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第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第十位要介紹的是2021年新參展的女性卡漫風拼貼畫大師 Myriam Arnold [譯音:蜜莉雅·阿諾德]。自學成材的Myriam,喜歡悠遊於各種媒材與不同技法之間,隨心所欲、直覺式的揮灑色彩,創作出一幅幅夢幻又帶有故事性的作品。她的繪畫充滿感情,訴說的故事永遠是來自夢幻國度、恬靜世界的正面訊息,帶著些許童稚天真。這次來參展的作品有三十幅之多,因此分兩篇文章來介紹。  







Myriam Arnold 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



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Myriam Arnold [譯音:蜜莉雅·阿諾德]

55歲(1966),西班牙人。生於塔拉戈納省薩洛,現居雷烏斯。自學成才,畫風屬夢幻寫實主義,亦帶有素樸藝術之天真,主題聚焦在女人、孩童的生活與想像世界,擅長利用不同媒材與技法營造畫面肌理,呈現夢幻朦朧的詩意。迄今至少有15項個展展出記錄。2017年獲西班牙卡拉費利市繪畫比賽第一名,2018年獲Antonio Pinyol藝廊第26屆Telax獎第一名。 



Myriam's work is characterized by a profusion of bright colors. Her paintings are full of emotions and steeped in poetry as well as a dreamlike atmosphere. Framed in infinite landscape, the delicate and tender female figures are presented as protagonist to show us stories filled with nostalgia and a world to dream of. It’s an idyllic universe -with a certain naivety- dominated by an exalted chromaticism and a sense of beauty.

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Yingchi]


20211208002_泡泡輕飄飄_El ingravido mundo de las pompas de jabon_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211208002_泡泡輕飄飄_El ingravido mundo de las pompas de jabon_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

My cousin and I played at blowing soap bubbles, we loved to blow to make big bubbles, and then watch them float in the air. When the floor was full of soap we would skate on it. It was a very fun game !!


20211208003_跟魚兒一起玩耍_Jugando con peces_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_60x73cm_20F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211208003_跟魚兒一起玩耍_Jugando con peces_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_60x73cm_20F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019


From my house I asked to listen the sea. But one day I had to go to live in the city. After 7 years I returned to my village, the beaches were waiting for me, the sea bathed my feet, the waves crashed on the shore and welcomed me. Time is ephemeral like a paper boat sailing on the sea… I have returned to the sea. She likes to play with fish. She takes care and protects her fish because it is different from the others, the other fish play with her hair and tell her stories from the deep sea.


20211208004_我的小花房_La casa de las flores_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2018.JPG

↑上圖:20211208004_我的小花房_La casa de las flores_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2018

這是建築師Pere Caselles i Tarrats所建造的安圭拉之家,它激發我創造出這幅夢幻般的畫作,並試著將樓房和畫中人物結合,仿彿是穿在她身上的洋裝。
This work is a fantasy inspired by a modernist house in Reus, where I have lived for 7 years, and I have really enjoyed its modernist style houses.
It is the Anguera House of the architect Pere Caselles i Tarrats. It inspired me to create this fantasy painting where the house is integrated into the character as if it were her dress.

I’m attaching some images of this beautiful house

註:Pere Caselles i Tarrats (1864 - 1935) ,生於雷烏斯,曾於巴塞隆納研讀建築,是西班牙加泰隆尼亞的一位建築師,與高第同時期,風格屬現代主義的新藝術,大部分執業的創作都在雷烏斯,包括畫家所提及的安圭拉之家。


20211208006_媽媽_Madre_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_50x60cm_12F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211208006_媽媽_Madre_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_50x60cm_12F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

When my son Xavier was little, he had his hair full of curls. On the day of his christening, he was wearing a suit like this. A loving kiss from a son to his mother.


20211208007_我的《小侍女》_Mi version de una Menina_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2018.JPG

↑上圖:20211208007_我的《小侍女》_Mi version de una Menina_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2018

This menina is very special, it is a composition made with embroidery and old bobbin tips, handmade by my mother-in-law's mother, and they are more than 100 years old. The hair of the menina is a collage with images of the painting of the master Velazquez.


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20211208010_喚醒夜晚的螢火蟲_Despertando a las luciernagas de la noche_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208010_喚醒夜晚的螢火蟲_Despertando a las luciernagas de la noche_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

My friend Judit playing the violin in her garden one summer night. The atmosphere and the music that surrounded us made me imagine many fireflies glowing around us.


20211208011_品一杯血腥瑪麗_Disfrutando de un Bloody Mary_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208011_品一杯血腥瑪麗_Disfrutando de un Bloody Mary_複合媒材_Mixed media on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

There are times when we should enjoy certain pleasures, such as wearing a nice hat and drinking our favorite cocktail.


20211208012_單簧管的美妙樂音_El dulce sonido del clarinete_油畫_Oil on canvas_50x70cm_20M_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211208012_單簧管的美妙樂音_El dulce sonido del clarinete_油畫_Oil on canvas_50x70cm_20M_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

At an end-of-year concert at the music conservatory. The children were on the stage very concentrated playing music with their instruments. But among them, Maria, with her clarinet, stole my heart.


20211208015_我做了一個有月亮的夢_Es un sueno_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x92cm_30P_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208015_我做了一個有月亮的夢_Es un sueno_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x92cm_30P_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

Dreams are that special. If you go for a walk with the moon, the Sphynx cat will look at you somewhat amazed, the candle on the head is something strange too and the moon wants to blow it out.


20211208016_等你電話_Esperando tu llamada_油畫_Oil on canvas_73x100cm_40P_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:油畫_Oil on canvas_73x100cm_40P_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

Through my window comes the smell of spring, I’m waiting for your call, so we can go out and dance.


20211208017_白鴿報信_Los mensajes que nos llegan son eternos ..._油畫_Oil canvas_80x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2017.JPG

↑上圖:20211208017_白鴿報信_Los mensajes que nos llegan son eternos y los guardamos en un lugar de nuestro corazon para siempre_油畫_Oil canvas_80x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2017

Sitting in the red-flowered armchair in pink satin shoes. Has she received the message of some love? As the title says there are things that we keep forever …


20211208018_我喜歡我的衣服_Me gustan mis vestidos_油畫_Oil on canvas_50x60cm_12F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211208018_我喜歡我的衣服_Me gustan mis vestidos_油畫_Oil on canvas_50x60cm_12F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2019

Mimi has a snooping cat and a parrot that perched on her head. Mimi has a dress of dark lace and flowers that is her favorite. Together they make a good team.


20211208019_我的朋友是外星人_Mi amigo el raro_油畫_Oil on canvas_60x120cm_40P_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208019_我的朋友是外星人_Mi amigo el raro_油畫_Oil on canvas_60x120cm_40P_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

My niece Iris goes to school and every day she meets a very strange friend who accompanies her. Together they have a good time. She says that she is not from this planet.


20211208020_紅衫裙_Nos vamos a la fiesta y con mi vestido rojo soy feliz hasta el infinito_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208020_紅衫裙_Nos vamos a la fiesta y con mi vestido rojo soy feliz hasta el infinito_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

My niece Irene has put on a red dress to party, the cat, her bunny and the blue bird don't want to miss the dance.


20211208022_許我三個願望_Pideme tres deseos_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208022_許我三個願望_Pideme tres deseos_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

The lamp of wishes is at your disposal, ask me what you want. I will light up your days and give you energy.

20211208021_下午茶_Pasando una tarde con mis amigos comiendo chocolate ..._油畫_Oil on canvas_100x81cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211208021_下午茶_Pasando una tarde con mis amigos comiendo chocolate bajo el arbol de magnolias_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x81cm_40F_人物_蜜莉雅·阿諾德_Myriam Arnold_西班牙_2020

On my street there are beautiful magnolia trees that bloom in spring. I liked to eat chocolate and cakes with my friend Carlos, under the shade of the tree and enjoying the aroma of the flowers.


They are works full of emotions; steeped in poetry and a dreamlike atmosphere. Framed in infinite landscapes where the delicate and tender figure is presented as the protagonist to show us stories full of nostalgia and a world to dream of. Without prior sketches, he creates compositions by letting himself be guided by intuition. It is the work that indicates the way forward and the techniques to use. Some works ask for more texture, using mixed techniques, collage, textile materials, graffiti, acrylics and oil.


Myriam Arnold 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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