第六年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2018 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年規模擴大,創新高邀請來了十位藝術家,以景觀畫與人物畫為主。先從人物畫介紹起,這位是畫風非常有辨識度的人物畫大師 Fabio Hurtado [譯音:法比奧·歐羅他多]。他的風格主要凸顯在兩個地方,第一個是空間上用精簡的幾何圖形營造出一種超脫現實的氛圍,第二個則是在時間上刻意選擇20,30年代類似電影的場景。當然還有畫中女子的自若神態、衣著打扮與“紅色”短髮,都呼應了所謂的咆哮年代(Roaring Twenties)女性覺醒的意象。以這幅畫為例 [兜風_Bel Air],簡單的幾何色塊組合成房子與車子、女主角堅毅的神情、寵物狗的陪伴,人、車、犬三者目標一致,似乎即將展開一場旅行。福特T型車的發明帶動了汽車工業,也解放了當時人們的移動距離,加上第一次世界大戰結束後開展的咆哮年代,讓女性自覺顯著提升,獨立、堅強與自信,這幅畫就在表現這些意念。
Fabio Hurtado 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Fabio Hurtado [譯音:法比奧·歐羅他多]
58歲(1960),西班牙馬德里人。個人風格鮮明,多以20、30年代的電影場景為主題,畫中女主角往往具有優雅、豐腴、獨立、神秘、有教養和喜愛旅遊等氣質,色彩運用非常和諧與互補,畫作辨識度高。過去25年在美國、英國、荷蘭、瑞士和西班牙的畫廊巡迴展出。1996成為羅馬現代藝術學院的會員,2004年西班牙郵電總局發行一組以"女性與閱讀"為主題的集郵套票也收錄他一些繪畫作品。自1984年起迄今至少有21項個展、44項群展 (包含10場藝博會、3項美術館) 展出紀錄。
彷彿開啟一段時空之旅,儘管社會不斷變遷,但我發現了過去和現在的相似之處,就是人性不變。猶如一條通往感受與覺醒的幽徑,我藉此將情感融入到表層的畫面中。 這段旅程反覆出現的主題就是這種“內心活動”的隱喻,是對人性不變的一種反思。
Embarking on a journey through time, despite changes in society, I find a subtle parallel underlying both the past and the present; the human factor. My work incorporates emotions into the skin of the paintings as an intimate approach to a hidden world of feelings and self-awareness. The recurrent subject of traveling becomes a metaphor of this "inner movement", a poignant statement of the timeless unchanging realities of the human condition.
以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯by Lyanne Yang and Chris Lee):
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146001_機場_Aeródromo_油畫 oil on canvas_33x41cm_6F_sm_2016
"Aeródromo" (Aerodrome) shows a woman awaiting the happy return of a pilot with whom she is in love. It belongs to a series of paintings celebrating the adventures of the aviation pioneers from the early twentieth century.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146002_兜風_Bel Air_油畫 oil on canvas_146x114cm_80F_sm_2010
《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》《正式展,獲得美術館收藏》
百‧萊爾(Bel Air) 是洛杉磯的富人區。兜風系列作品特別致敬於以姿態和臉部神情"說話"的 20年代無聲電影。當年許多偉大導演如卓別林(Chaplin)、穆瑙(Murnau)、佛雷茲朗(Friz Lang)、愛森斯坦(Sergei Eisenstein)奠定了默劇電影特有話術基礎,也深深影響了我的藝術創作生涯。
Bel Air belongs to a series of paintings in homage to the silent films of the 20’s. Gestures and facial expression had to “speak” because of the absence of sound. During that time, Chaplin, Murnau, Lang, Eisenstein and other great directors created the base of cinematographic language, which have had a huge influence on my artistic painting career. Bel Air is a district in Los Angeles in USA.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146003_天堂酒店_H
Hotel Paradiso is the name of an imaginary hotel. The artwork belongs to a series of paintings inspired by the social changes that affected the roles of women in the first half of the twentieth century. The birth of the modern woman as we know her today, self-sufficient and independent, has interested me as a subject for long time. In this image, I tried to portray an elegant, sensual and self-confident lady observing the spectator, looking them straight in the eye with a flirtatious smile.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146004_植物園II_Jardin Botánico II_油畫 oil on canvas_81x114cm_50P_sm_2016《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
"JardínBotánico II" (Botanic garden II) is a piece of work, which explores the world of emotions in a subtle way. Melancholy and joy shown in a same image. The woman seems a bit dreaming awake while she observes a scene that apparently recalls a happy episode of her past.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146005_蒼鷺 III_La garza III_油畫 oil on canvas_150x97cm_80P_sm_2018
"La Garza III" (The Heron III) belong to a series of paintings representing woman's sensuality. The sensual curves and the stylish silhouette of the bird suggest an intimate atmosphere close to daydreaming in a warm tropical environment.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146006_飛行場的回憶_Memorias de un aeródromo_油畫 oil on canvas_116x81cm_50P_sm_2017
"Memorias de un aeródromo" (Aerodrome Memories). The start of the Modern Times Era at the beginning of the twentieth century produced a huge evolutionin transport. That all meant a radical change and a chance to travel or even explore the world as never before. This is a homage to all the pioneers whose spirit of adventure and search for new knowledge I deeply admire.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146007_尼羅河之旅 Nilo_油畫 oil on canvas_120x81cm_50P_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
數年前,當我乘船遊埃及 納賽爾湖(Lake Nasser)時,彷彿置身阿嘉莎(Agatha Christie)推理小說情節。目不暇給的湖光山色正適合腦海中不斷浮現一幕幕引人入勝懸疑的故事場景。
註:阿嘉莎•克莉絲蒂(1890~1976)是公認的「偵探小說女王」(Queen of Crime),她的大部分小說都曾搬上銀幕,部分著作,如《東方快車謀殺案》和《尼羅河謀殺案》等更多次改編成電影和電視作品。
Some years ago, I had the chance to take a cruise along Lake Nasser in Egypt travelling in a boat that could have been a scenario from one Agatha Christie’s novels. I spent some time fantasizing about this ship in such a peculiar environment where I could perfectly imagine other passengers involved in mysterious events behind the pleasant appearance of an exotic voyage.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146008_鶴 II_La grulla II_油畫 oil on canvas_73x92cm_30F_sm_2018《已被收藏 Sold》
"La grulla II" (The crane II) belongs to a series of paintings representing women’s sensuality. The interaction between the sensual forms of the figure and the stylish silhouette of the bird suggests a warm and relaxed atmosphere. She seems to enjoy a moment of calm, lost in thought, watching what is happening around her.
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146009_小憩III_La siesta III_油畫 oil on canvas_92x65cm_30P_sm_2018
"La Siesta" is a painting inspired by "La dormeuse" by Polish-French artist Balthus. Despite differences in composition, both certainly share a happy dreamlike atmosphere. I encourage the spectator to use his imagination to unravel the mystery and create his own story. A woman lying with her eyes closed and a sweet expression, a dog patiently waiting for her to wake up. What is she dreaming about?
↑上圖:11460_Fabio Hurtado_20181146010_遺忘II_Oblivion II_油畫 oil on canvas_60x73cm_20F_sm_2018
我藉著此幅作品來對二十世紀、阿根廷舉足輕重的探戈音樂(tango)作曲家 阿斯托‧爾潘塔萊昂‧皮亞佐拉(Astor Piazzolla)致敬。《遺忘Oblivion》也是皮亞佐拉最富代表性的探戈小品之一。
This piece of work pays homage to Argentinian tango composer Astor Piazzolla, one of the most important musicians of the twentieth century. Oblivion is one of his masterworks.
發行日期:23/01/2004。這個集郵套組是由兩組套票所組成,每組套票有三張郵票,都印有Fabio Hurtado的作品。閱讀是教育的基石,在二十世紀的前30年,小學教育在男女之間幾乎平等,女學生人數大幅增加。接受教育是婦女地位在現代社會中的一大進步。
Date of issue: 23/01/2004. This philatelic issue is made up of two souvenir sheets with three stamps each which depict works of Fabio Hurtado. Reading is always close to education. In the first 30 years of the XX century primary schooling became almost equal between men and women and the number of women students increased considerably. Access to culture was a great step forward in their role in modern society.
Fabio 喜歡畫紅頭髮的女性,因為他的母親也是紅頭髮,他敬愛著她。紅髮女性通常很獨立、堅強、有趣和性感,Fabio 喜歡將這些特徵賦予他所描繪的女性。而且紅髮鮮明亮麗,在背景畫面上可凸顯人物的面容。
Fabio paints red haired woman because his mother is red haired, and he admires and loves her deeply. Red haired are independent, strong, funny and sensual women, and Fabio like to give these characteristics to the woman he paints. On the other hand, red hair gives light and color to the faces and combines and highlight the backgrounds adding color to the entire composition.
Fabio, deeply admires women and involves them in his work, in a form, that women who appear in his paintings are not objects, or just beautiful women. The women he paints are independent, intelligent, free, sensual, delicate but strong women. The birds represent the free spirit, sensuality, and elegance of the women. Dogs signify loyalty, fidelity and reinforce the idea of women's independence, intelligence and empowerment.
The women who appear in his paintings are usually elegant, independent, enigmatic, educated and traveling; sometimes captured in moments of intimate loneliness and others in the dynamics of a trip.
Chloe Chiu (NYCA紐約當代藝術基金經理):這是希臘式的古典型式,強調理性的美感,所以Fabio 的女性塑造,的確是屬於獨立、自由、堅強這類的特質。在預展時某位藏家,他的太太正好就擁有這些特質,於是就收藏了其中的一幅畫。
Chloe Chiu:不被允許笑,那時候的審美觀念是要理性至上,要莊嚴感。
Chloe Chiu:傳統油畫中,畫家會刻意強調動物的優良血統以證明牠們價值不斐,進而彰顯主人的社經地位。
Chris Lee:Fabio認為狗狗代表忠實、忠誠,同時也彰顯出女主人的獨立、智慧與能力。畫中的狗清一色是獵犬,有格雷伊獵犬 (Greyhound)、不列塔尼獵犬 (Breton Spaniel Dog)、米格魯 (Beagle dog)、巴吉度獵犬 (法語:Basset hound)等等,在以前的年代,只有皇家貴族才會飼養獵犬以供狩獵之用。這些也彰顯出女主人的貴氣!
Fabio Hurtado是一位很有辨識度的藝術家在二種不同方面。第一種是空間上營造出超現實的氛圍幾何組成,彷彿進入他個人的內心世界。音樂家、迷般的女性,以及帶著隠喻味道的鳥群(或動物),似乎生活在這個戲劇般的場景中。第二種是時間上重現1920年和1930年代的電影場景,很有現代個性的女性人物,似乎暗喻新時代女性的角色將與過去不同,凸顯出長久以來社會上對女性的限制。
Fabio Hurtado is an artist with an unmistakable style expressed through two different sides. The first one is marked by a geometric application in surreal atmosphere compositions...a personal approach to a magic inner world. Musicians, enigmatic women and a metaphorical representation of birds seem to inhabit this theatrical landscape. The second recreate scenes in an almost cinematographic context, mostly set within the 1920's and 1930' s in a stylish and modern orientated look at women's new role in society, a poignant statement of the timeless unchanging realities of the human condition.
以上文章引用自 https://www.artgalaxie.com/index.php/fabio-hurtado#artist-profile
Fabio Hurtado 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框,東側入口第一站] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Art Revolution Taipei 2018
貴賓之夜:2018. 5.17(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2018. 5.18(五)~5.21(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/