11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145403_走在一起_El corrillo_油畫 oil on panel_122x88cm_sm_2017.JPG

第六年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2018 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年規模擴大,創新高邀請來了十位藝術家,以景觀畫與人物畫為主。前面三位不同風格的人物畫大師 Fabio Hurtado 、Didier Lourenço 和  German Aracil 都介紹完之後,接下來這位是人物畫與景觀畫兼具的大師 Antonio Varas de la Rosa [譯音:安東尼奧·瓦拉斯·德拉羅莎] 。他以古典技法為底,但融合印象派、表現主義和超現實主義等風格,用都市人文景觀為主題,內容亦多象徵意涵。他擅長表現出水的倒影以及雨中街景。背景常常隨興勾勒出"隱藏版的人臉幻象(hidden faces)"則是他的識別標記,幽默地訴說著"萬物有靈"的訊息。以這幅畫為例 [走在一起_El corrillo],將通往薩拉曼卡市政廣場之前的的卡瑞歐廣場當作舞台場景,觀光客與市民們就是演員,象徵著「歷史悠久的城市是主角,來來往往的人物只是過客。」視覺中央的人群即將走進明亮開闊的大廣場,象徵著「人生路上朋友相伴,一起走向光明所在。」而背景中諸多的隱藏面容代表著「人類的足跡會留下印記,化成一張張的人臉留在城市(這個有機體)的記憶之中。」非常超現實!



Antonio Varas 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_.jpg

Antonio Varas de la Rosa [譯音:安東尼奧·瓦拉斯·德拉羅莎] 




My works are linked to the water, reflexes and gazes across open windows. A curious person, who looks at and transcribe his sensations with colors and forms, so that the viewers can dispose at will in a timely manner, the impression he creates. A concert for two: the painter and the spectator. I dress with my colors, reflections and mysteries of hidden streets and faces so that others can see and enjoy. “Light is on the ground, it hugs our eyes."



11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145401_廣場上的咖啡館_Cafe a la plaza_油畫 oil on panel_100x80cm_sm_2017.jpg

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145401_廣場上的咖啡館_Cafe a la plaza_油畫 oil on panel_100x80cm_40F_sm_2017

被選入寶勝畫廊 X-Power Gallery 「台北新藝術博覽會2018ART(第一波)預展 Preview1」

Reflects the view of a cafe in the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca- Spain. Any morning of any day, after a daily walk and waiting for rest and relax, in a cafeteria, while take something nice, while you can see through the window, the provincial and poetic life of people, who take refuge in their umbrellas and their thoughts. The bluish and cold light is in the Plaza. The warm light in the interior of the cafe. More contrasted Brushstrokes in the foreground and more veiled when we look at the square. (Translated by Chris Lee) 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145403_走在一起_El corrillo_油畫 oil on panel_122x88cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145403_走在一起_El corrillo_油畫 oil on panel_122x88cm_50P_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》

Made with many textures and layers where are hidden faces and characters of a theatrical illusion. Plaza del Corrillo, old square. It is the urban space that is crossed before accessing the majestic Plaza Mayor of Salamanca of the eighteenth century. Place of encounters and way of citizens with their fantasies to approach the Light of LA PLAZA. Day of rain and textures, like the papers and cardboard that fall apart with the rain on the floor forming part of the theatrical scenery of life. The whole atmosphere is like a theatrical set, where the characters - walkers - come and go. The spectator is recreated in the light and movement of their lives. (Translated by Chris Lee) 


IMG_plaza del corrillo salamanca1.jpg


IMG_plaza del corrillo salamanca2.jpg








11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145406_薩拉曼卡的市政廣場_El teatro de la Plaza_油畫 oil on panel_110x81cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145406_薩拉曼卡的市政廣場_El teatro de la Plaza_油畫 oil on panel_110x81cm_50P_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》

This work represents in its entirety the relationship between painting and theater. Characters that have been included to the "theatrical scenery" of the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca-Spain. The passersby in its coming and going through the center of the city. Walkers, couples, loners ... to be part of the work-pictorial-of the artist who portrays them as part of it. The bottoms of the arches disappear to give a magical motivation to the dream. Blue and ocher tones connect as if they were flying in the midday light.  (Translated by Chris Lee) 


↑上圖:Plaza Mayor de Salamanca 薩拉曼卡市政廣場是薩拉曼卡的中心地帶和心臟。


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145407_雨中的廣場_Lluvia en la plaza_油畫 oil on canvas_100x73cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145407_雨中的廣場_Lluvia en la plaza_油畫 oil on canvas_100x73cm_40P_sm_2017

Oil on panel in a composition from the northeast corner of the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca. The center of the social life of the city through which most of its citizens pass by daily. It was a cold day with empty tables at the coffees, but with all the grandeur of a perspective reflected in the painting. The greatness of the ocher colors of its stones gives a poetic touch to the work. The figures, faces or masks that are drawn in the reflections of the floor give that mystery and theatrical dream that impregnates, this and most of my paintings. (Translated by Chris Lee) 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145414_廣場歲月_Plaza anos 50_油畫 oil on panel_55x60cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145414_廣場歲月_Plaza anos 50_油畫 oil on panel_55x60cm_20號_sm_2017

This painting recreates the citizens with their clothes and tasks, so equal to those of today, but with the scenography of a Plaza Mayor-Salamanca- so equal to the current one. The ocher stone and its gray tones recreate reality and its passage through time. The light of a late summer sunset of the 50s in a provincial Spain. Modern painting with a vintage touch for the dream, the longing and the memory. (Translated by Chris Lee) 

※補充介紹:來自Salamanca 的藝術家 Antonio Varas Rosa

從畫說都市人文與歷史文化 : 

馬約爾廣場(Plaza Mayor 又譯作市政廣場)位於城市中心,底層有拱柱排列的迴廊,每個廊柱上鑲嵌著國王或者大學校長的浮雕塑像,是西班牙和歐洲最美麗的城市廣場之一。




11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145402_坎德拉里奧(薩拉曼卡的山城)_Candelario_複合媒材 mixed media on canvas_106x106cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖: 11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145402_坎德拉里奧(薩拉曼卡的山城)_Candelario_複合媒材 mixed media on canvas_106x106cm_50SQ_sm_2017

被選入寶勝畫廊 X-Power Gallery 「台北新藝術博覽會2018ART(第一波)預展 Preview1」
這幅畫在構圖上著重於光線的明暗與色彩的濃烈。主題特寫在屋頂、屋簷和陽台,背景是白雪覆蓋的山脈,勾勒出薩拉曼卡的一個小山莊 - 坎德拉里奧。厚重而多彩的寬闊筆觸讓人印象深刻,無需遮掩修飾,直接挑動觀畫者的視覺神經。在屋頂和雪山之間,是十四世紀羅馬式的教堂塔樓。正方形的畫板格式,可以讓觀畫者隨意想像地往各個方向去做視覺延伸。
This painting has a strong play of light and color in its composition. The motif, in a close-up of roofs, eaves and terraces with the snow-covered mountains in the background, represents a small village in the Sierra of Salamanca - Candelario. Thick and colorful brushwork to impress with wide strokes, without veiling to see at a distance and to excite the eyes. Between the roofs and the snowy mountains, the Romanesque tower of its church of the XIV century. Square format for the viewer to move at will in his fantasy on either side. (Translated by Chris Lee) 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145404_閱讀時光_El sueño del  lector_油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145404_閱讀時光_El sueño del lector_油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_20號_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》

Soft brushstroke and glazes of bright colors. The theme recreates a romantic bar in Paris, on a rainy Sunday morning where the main character of this painting reads, he is recreated with his reading at his small table, next to the window, in which the landscape of the street disappears. A woman sheltered in her umbrella moves towards an indefinite and poetic horizon that seems to be part of the imagination of a dream. The painter leaves in the magic and the interpretation of the spectator the definition of this work is: The reader's dream is the viewer's imagination. (Translated by Chris Lee) 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145408_童心_Niños_油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_sm_2017.JPG


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145408_童心_Niños_油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_20SQ_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》

Symbolic painting in the minds of some children on their way to adolescence. Pictorial work with textures, without defined backgrounds and light and imaginative strokes around it. Children dream in a close-up of life with their fantasy of paper ties without more projects than their current moment. One of the children, watches the horizon, in search of the future, that does not appear in the image, but that will arrive.  (Translated by Chris Lee) 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145409_對比_Paisanajes con pajaritas_油畫 oil on panel_81x100cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145409_對比_Paisanajes con pajaritas_油畫 oil on panel_81x100cm_40F_sm_2017

被選入寶勝畫廊 X-Power Gallery 「台北新藝術博覽會2018ART(第一波)預展 Preview1」

Oil on panel painting. With the same intention of the work Paisanajes. The paper bow ties interrelate between human reality and fantasy. It is a figurative painting, but approaching the fantasy of a dream. Two characters that represent - youth and maturity. Movement and serenity. (Translated by Chris Lee) 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145411_紅傘下的嚮往_Paraguas rojo_油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145411_紅傘下的嚮往_Paraguas rojo_油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_20SQ_sm_2017

Characters without landscape in a symbolic reverie, in a walk of coming and going of life. Loneliness and company. The red of youth and the blue of maturity. The landscape will be set by the spectator. Just a few fallen leaves and a floor where hidden faces regulate and detail our walk. The painting is a world, a mystery to be deciphered, and the viewer must draw the hidden correspondences that unite the sensitive objects that appear on it. (Translated by Chris Lee) 

ROSA group's comment part1: 

ROSA group's comment part2: 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145410_傘裡傘外_Paisanajes_油畫 oil on panel_162x100cm_sm_2017.jpg

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145410_傘裡傘外_Paisanajes_油畫 oil on panel_162x100cm_100M_sm_2017

PAISANAJES (people who were born in the same place, which complement a landscape). In this painting, I do not define the outer space so that the spectator can imagine and complement it to its will, or that it dreams and internalizes with its own emotion. They are characters taken from a walk on the street on any rainy winter day. Figures of an imaginary theater in which some paper bow ties, that look real, play with the characters as in a story. The faces are painted with precise brushstrokes and as the characters descend brushstrokes are more lost and veiled. (Translated by Chris Lee) 

這幅畫底下寫的兩行字都是一些職業名稱與行人, 翻譯如下(translated by Kyle):
作家, 市議員, 賣家, 乞丐, 老師, 夢想家, 塗鴉者, 傳令者
退休人士, 學生, 觀光客, 旅客, 裁縫師, 行人, 遊戲領導者, 居民

Sunny Ko : 想起一首老歌,在陌生城市裡生長的人們,即使一身滄桑,城市裡我們努力總不會忘記風向。

張鎬哲 - 北風 / North Wind (by Hao-Che Chang)









Antonio 傘主題系列:以反照(水影或是鏡面)為構圖題材,兼具表現主義與插畫風格之間,既有照像般的寫實又似乎超越現實;像是在古典建築或是古老建築的混搭場景上,人物像劇場般的演出一場有如超現實的戲劇,這些構成了他的作品特色。
The themes of umbrella. The reflections and compositions between the expressive and illustrative today define the painting of A. VARAS. The photographic and the unreal are linked. The union between classical architecture, the historical building, with the human in a plastic and surreal play as if it were a small theatrical stage, constitute the plastic framing of his works.


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145405_牧羊人與修道院_El pastor y la ermita_油畫 oil on panel_50x40cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145405_牧羊人與修道院_El pastor y la ermita_油畫 oil on panel_50x40cm_10P_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》

A shepherd goes through the fields of a village in Castile-West of Spain. On the outskirts climbs a small hill, where a small hermitage can be guessed. The village church on a summer morning. Luminous painting with precise lines of impressionist character, to give strength to the vegetation of shrubs and cereals with poppies. The pastor goes to the bottom. It has a long route in the day. (Translated by Chris Lee) 

Chris: 松菸預展時遇到一位信奉天主教的貴賓跟我分享她看這幅畫的心得:「牧羊人(神父或是牧師)帶領著羊群(教徒)走在神的道路上,向著神的居所(教堂)前進。這是一條上坡路,雖然辛苦,但是看到陽光灑落在教堂上,好像指引出這是一條光明之路。」


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145412_牧羊人I_Pastor castellano_ 油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145412_牧羊人I_Pastor castellano_ 油畫 oil on panel_62x62cm_20SQ_sm_2017

The painting has a horizon line well marked by the difference in colors. The cold and ocher fields of Castilla- Soft brushstrokes. Painting of local style that reflects the tasks of a shepherd of sheeps in the extensive landscapes of this area of Spain. The shepherd observes the process of a possible storm on one side of the painting. His animals remain calm and mark the serenity that permeates the picture. Will rain?
(Translated by Chris Lee) 


11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145413_牧羊人II_Pastor del cerrato_油畫 oil on pane_62x62cm_sm_2017.JPG

↑上圖:11454_Antonio Varas de la Rosa_20181145413_牧羊人II_Pastor del cerrato_油畫 oil on pane_62x62cm_20SQ_sm_2017

Pictorial work done with clear nuances and very veiled brushstrokes, except the main character, the shepherd, which is more contrasted and defined, so that the viewer is wrapped in his eyes. The horizon, which coincides with the height of the eyes of the shepherd, in this case is higher, to give more strength to the earth. The fields of Castile-West of Spain- fertile land of cereals and pastures.
(Translated by Chris Lee)


目前,他兼具藝術家的身分與教育家的身分,在 Salamanca 的 Torres Villarroel 中學,教授壓克力顏料繪畫。
Currently, he combines his artistic work with being  a professor of plastic and drawing in the Secondary School Torres Villarroel of Salamanca.




Antonio Varas 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框,東側入口第一站] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

Art Revolution Taipei 2018 
貴賓之夜:2018. 5.17(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2018. 5.18(五)~5.21(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 

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    Chris Lee


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