IMG_Myriam Arnold_01.JPG

第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第十位要介紹的是2021年新參展的女性卡漫風拼貼畫大師 Myriam Arnold [譯音:蜜莉雅·阿諾德]。自學成材的Myriam,喜歡悠遊於各種媒材與不同技法之間,隨心所欲、直覺式的揮灑色彩,創作出一幅幅夢幻又帶有故事性的作品。她的繪畫充滿感情,訴說的故事永遠是來自夢幻國度、恬靜世界的正面訊息,帶著些許童稚天真。這次來參展的作品有三十幅之多,因此分兩篇文章來介紹。  







Myriam Arnold 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



20211208000_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙.jpg

Myriam Arnold [譯音:蜜莉雅·阿諾德]

55歲(1966),西班牙人。生於塔拉戈納省薩洛,現居雷烏斯。自學成才,畫風屬夢幻寫實主義,亦帶有素樸藝術之天真,主題聚焦在女人、孩童的生活與想像世界,擅長利用不同媒材與技法營造畫面肌理,呈現夢幻朦朧的詩意。迄今至少有15項個展展出記錄。2017年獲西班牙卡拉費利市繪畫比賽第一名,2018年獲Antonio Pinyol藝廊第26屆Telax獎第一名。 



Myriam's work is characterized by a profusion of bright colors. Her paintings are full of emotions and steeped in poetry as well as a dreamlike atmosphere. Framed in infinite landscape, the delicate and tender female figures are presented as protagonist to show us stories filled with nostalgia and a world to dream of. It’s an idyllic universe -with a certain naivety- dominated by an exalted chromaticism and a sense of beauty.

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Yingchi]


20211208023_有時我的思緒會飄得很遠_Algunas veces me voy muy lejos_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211208023_有時我的思緒會飄得很遠_Algunas veces me voy muy lejos_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

I ask my niece Irene… What are you thinking? 
-My imagination flies far from here


20211208026_和小瓢蟲玩遊戲_El juego de las mariquitas_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211208026_和小瓢蟲玩遊戲_El juego de las mariquitas_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

My cousin and I used to catch ladybugs to play with them, it is said that they are carriers of very good luck.


20211208027_時間給了所有的答案_El tiempo revela todas las respuestas_油畫_Oil on canvas_18x24cm_2F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211208027_時間給了所有的答案_El tiempo revela todas las respuestas_油畫_Oil on canvas_18x24cm_2F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

Sometimes we look for answers that only the time can respond. Transformation in the process of waiting is like the metamorphosis of butterflies.


20211208028_賣巧克力的人_El vendedor de bombones_油畫_Oil on canvas_18x24cm_2F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208028_賣巧克力的人_El vendedor de bombones_油畫_Oil on canvas_18x24cm_2F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

My grandmother lived in Rouen (France), I spentthe summers of my childhood with her, and she always took me to buy delicious chocolates at a beautiful pastry shop near her house.


20211208031_不要吃我的杯子蛋糕_No te comas mi magdalena_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211208031_不要吃我的杯子蛋糕_No te comas mi magdalena_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

One day a little mouse came into the study and ate a muffin that we had for a snack. The girls, seeing the mouse, began to run after him. It was a fun afternoon and this painting came up from this memory.


20211208032_森林賜予我的美麗味道_Pequenos seres del bosque que me regalan deliciosos perfumes_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211208032_森林賜予我的美麗味道_Pequenos seres del bosque que me regalan deliciosos perfumes_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

A fairy from the forest who brings us the scent of magical roses.


20211208033_你是想吃蘋果?還是只想吃上面的焦糖?_Puedes comer de la manzana_ esta es de caramelo_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208033_你是想吃蘋果?還是只想吃上面的焦糖?_Puedes comer de la manzana_ esta es de caramelo_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

When I was a child I liked to eat caramel apples, I think the first bite was the hardest, you never knew where to start.


20211208034_我鼻子上有個東西_Tengo una mosca en la nariz_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208034_我鼻子上有個東西_Tengo una mosca en la nariz_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

Mimi undoes her pigtails because she wants to change her hairstyle. But ... ooh !! A playful fly lands on her nose.


20211208035_小小芙烈達_La pequena Frida_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211208035_小小芙烈達_La pequena Frida_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

When we were Little kids we wore cherries as earrings, and wanted to catch the wind.


20211208036_手裏的星星_Un tarro de estrellas_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211208036_手裏的星星_Un tarro de estrellas_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

I believe in angels, they often bring gifts like this. A jar full of stars from the sky.


20211208037_甜蜜的誘惑_Una dulce tentacion_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211208037_甜蜜的誘惑_Una dulce tentacion_油畫_Oil on canvas_20x20cm_2正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

Summer is coming and I want to be skinny to go to the beach and wear my swimwaer. Just a little piece of this delicious cake… I can't resist !!


20211208038_我來到了海邊_He vuelto al mar_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208038_我來到了海邊_He vuelto al mar_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

All the characters that appear in my paintings are real, some are self-portraits inspired by places and stories that I remember from my childhood. Others are my nieces or girls who come to my workshops. All of them are the source of my inspiration. Situations and moments of everyday life that pass through our lives.I always look for the funny and poetic side of life.


20211208039_瑪德琳娜和貓_Madelina con el gato_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208039_瑪德琳娜和貓_Madelina con el gato_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

瑪德琳娜(Madelina)是我兒子澤維爾(Xavier)的女友,我總是能從她美麗的綠色眼睛中汲取靈感,在這裡,她與她的貓 -- 埃及豔后(克莉奥帕特拉Cleopatra)和我送給她的一條披肩合影,這條披肩非常適合她。這個場景的背後則是一個具有現代主義風格的窗景。
Madelina is the girlfriend of my son Xavier, I am always inspired by her beautiful green eyes, here she is possing with her cat Cleopatra and a shawl that I gave her and that it suits her very well. The scene is framed in a modernist style window.


20211208040_閨蜜下午茶_Tomando el te con mi amiga_油畫_Oil on canvas_30x40cm_6F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208040_閨蜜下午茶_Tomando el te con mi amiga_油畫_Oil on canvas_30x40cm_6F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

The small, great moments and pleasures of life. Spending an afternoon with a friend having tea and enjoying a good conversation.



They are works full of emotions; steeped in poetry and a dreamlike atmosphere. Framed in infinite landscapes where the delicate and tender figure is presented as the protagonist to show us stories full of nostalgia and a world to dream of. Without prior sketches, he creates compositions by letting himself be guided by intuition. It is the work that indicates the way forward and the techniques to use. Some works ask for more texture, using mixed techniques, collage, textile materials, graffiti, acrylics and oil.


Myriam Arnold 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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