八歲時就贏得西班牙國家級的繪畫比賽獎項,生平擁有19項重要的得獎紀錄(其中有9項第一名)。重要的是他的風格自成一派,很有創意,而且辨識度極高,非常具收藏價值!他的風景畫看起來很夢幻,你不能說他是超現實主義,因為他畫的還是現實世界,只是他看到的更美更好。即使是陰影,也是彩色的!以這幅畫為例 [清澈的希利達海灣 Transparencias en Agua Xelida, Costa Brava] ,海灣的深淺色澤由碧綠漸層到蔚藍,微風吹拂過水面但波紋不驚,清徹到可以見底;夏日陽光燒烤著岸邊岩石,不儘映照出琉璃般的色彩,兩邊的花叢也點綴著閃閃螢光,一整個透心涼又消暑的感覺!真的,夏天來了!這幅畫就是讓人有如置身於希利達海灣!
Pedro Roldán 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Pedro Roldán [譯音:佩德羅·羅爾丹]
64歲(1954),西班牙人(哥多華,西班牙南部安達盧西亞自治區),現定居格拉納達 (安達盧西亞自治區)。從小就展現繪畫天賦,得獎無數,八歲時贏得西班牙國家級的繪畫比賽獎項。爾後舉家搬遷到藝術大城巴塞隆納,接受更完整的繪畫訓練,也因此聲名大噪,擁有19項重要的得獎紀錄(其中有9項第一名),知名度遍及歐洲及美國。他巧妙地融合了風景寫實派的構圖與印象派的筆觸,加上豐富的配色,營造出有如詩意般的夢幻氛圍。自1987年起迄今至少有52項個展(包括1項美術館)、30項群展(包含4場紐約藝博會)展出記錄。
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pedroroldanmolinaartistapintor
Roldán is a magical dreamer, a magician of the colors and the reality, that put passion, soul and conviction in each one of his paintings. Roldán proves that painting is not just painting, there is something more, much more. Painting means saying things and Roldan knows how to say them. His colorful and vibrant paintings, full of magic and fantasy, have been created so that the viewers can dream and enjoy his magic, perfect and ideal world.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147101_寂靜晨光中的科莫湖 Aurora en calma,Lago Como_油畫 oil on panel_56x90cm_25_sm_2015《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》《已被收藏 Sold》
瑞則尼科之聖瑪利亞(在義大利的科莫湖邊),當地人指點我的一處看日出的好地方,我去看了,也感受到這殊勝,我知道,身為藝術家的自己,絕對會被這壯麗輝煌的景觀所折服。我走了好長好長的一段路,準備好我的速寫本,等待著日出天明......我坐在板凳上,雙腳幾乎都濕透了...... 我看到山後透射出第一道光芒,然後湖面上出現了一些漁船,在寧靜的晨光中,漁船的輪廓和站立在船上的漁民被投影在科莫湖前所未有的平靜之中;這時,一道強光穿過山脈,照亮了水面,令人感到極度尖銳刺眼,而光線的亮度還在一秒一秒地增強,直到充滿一切......我幾乎沒有注意到速寫本仍然是閤著的,但無所謂,現在,我只需要在這個早晨經歷的種種經驗中選擇最真切的一刻,把那當下所投射出的情感全都濃縮在繪畫當中。(Translated by Yingchi)
Santa Maria de Rezzonico. See and feel the aurora from the place indicated by the locals, as something exceptional, knowing that as an artist, I would succumb to such a majestic vision. After a long walk, waiting for the brightness of the day and with my sketches book ready ... sitting on a bench where my feet almost get wet ... I saw the first rays of light behind the mountains, then some fishing boats appear, taking advantage of the tranquility of the dawn, their silhouettes and the erect fisherman are drawn, on an unheard calmness of the lake ... and meanwhile a great beam of light crosses the mountains, and illuminates the waters ,giving a strident and blinding brightness and every second, expanding its light to fill everything ... I almost did not notice that the sketch book was still closed ... but it did not care, now I only had to choose, among all the experiences lived, the exact moment that reflect the emotion condensed in a painting.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147102_寧靜的克里斯蒂娜島 Bajamar Isla Cristina_油畫 oil on panel_120x45cm_30_sm_2015
大西洋沿岸韋爾瓦村附近的克里斯蒂娜島,是一個有著許多舢板的漁村,被稻田和橘園包圍著。我喜歡在秋天去欣賞它的潮汐...有一個時刻,那裡的海水就像一面鏡子似的,看起來很不真實...在畫這件作品之前我已經先在腦海中構圖好了,然後再到現場實際去感受當時的氣氛...作畫時,如果有機會的話,我喜歡與漁民交談,試著將他們的生活體驗表達出來。(Translated by Stevie and Chris)
Isla Cristina, village of Huelva, on the shores of the Atlantic. Fishing village of small boats, surrounded by rice and orange groves. I like to travel there during the autumn days to contemplate its tides ... there is a moment, where the water is like a true mirror and visually seems unreal ... this work, is made a few moments before, to have the feeling of a real landscape, and show it, within my line of creation ... while painting, I like to talk with fishermen and if possible, attach as a part of expression, that new and different knowledge of a way of life.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147103_瑞士的伯林根市 Berlingen.Suiza_油畫 oil on panel_70x42cm_15_sm_2017
康斯坦茨湖(位於瑞士、德國和奧地利的交界處)孕育出雄偉壯闊的萊茵河。她沿線流經的城市中有一座美麗的村莊:瑞士的柏林根市,靠近德國的邊界。11月後半的初雪讓我們非常驚豔,因為當時秋天紅、黃色景觀還沒褪去。純淨無暇的雪景相對於那温暖秋天的色彩使景觀呈現出那樣魔幻般地美麗…我想捕抓這完美的時刻。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
Lake Konstanz and birth of the River Rhine. The beautiful and bright river, at the beginning of its journey, bathes the shores of one of the most beautiful villages of its route: Berlingen, still in Switzerland, and near to the border with Germany. It was in late November, the first snowfall surprised us and the landscape that still was dressed with the red and yellow tones of the autumn. The immaculate whites of the snow, in contrast with the warm colors of the fall, turned the scene into magic ... a perfect moment to catch it forever.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147104_布列恩諾 Brienno_油畫 oil on panel_70x70cm_25_sm_2018
《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》《正式展,獲得美術館收藏》
布列恩諾是科莫湖區我最喜歡的地方之一。我曾無數次造訪布列恩諾,在一年當中不同的時節,也多次在晨曦曙光中畫下速寫,之後,我畫了這幅畫。一天當中,黎明的第一道陽光是非常重要的,此時此刻的情境益發地清淨、透澈,科莫湖畔的一個寧靜安詳的早晨,清朗的氣氛,再再都讓人感受到一股神奇的魔力。美景如畫,除了它本身具有的完美構圖之外,寂靜晨光的氛圍也是我創作這幅畫的原因。(Translated by Yingchi)
Brienno is one of my favorite places of Lake Como. This painting was made after several studies at the first lights of dawn, and innumerable trips at different times of the year. The moment of the first lights of the day is very important. The atmosphere is much cleaner and transparent, and a calm morning in the lake and a bright atmosphere, exerts a magical power in those who see it. Apart from the perfect compositional effect, that was the reason for doing this piece.
Apple Liu:
建築物乾淨俐落的線條, 給人一種在清晨中,剛甦醒的清爽明亮的感覺。後上方在半天白的夜幕下,精神綻放著美麗的花朵,像是在期待朝陽的到來。河面上倒映的燈光,讓人記起留戀著夜晚裡的美麗顏色。感覺就像從過去的時間到現在,期待著有朝陽的未來。在似朦朧似清晰的半白夜空下,讓人有一種,過去現在未來的時間,皆同時存在的迷濛美感。在這一天當中只會出現一瞬間的時刻裡,不似白天的熙攘吵鬧,也不似夜晚裡的絢麗繽紛,只有在這清晨的寧靜時刻中,讓人有一種脫離塵世,但又真實存在的神奇時刻。
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147105_布維翁的灰石牆 Cal y piedra, Bubión, Granada_油畫 oil on panel_35x80cm_15_sm_2017
布維翁的後巷,位在格蘭納達省(西班牙南部的一個省份,位於安達魯西亞自治區東部)的阿布哈拉斯自然保護區裡座落著的一個美麗村莊。在日出時分走過街道你會看到燦爛光影快速交錯著,幾乎每15分鐘就會更換一個場景。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
Backstreet of Bubión, a beautiful village in the Alpujarra of Granada, in a splendid dawn of light, walking through its streets and playing with the extraordinary vision of the rapid movement of lights and shadows, while changing the tones, showing a new picture every 15 minutes.
Ne Shi Chi : 陽光灑落,舊城裡的灰石牆,想來一段小巷弄的冒險嗎?
去吧~不要害怕或猶豫~ 每一個轉彎都有不同的風景,轉身,總會發現新驚喜~
Sunny Ko : 巷弄人家群聚的小巷
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147106_沉靜朦朧中的聖卡多 Calma y bruma.St.Cadó_油畫 oil on panel_70x36cm_12_sm_2017
經過漫漫長夜,等待島上的日出。曙光用紫羅蘭色調映照著我,薄霧籠罩著一切。隨著朝陽升起,景象慢慢地顯露,建築物、潮水、船…等等。人們開始活動的聲音包裹在神秘的朦朧氛圍中。我在原地等待了七個日出…為了抓住日出時刻的絢爛光暈所帶來的美妙景觀。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
After a long night, waiting for the sunrise on the island. The dawn finds me with its violet tones, the mist envelops everything. Slowly appear, as the sun raises, the images of the buildings, the high tide, the movement of the boats and the people ... the first sounds, wrapped in a veil of mystery and almost not wanting to be ... but there they are. I spent several days living the same scene ... day after day and in each, a halo of mystery difficult to understand, but yes, very paintable and while doing it, learning from the sublime beauty of things that surround us.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147107_阿瑞斯,河上的倒影 Calma y luz en la ria Ares_油畫 oil on panel_ 60x120cm_35_sm_2017
阿瑞斯是費羅勒河流經加利西亞(西班牙的一個自治區,位於伊比利半島西北部)的一個美麗村莊。當海水退去時,我們可以看到充滿色彩與生命的新世界,每次潮水湧上前,它們在海底舞動著,讓看到的人覺得很新鮮。這張畫反映了從出海口望去的景觀,也抓住了波浪回流的時刻,當潮浪失去湧前的動力並讓出一整片海灘時,那種寧靜感,讓這一切變得很和諧,也慰藉了觀賞者的心靈。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
Ares is a Galician village on the ria del Ferrol. A beautiful place full of nuances and special atmosphere. When the tide comes down, we can see new worlds full of color and life, that beats in the bottom of the sea, giving to the one who perceives them, new concepts of continuous form, of the lived ones, previous to each movement of the sea. The painting reflects a vision from the port and a unique moment, the waves when they lose strength and give way to a glazed calm that makes that in unison, repose also the souls that look at it.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147108_背光下的春景 Contraluz y primavera_油畫 oil on panel_45x23cm_5_sm_2017
哈恩春天的田野令人印象深刻。沉醉在黎明時分被雛菊與罌粟花圍繞著,以及一大堆無法形容的新色彩,完美的融洽在一天的初始。香氛、微風、律動、共鳴、呢喃,我被帶著神遊其中,體驗到新的感受。我把它畫了下來。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
Impressive spring in the fields of Jaén ... Contemplating the dawn surrounded by daisies and poppies... and a host of new and unknown colors, in perfect harmony with the new day. The smells, the breeze, the vibration, the empathy, the whispers, to let oneself be carried away by a perfect communion and let that vision to give me new values ... and catch them in the form of this painting.
Azen Lee : 宋代朱熹 詩 春日
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147109_風雨後的清新 Después de la tormenta_油畫 oil on panel_45x23cm_5_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》《已被收藏 Sold》
十一月的某一天,我在哥多華地區的山裡躲避一場大雨,那是個空曠、寒冷、乾禿禿又色彩單調的地方...... 大雨繼續朝東行進,慢慢地,一道光在我身後出現,漸漸地照亮了一切,宛如煉金術士的巧手一般......光束以上千種振動的方式出現,透過滴落而下的雨珠,顏色七彩斑爛,璀璨華麗,而雨聲漸行漸遠,在天際偷偷地留下一道彩虹。我很少能畫出如此和諧美麗的色彩,我唯一做的只不過是打開眼睛來看,並心懷感動喜悅之情,僅僅如此而已....這件作品就是這樣完成的。(Translated by Yingchi)
Sheltered from a huge storm in the mountains of the province of Córdoba, one day in November. An empty, cold, dry and monocolor place ... the storm continues its journey to the east, and the light appears slowly behind my ... little by little floods everything, and as if it were the hands of an alchemist ... the colors appear in a thousand vibrations, sublimated by the drops of the rain, which slipped leaving rainbows in its path. I could hardly paint with such beautiful harmony ... it was just to look and fill with such beautiful emotions, and that's how it was ... this work is the result.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147110_小溪 El rio_油畫 oil on panel_35x33cm_6_sm_2017
源自哈恩省的康培羅河。這是一個讓我驚豔的畫面,在開滿鮮花的樹叢中連續投射出亮麗的背光….圍繞著我的,只有潺潺的流水音以及美妙的景色,讓我想捉住這充滿和平與美麗的一刻。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
Rio Campillo, from the province of Jaén. Amazing landscape, among the flowering trees and continuous and insinuating backlights of extreme beauty ... at that moment behind me, only the sound of the river water, a sublime scene, full of peace and beauty that I wanted to capture forever.
Azen Lee : 這幅畫放在家裡風水絶佳。
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147111_雪中的穆希亞 Muxia_油畫 oil on panel_60x60cm_18_sm_2018《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
在加利西亞的菲尼斯特地區徒步旅行,安詳平靜地走了長長的一段路,正當我好整以暇地端詳著穆希亞這小村落時,一陣暴風雪竟意外來襲。天空中飄落的雪花幾乎已把所有的一切覆蓋成一片銀白,在幾戶農莊與這片白色大地之間有個神奇的魔術正在上演,而遠處雄偉、暗黑、修長的的教堂鐘樓穩穩地自平地拔起,這一切簡直就是渾然天成的完美構圖。還不僅僅只是這樣,當太陽自烏雲中露臉迎接正在凝神觀看的我們,閃耀的光芒為這景色更增添了無上的壯麗輝煌。我不能自己地想把這份震撼與感動在畫布上揮灑出來! (Translated by Yingchi)
Taking a long and peaceful walk through the lands of the Galician Finisterre, a great storm surprised me, while I was observing this small village. A few snowfalls had covered almost everything of white color, and there was a magical game, between the rural houses and those white fields ... Majestic the tower of the church, dark, slender and well settled in the land ... all the set made a perfect composition ... even more, when the sun came out, among the storm clouds, welcome us, and leaving the landscape with a sublime vision for those who looked ... impossible not to fall into that special state of creation!
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147112_破曉時分赭黃色的海濱 Ocres,amarillos y bajamar.Finisterre.Bretana_油畫 oil on panel_70x70cm_25_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
布里紐岡是法國布列塔尼地區菲尼斯特爾省的一個小鎮,它是該區最美的小鎮之一,它位在一個小小的半島上,濱海而居。這幅畫捕捉的是即將漲潮的特別時分和黎明的霞光萬丈,以及曙光中突顯出的建築物、樹林的側影與輪廓。我親眼所見之景致與畫作之間不同的地方,僅在於那燦爛如注,亮晃晃閃動的破曉晨光帶給我創作的觸發與力量。(Translated by Yingchi and Chris)
Brignogan is a town located in the French Finistère (Brittany), aesthetically it is one of the most beautiful in the area. The village is located over a small peninsula surrounded by the sea. The picture captures the extraordinary moment of low tide and a dawn full of lights, highlighting the silhouettes of the small buildings and groves. The vision of the real scene and the work I did, only differ in the wonderful creative suggestion and the power that exerted on me, those first hours of the morning with their unstoppable dance of lights.
Chris Lee : 很少有人敢用螢光色系來當作特點,而Pedro做到了!螢光點點,有些像螢火蟲,有些像煙火,這些就是讓他的畫看起來很夢幻的原因。畫面右下方的水草也很有看頭!要現場看才看得清楚!
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147113_晨光中的克里斯蒂娜島 Rojos y Amarillos, Isla Cristina, Huelva_油畫 oil on panel_100x75cm_40P_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
克里斯蒂娜島,鄰近韋爾瓦的沿海城鎮。我等了好幾年才等到畫這幅作品的最佳時刻。那時,平靜的水面、淡黃色到橙色的晨光、清新乾淨的氣氛以及漁船的靜謐,充滿著和平、寧靜和和諧的一切,創造出一個特別的景致。當我意識到這個景象不會重現時,我馬上開始工作。我選擇了一個大尺寸的畫布,以便能夠按照我的感受去發揮,並照顧到細節處......每一筆都很重要,因為要留下這個良辰美景的見證。(Translated by Stevie and Chris)
Isla Cristina, coastal village of Huelva. I had been waiting several years for the precise moment to paint this work. The colors and the tide, in the almost perfect moment, the calm water, yellowish - orange morning lights, a fresh and clean atmosphere and the repose of the fishing boats ... filling everything with peace, calm and harmony, creating an special moment, something unrepeatable. Being aware of it, I got down to work. I chose a large size to be able to develop as I felt, down to the smallest details ... every brushstroke was important, to leave a testimony of the place and the moment.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147114_清澈的希利達海灣 Transparencias en Agua Xelida, Costa Brava_油畫 oil on panel_115x56cm_30_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
要我描述這幅畫、這個地方實在非常困難,因為在那裡,我有過非常美好的體驗,無論是在心靈上還是藝術上,很難用語言文字來表達。在那裡,我做了幾百次的觀察、文字紀錄、素描......來來去去,可是總會在那片小沙灘上進入半入定狀態,讓大自然的智慧之海流過我、淹沒我。在實際作畫中,我耐心等待了很多天,想等到海水在海灣中完美的波動......光線集中但不發散的那一天 ......看到隱藏在表象下更多大自然的和諧 ...... 那調皮的陽光,邊走邊玩,每一步都留下不同的光芒。但我早就習以為常,因為我已經把那景色完全收藏在我心中。這裡是加泰隆尼亞地區布拉瓦海岸的一個海灣,名叫希利達水灣,是我在地球上最喜歡的地方之一。(Translated by Stevie and Chris)
Talking about this place and this painting is very difficult for me, because in it, I have had great moments, both personal and artistic. From this place I have made hundreds of studies, writings, sketches ... comings and goings and in the end, always finishing on that small beach entering in semi meditation states, to flow and let me flood, with the wisdom of the simplest things. In this concrete painting, I waited carefully for many days, that perfect movement of the sea in the cove ... a day where the light was intense but not distempered ... see the essences more hidden in the backgrounds and in perfect harmony with the visible and natural ... and play with that capricious sun and his walk, leaving different lights at each step. But this time it did not surprise me, I had it so perfectly visualized in my interior, that there were no mysteries for me. It is a cove of the Costa Brava in Catalonia, called Aigua Xelida, one of my favorite places on the earth.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147115_維耶拉的雪景 Viella_油畫 oil on panel_66x87cm_30_sm_2018
這是特別的情感和個人感覺的創作。我時常出遊到加泰隆尼亞(位於伊比利半島東北部)境內庇里牛斯山脈的這個區域,撇開美學的問題之外,這個地區最讓我沉醉的是滿佈著色彩的能量。畫面中的這個地方叫內瑞河,在內里山和馬拉德塔山的山腳下。我把自己化身在這片風景中,就像自己是其中的元素似的….每個你看到的地方、每個角落就像是一幅幅現成的藝術品。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
This is a work of extraordinary emotion and personal sense. I travel very often, to this area of the Catalan Pyrenees, and let myself go, letting me be flooded, apart from many aesthetic questions, for the peace that reigns in this hermetic place, with a concentration of "colorful" energy that floats in the environment .... The place is the river Nere, and the mountains at the bottom of Pic de Neri and La Maladeta. In these landscapes I transform myself into color and empathize with each of the elements that live there ... Everywhere you look, each corner is likely to be a true work of art.
↑上圖:11471_Pedro Roldan_20181147116_馬吉歐蕾湖之美 Juegos de luz, Lago Maggiore _油畫 oil on panel_80x70cm_28_sm_2018《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
在初秋的某幾天,我靜靜地觀察了無數個小時….讓我用心傾聽這個畫面想述說的一切。又過了好幾天以及無數次的冥想之後….它逐漸在我腦海中浮現,於是我才開始作畫…..因為我知道了要挑選哪一個時段才能完美表達出我的感受….這是我作畫的方式,一旦我知道…..只要挑對時段,一切都將非常簡單。畫中美麗的小鎮是貝爾吉拉泰,在馬吉歐蕾湖的西南方。註:貝爾吉拉泰,位於義大利北方大城米蘭西北方的一個市鎮。(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
Several days during the early autumn, observing silently for hours ... letting me carry and listening attentively to everything that the images want to say. So, after several days and endless hours of semi-mediation ... it slowly settled in my mind and that's when I decide to take the material to paint ... know how to express everything I've felt for days and hours and choose the exact moment to explain everything ... it's where I apply more rigor and once I know ... everything is very easy and a matter of time. The image is of a small village called Belgirate, in the southwest of the lake.
Ne Shi Chi : 平靜的湖水,安靜的貝爾吉拉泰小鎮,
清脆繚亮的鐘聲,屬於『神界與光明界』的訊號,迴盪繚繞在村莊裡,代表著『神聖』,象徵神與天使降臨,帶來滿滿祝福與希望 。
Antonio Cobos ( 西班牙藝術評論協會會長 / Dean of the Association of Art Critics of Spain )
...Pedro Roldan 所繪的作品像是在夢中構思出來,每一處都是美侖美奐,邀請觀畫者也進入他的夢中。
..."The paintings by Pedro Roldan have been conceived in dreams, where everything is magic and fantasy, and created so that the viewers can dream too".
...Roldan 不是一位尋常的藝術家,不僅是因為他畫作的內在質量,而且是因為他是一個活生生的例子:擁有與眾不同的創造力,而這是當代藝術家能夠脫穎而出所最需要的東西。
...Roldan can be considered as "out of series" not only because of the intrinsic quality of his paintings, but because of the fact that it is a clear example of the creativity that must be demanded to the artists who want to distinguish nowadays.
以上文章引用自 https://pedroroldanm.es/en/press/13-antonio-cobos-2
Pedro López Ávila ( 語言學與文學教授、作家 / Professor of Language and Literature and writer )
假如彩繪畫家在作畫之前優先考慮色彩配置、假如色彩有它自己的個性、假如一幅作品必須具有感性層次與審美成分、假如藝術是情感的語言、假如材質和色彩存在著神秘感、假如創作內容必須要有深度,以及這個畫面必須超越具象的層面,我們會發現這些就是 Pedro Roldan 作品的特色。
If the colorful painters give priority to the color before the drawing, if the color is a sample of individuality, if a painting has to have a spiritual ethical and aesthetic component, if the art is the language of the feelings, if in the matter and the color resides the mystery, if the content of a creation must have depth and if we unite the figuration beyond what reaches our view, we will find the work of Pedro Roldán.
But, if in addition to all the above (more important than the well done) surprises us in the search for the open, a territory that was not there before, to undertake the adventure of breaking the limits imposed by reality and go incessantly and different in each creation (from a colorful show) in the world of dreams, of fantasy and of the pursuit of the enigma through extrasensory perceptions, its creation captivates us and miraculously captures us.
這就是 Pedro Roldan 的風格,打從內心來解讀這個世界,默默地只用色彩不需要陰影就能表達光明。
And it is that Pedro Roldan's painting is the interpretation of matter from his inner world, painting light only with color, he does not need shadows to turn the light on in silence.
Everything is placid; color announces the ineffable and from it arises silence, peace, timelessness, loneliness, melancholy and centuries looking for themselves in height; because, the passage of time does not exist, nor the human figure in his work, which is only insinuated in the artificial light of his houses imbricated in the landscape at nightfall, with a formal perfection bordering on a mystical hyperrealism, never known in the history of painting.
以上文章引用自 http://mileniumgallery.com/artista/pedro-roldan/
現今Pedro 和他妻子女兒一起生活在美麗的格拉納達城中。
Nowadays Pedro lives with his wife and his daughter in the beautiful city of Granada.
Pedro Roldán 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框,東側入口第一站] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Art Revolution Taipei 2018
貴賓之夜:2018. 5.17(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2018. 5.18(五)~5.21(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/