IMG_Didier Lourenço_00.JPG

第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第十一位要介紹的是連續第三年參展的立體派素樸人物畫大師 Didier Lourenço [譯音:狄迪耶·魯倫索]。Didier享譽國際多年,幾何人物極簡風,善用對比色營造視覺亮點。自學成才,啟蒙於父親開設的平版印刷工作室,因此採用類似版畫技法來創作油畫作品。辨識度極高,以素樸簡單的女性生活題材,搭配上豐富的紋理與配色,營造出一種平面雕塑的質感。  







Didier Lourenço 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



20201145700_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2020.jpg

Didier Lourenço [譯音:狄迪耶·魯倫索]



Didier Lourenço的藝術生涯啟蒙於父親的平版印刷工坊,在那裡,他也受到許多優秀藝術家的薰陶。他的人物畫精於細節、紋理豐富,更不時增添一些純色的點綴,值得讓人駐足欣賞。許多國際級的知名畫廊都曾展出他的作品。

Didier Lourenço began his career as an artist in his father's lithography workshop, where he began to form and met the most outstanding artists of the time. His works are composed of figurative paintings full of nuances and rich textures with some sparkles and splashes of pure color that give his work richness worthy of contemplation. Throughout his career he has done countless exhibitions, at the most prestigious international galleries.

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 Emily & by Yingchi]


20201145701_等你電話_Call me_油畫_Oil on canvas_75x150cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145701_等你電話_Call me_油畫_Oil on canvas_75x150cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

穿過人群的凝視,以及每個人各自表述的想法……她看著我們等待電話,會是誰打來呢? 我把這個秘密留給每位觀眾自行去詮釋。
A look through the crowd, the thoughts of each one of us ... she looks at us waiting for the call. From Who? I leave this secret to the interpretation of each one of the spectators.


20201145702_跟我來_Follow me_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x75cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145702_跟我來_Follow me_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x75cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

The other characters walk, the girl on the bicycle seems to invite the boy also on a bicycle to follow her. They are the only two figures riding bicycles. Maybe they have things in common.


20201145703_黃衣女郎_Maillot jaune_油畫_Oil on canvas_73x92cm_30F_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145703_黃衣女郎_Maillot jaune_油畫_Oil on canvas_73x92cm_30F_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

A dynamic composition, where in the center of the painting we see the main and central character riding a bicycle. This cyclist, so present in my work, in the midst of all the people who walk, gives the work movement and dynamism. I have always thought that the world looks different at the speed of a bicycle.


20201145704_那天的我_I was not me_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145704_那天的我_I was not me_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

I call these works "walkers", I play with the composition and color, although these paintings all look alike, they are all different, different compositions and colors. In these paintings there is always a character that looks at the viewer and I look for a dialogue to be created between the spectator and the work, in this case the figure was not that person you knew.


20201145705_彩色的我_Colorful_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145705_彩色的我_Colorful_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

The explosion of the spring, color, color and more color for this work where the cyclist invites us to accompany her on her ride to the happiness.


20201145706_夢中的我_The dream_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x75cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145706_夢中的我_The dream_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x75cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

In the world of dreams everything is possible, she escapes through the window, I imagine that to somewhere tropical place with the company of the macaw, the cat is in the window observing all the action. Reality and dreams, dreams and reality.


20201145707_紅與藍_Face and blue_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145707_紅與藍_Face and blue_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

This is the first time that I present in Taipei the series of big faces in the foreground. I started to paint this style of works in 2006 and they have been evolving since then. In this case, the background blends with the girl hair and gives us the impression that she is blending in with the surroundings ... a chameleonic woman protector of her secrets.


20201145708_櫻桃不等人_I can not wait_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145708_櫻桃不等人_I can not wait_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

At the background of the painting we see cherry blossom, the girl can't wait to eat the sweet cherries. In this piece I make a reflection about the impatience and the global world.


20201145709_小憩_Siesta_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145709_小憩_Siesta_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

The siesta (nap), a very healthy and Mediterranean custom, that I hope globalization will not end it. Nothing better than a Siesta surrounded by nature. She seems to enjoy this nap and seems to feel safe in the company of her cat who seems to protect her with its gaze fixed on the viewer.


20201145710_露台_The balcony_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145710_露台_The balcony_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

This painting belongs to a new series of works in which I am working, and where the figure stops looking at us, and has her back turned, at the moment we do not see her gaze the work acquires much more depth. The figure immerses us in the space in which she is, the backgrounds turns prominent and protagonist.


20201145711_我們_Us_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x75cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145711_我們_Us_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x75cm_56號_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

這兩位主角看著我們,他們似乎因為能在一起而感到自豪,並邀請我們與其分享這個場景。這是一幅談論寵物與其主人之間相契相愛關係親密的作品, 在這幅畫中,我們得仔細觀看女人的眼睛和她的狗。
The two figures look at us, they seem to be proud to be together, and they invite us to share this scene with them. A work that talks about the complicit relationship between pets and their owners. In this painting we must observe the eyes of the woman and the dog.


20201145712_女人與魚缸_Dona i peixera_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145712_女人與魚缸_Dona i peixera_油畫_Oil on canvas_65x81cm_25F_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

She, in her invisible intimacy, shows us her silent mascot, the wallpaper suggests the waves and the bubbling of the water and immerses us in her world.


20201145713_自在的我_I don´t care_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211145713_自在的我_I don´t care_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

The title of this painting suggests that when the cyclist will get home, the flowers of her bouquet will have lost all the petals, but she doesn't care. She enjoys the moment, and the freedom of her ride, while the petals are coloring the air.


20201145714_我的藍調日_My blue day_油畫_Oil on canvas_130x81cm_60M_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019.jpg


↑上圖:20211145714_我的藍調日_My blue day_油畫_Oil on canvas_130x81cm_60M_人物_狄迪耶·魯倫索_Didier Lourenço_西班牙_2019

In the "Walkers" paintings, very subtle dialogues are created between the characters, some characters go others come and seem to ignore each other, but I think that there is always a non-verbal communication between human beings.


Didier Lourenço​ 西班牙素樸人物畫大師的作品欣賞<<2019ART>>

Didier Lourenço​ ​​西班牙素樸女性人物畫大師的畫作欣賞<<2018ART>>


Didier Lourenço 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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