第六年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2018 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年規模擴大,創新高邀請來了十位藝術家,以景觀畫與人物畫為主。繼第一位很有個人風格的人物畫大師 Fabio Hurtado 之後,接下來這位也是非常有辨識度的素樸女性人物畫大師 Didier Lourenço [譯音:迪迪爾·羅倫索]。他是一位自學成才的藝術家,早年在父親開設的平版印刷工作室工作並接觸到當時加泰隆尼亞諸多優秀藝術家的作品,因此形塑出他的個人風格,初試啼聲就獲得好評。他以素樸簡單的女性生活題材,搭配上豐富的紋理與配色,營造出一種平面雕塑的質感。以這幅畫為例 [香水 El perfume],構圖上巧妙地把背景圖案與女性形象融合在一起,背後磁磚呈現出藍白色經典的地中海風情,也暗示著夏日時光與海水味。當她微笑地在享受那芬芳的花香時,橘色的緦紅、頭飾與手中的花朵,恰好與藍色的背景對比著。回眸一笑,彷彿在笑我們發現了她的秘密。
Didier Lourenço 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Didier Lourenço [譯音:迪迪爾·羅倫索]
50歲(1968),西班牙人(巴塞隆納)。自學成才,19歲開始在他父親的平版印刷工作室工作並學習,隔年開始創作自己的版畫系列,並獲得好評,還為他贏得一項著名的青年藝術家獎項。風格鮮明有個人特色,以素樸簡單的女性生活題材,搭配上豐富的紋理與配色,營造出一種平面雕塑的質感。自1988年起迄今至少有80項個展(含一場美術館)、119項群展(包括30場藝博會) 展出記錄。
Didier Lourenço的藝術生涯啟蒙於父親的平版印刷工坊,在那裡,他也受到許多優秀藝術家的薰陶。他的人物畫精於細節、紋理豐富,更不時增添一些純色的點綴,值得讓人駐足欣賞。許多國際級的知名畫廊都曾展出他的作品。
Didier Lourenço began his career as an artist in his father's lithography workshop, where he began to form and met the most outstanding artists of the time. His works are composed of figurative paintings full of nuances and rich textures with some sparkles and splashes of pure color that give his work richness worthy of contemplation. Throughout his career he has done countless exhibitions, at the most prestigious international galleries.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145701_藍貓 Blue cat_油畫 oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_sm_2017
在這簡單的構圖內,大面積的冷色調與女主角暖色調的頭髮和肌膚產生鮮明對比。這景象呈現了一位等待朋友拜訪的悠閒女性和一個總是陪伴主人的藍色忠誠朋友。她在等的是誰?那個他快來了嗎?(Translated by WuanLing Kao)
In this simple composition, cold tones stand out, which contrast with the warm and vivid tones of the skin and hair of the female figure. The scene shows the relaxed wait of the woman, always accompanied by her faithful friend the blue cat. Who is she waiting for? Will he arrive soon?
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145710_小狗 Puppy_油畫 oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
共享放鬆的時刻,女孩輕撫著她的小狗,讓這位忠實的同伴可以安心入夢。(Translated by Chris)
Moments of shared relaxation, the girl caressing and watching the sweet dream of her puppy, its companion and faithful friend.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145704_紅貓 Gato rojo_油畫 oil on canvas_130x50cm_30號_sm_2017
溫馨甜美的構圖將我們帶入春天的午後,一位在享受休息放鬆時光的女孩與她衷心的紅色朋友,與她非常親近的守護著她的美夢。(Translated by WuanLing Kao)
Sweet composition that takes us to a spring afternoon, the girl in a relaxed resting, while his faithful friend, the red cat, very close to her, monitors and cares for her dream.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145707_凝視_Mira_油畫 oil on canvas_92x60cm_30M_sm_2018《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
在一個悠閒的初夏,一杯好茶,一張舒適的沙發和一個鬆軟的靠墊,花香充滿了整個房間,一隻貓發出舒服的嗚嗚聲陪伴在女孩旁,多麼美妙的時刻啊!(Translated by WuanLing Kao)
Summer time, relaxing moments, a good cup of tea, a comfortable sofa, a few fluffy cushions, the flowers aroma perfumes the room, and the cat, the faithful friend and companion of the girl who purrs at her side. Perfect moment!
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145711_小鳥 The bird_油畫 oil on canvas_110x120cm_65號_sm_2017
在構圖上,畫中女子與背景是融合為一的。女子手中輕握著她的鳥兒,畫面是如此的溫柔,畫中色彩柔和,洋溢著幸福溫暖,小鳥和女子頭上戴的頭巾是同一個顏色,真是心心相應的知己啊! (Translated by Yingchi Ku)
Original composition in which the background and the female figure are integrated, and become one, the touch of color and warmth provided by the tender scene of the girl ,holding gently her bird, which is the same color as the handkerchief that she adorns her hair, a great little friend.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145702_點 Dots _油畫 oil on canvas_75x150cm_55號_sm_2017
大膽的構圖,空氣裡充滿了歡樂和繽紛的色彩與春天歌頌的聲音。畫在背景下的點和女孩的裙子混在一起,形成了一個色彩繽紛的組合。女孩的頭髮和嘴唇都是熱情的大紅色,就像她手中那些春天綻放的花朵,充滿著愛的都交付給她了。(Translated by WuanLing Kao)
Audacious composition, ode to spring, joy and color. The dots in the background of the painting are mixed with the girl's dress forming a colorful set. The girl's hair and lips are red passionate, like the spring flowers she holds and that her love has just given her.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145703_香水 El perfume_油畫 oil on canvas_110x120cm_65號_sm_2017
原創構圖巧妙地把背景與女性肖像融合在一起,背後磁磚呈現出白藍色經典的地中海圖案風貌。繪畫中也暗示著夏日時光與海陪伴著。當她微笑在享受那芬芳的香水時,她兩頰的緦紅和她所拿著的花朵呼應著,女性肖像中襯托對比色。(Translated by Kyle)
Original composition in which the background and the female figure are integrated, and become one. White and blue colors in tiles with typical Mediterranean shapes. Painting that suggests summer time, next to the sea. The contrast of color is in the feminine figure, in the blush of her cheeks, and in the flower she holds, while she smells and enjoy its delicate perfume.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145709_花雨中的自行車 Pedales y petalos_油畫 oil on canvas_97x130cm_60F_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
春天來了! 鮮花淹沒了一切,花瓣到處飛翔,陪我在鄉間散步,我們一起開心地去探險吧!(Translated by Chris)
It's Spring! The flowers flood everything, the petals fly, accompany me on my country walk, we will be happy and explore magical places.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145705_一起來 Let´s go_油畫 oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_sm_2018 《已被收藏 Sold》
在一個陽光明媚的夏天,最適合騎著單車,青春的樂章環繞整座城市,激發了許多美好。這位女孩正看著我們,彷彿在問我們願意一起來發掘這一切的美好嗎?(Translated by WuanLing Kao)
Warm summer days, perfect for cycling. Youth in movement, from here to there, traveling the city, exploring places and knowing wonderful sites. The girl looks at us. Do you want to join us?
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145712_來吧 Vamos_油畫 oil on canvas_130x97cm_60F_sm_2016《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
戀人們,在春日出遊吧~讓我們沉醉在藍海裡,享受我們的青春和我們的愛。生命是美好的!(Translated by Chris)
Lovers walk, on a spring day, let's contemplate the blue sea, let's enjoy our youth and our love. Life is Beautiful!
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145708_散步 Paseo_油畫 oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_sm_2017《松菸預展 Songshan Preview》
在星期天的城市裡,人們踏著輕快的步伐,享受著晴朗的時光。今天不必急!讓咱們一塊出去走走,為這美好的城市添加色彩和活力吧!(Translated by Kyle and Chris)
Sunday in the city, people walking, enjoying the sunny day in a relaxed atmosphere, today there is no rush. Let's enjoy the city and fill it with color and life.
↑上圖:11457_Didier Lourenço_ 20181145706_相遇(雙拼畫) Meeting_油畫 oil on canvas_200x100cm_100號_sm_2016
在某個城市的交叉路口人來人往,有女孩、男孩、散步的、騎著單車的、情侶、寵物…等都充滿著生命力與色彩,這些都促使了這個城市快樂美妙,與灰色的柏油路相較之下,是多麼單純的生活,多麼單純的美好!(Translated by WuanLing Kao)
A crossroads in any big city, people who come and go, girls, boys, walkers, cyclists, couples, pets, people that fill with life and color, and that make cities happy and beautiful, in contrast with the gray color of asphalt . Pure Life! Pure Joy!
1991年,Didier Lourenço在 沙拉帕雷斯畫廊(西班牙成立的第一家畫廊,1877)舉辦的"新銳畫家比賽"中贏得薩瓦德爾銀行所贊助的獎項。因為這個奬項,他被選入在巴塞隆納.沙拉瑪依瑞達畫廊的群展“寫實新銳7人展"。這個展覽是 Lourenço事業的轉捩點,獲得了許多加泰隆尼亞畫廊幫他辦個展的機會。在巴塞隆納立足之後,他迅速在西班牙全境獲得認可,作品也在許多大城市展出,像是馬德里、瓦倫西亞…等。當時,他的作品還獲得一個重要的藝術編輯的青睞並把他推向國際市場。
In 1991, Didier Lourenço won the Banc Sabadell Prize in the Sala Parés Young Painters contest. With this award he was selected to be a part of a group exhibition, titled "7 New Realities" in Sala Vayreda, in Barcelona. This show was a turning point in the career of Lourenço, and led to many solo exhibits in art galleries around Catalonia. After establishing himself in Barcelona, he quickly began gaining recognition throughout Spain, where his work was shown in cities such as Madrid and Valencia. During this period the artist's work was catapulted in to the international market by one of the major art editors in the world
2000年,一家著名的海報出版商和經銷商到世界各地展示他的作品。這個全球性的曝光度迅速引起了諸多畫廊的興趣,他們想要展示他的原畫作品。於是 Didier Lourenço 開始周遊各國舉辦個展,諸如紐約、西雅圖、洛衫磯、香港、波多黎各、紐奧良、納許維爾(美國田納西州)、南非、拉斯維加斯、邁阿密、新加坡等地。他的日子填滿了旅行和展覽,個展與群展持續中。
In 2000, a prestigious publisher and distributor of posters took his work worldwide. This global presence quickly sparked the interest of galleries, who would present his original work. Didier traveled around the world to his solo exhibits in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, New Orleans, Nashville, South Africa, Las Vegas, Miami, Singapore, among others. His days are filled with trips and exhibitions. His individual and collective shows continue.
「素樸藝術」根據法文Naïfs而來,英文稱之Naive Art,意指純樸天真的藝術,也被稱為「現代原始藝術」。這種藝術天生自然、原始純真,創作者無師自通、風格獨特,不受既有的藝術法則束縛。通過作品的展現,觀者可以直擊創作者的心靈世界,從中洞察人性的本質。
「素樸派」並沒形成一個團體,是評論家為方便稱呼而如此命名,也有人稱之「二十世紀的早期畫家(Peintres Primitifs)」或「二十世紀的原始畫家」。他們是一群業餘的藝術愛好者,對於開展新的主義毫不關心,所以不像印象派那樣有群體藝術運動,因此也不把繪畫當做職業看待。
素樸藝術的推廣,以銳眼的德國藝評收藏家威廉伍德(Wilhelm Uhde, 1874~1947)貢獻最大,尤其他發掘了有「二十世紀素樸藝術之父」之稱的亨利盧梭(Henri Rousseau, 1844~1910),讓世人從而認識素樸藝術的撼人力量,並使其他幾乎被忽略的素樸藝術家-薩賀芬路易、路易維凡、安德列波希安、凱米爾邦波瓦等人的偉大作品得以受到世人的關注。
素樸畫派不只侷限於法國,也在地中海沿岸發展迅速,如南斯拉夫和希臘等國家。此外,在格魯吉亞、匈牙利,和一些中南美洲國家也出現了素樸藝術的蹤跡。主要代表人物有:亨利盧梭(Henri Rousseau, 1844~1910)、薩賀芬路易(Séraphine Louis, 1864~1942)、路易維凡(Louis Vivin, 1861~1936)、凱米爾邦波瓦(Camille Bombois, 1883~1970)、多明尼克培洛涅(Dominique Peyronnet, 1872~1943)等人。
Didier Lourenço 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2018-4-17~21 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框,東側入口第一站] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2018ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Art Revolution Taipei 2018
貴賓之夜:2018. 5.17(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2018. 5.18(五)~5.21(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/