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第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第四位要介紹的是2020年就已經答應來參展的印象派表現主義大師 José María Pinto Rey [譯音:荷西馬利亞·品托·雷]。這次有兩個系列來參展:見聞系列與窗外系列。見聞系列以寫實的手法來保留旅行時的特殊印象,但是畫完後趁油料未乾之際再予抹除以表示時間與回憶的消散;窗外系列則是強調色光的影響,同時也意含了時空的永恆存在,剛好與見聞系列意境相反,值得細細品賞。他的展出履歷完整,最特殊的是他同時擁有西班牙索菲亞皇后所頒贈的榮譽勛章(2017)以及入圍第54屆雷納索菲亞獎決選(2019)。





José María Pinto Rey 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


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José María Pinto Rey [譯音:荷西馬利亞·品托·雷]

62歲(1959) ,出生於西班牙比斯開省的巴拉卡多,現定居於阿拉瓦省阿特茨涅格鎮,十六歲進入畢爾包裝飾藝術學院就讀,多年後進入畢爾包藝術複製品美術館深造。早期的見聞系列以旅行時的回憶為主體,以寫實的畫風完成後再予抹掉以表示回憶的消散,2016年後則以窗外系列強調色光的影響。自1989年以來迄今有38項個展、64項群展(4項美術館)的展出紀錄。20項得獎紀錄(2項首獎),包括入選2019索菲亞皇后獎、2016年獲托梅略索第十五屆文化競賽首獎、2014年獲BMW繪畫獎榮譽獎章。 


José María Pinto Rey 的作品介於具象和抽象之間,他的筆觸快速則精準,巧妙而率性,緩慢則大膽。他用色生動,具體表現了明暗層次。經過不斷的演變和對繪畫技術不停的探索,使他獲得了許多國際著名的繪畫獎項,包括第29屆BMW繪畫大賽的榮譽獎章。

Jose Maria Pìnto Rey's works play between figuration and abstraction. His brushstroke is quick but precise, cunning but hasty, slow but daring. His color is vivid, and light is the catalyst catching everything. With a consolidated evolution and an incessant exploration of the pictorial technique that has led him to be awarded with many prestigious international painting awards, including the XXIX Medal of Honor BMW Painting Award.

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Yingchi ]


20211190401_似醒猶夢_Entre suenos_油畫_oil on canvas_130x100cm_60F_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2014.jpg

↑上圖:20211190401_似醒猶夢_Entre suenos_油畫_oil on canvas_130x100cm_60F_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2014


This piece is one of the works on concentrations of motorcycles that I made for the series named “Environments” and that shows a young woman contemplating relaxed a beautiful motorcycle. This girl dressed in the “biker” style catches the attention of the viewer, highlighting the effect of the powerful sunlight on her hair and body. The environment, once again, is blurred and dissolves, disappearing into a dark background. This painting is made on board and acrylic base and finished with oil. The acrylic base is applied to the board in fresco, exerting pressure on it, in this way a background of various colors mixed together is obtained, which serve as a mattress to integrate the finished painting, working the lights and leaving that background as part of the shadows that intervene in its final appearance.


20211190402_風馳電掣_Motos_油畫_oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2014.jpg

↑上圖:20211190402_風馳電掣_Motos_油畫_oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2014


In this painting, I show a close-up of a motorcycle that appears to be in motion due to the effect produced by the sweeping and blurring that I apply in several layers of paint. Draws the viewer’s attention the details of the lights and chromed parts of the motorcycle, that shine under the sunlight, combined with the presence of other bikes next to it. This work also belongs to the series on concentrations of motorcycles that I call “Ambients”. This is an oil on canvas painting and, like the others, over an abstract layer of acrylic.


20211190407_如夢如幻_Ensueño_油畫_oil on canvas_162x130cm_100F_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2014.jpg


Street scene, where motorcycles appear parked, and behind them two friends contemplate the environment that is blurred and dissolves. A sense of movement makes us not distinguish exactly where we are, reflections and spots, sketches of cars, make us lose ourselves in our own thoughts. The motorcycles, protagonists of the scene, show their beauty, their games of shine and shining steels, standing out against a suggestive and blurred background. This work belongs to a series that within the “Environments” name I made dedicated to concentrations of “bikers”, in which innumerable motorcyclists gather to show their vehicles perfectly clean and prepared for the occasion. Technically it is made on wood on an acrylic base finished in its last phase with oil.


20211190403_杜羅河畔_Pasarela al Duero_油畫_oil on canvas_130x81cm_60M_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2016.jpg

↑上圖:20211190403_杜羅河畔_Pasarela al Duero_油畫_oil on canvas_130x81cm_60M_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2016


A couple is abstracted looking the flow of the Duero River. In this work I try to transmit the placidity and charm of the magical fact of falling in love, when the reality that surrounds us seems to flow, like the river, in stillness and harmony. Reflecting that moment in which everything seems to stop and our feelings come together and expand around us. This work belongs to my series called “Environments” and in it I reflect everyday scenarios in which we are involved. Technically it is a work done with oil on canvas, where I practice a series of "sweeps" with fresh paint to achieve an unfocused or slightly blurred effect of the image, thus transferring a dreamy, fleeting memory sensation, as it happens to us with the memory of the lived events.


20211190404_依稀猶見_Hipnosis evanescente_油畫_oil on canvas_195x195cm_190號_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211190404_依稀猶見_Hipnosis evanescente_油畫_oil on canvas_195x195cm_190號_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2018


This is a work that belongs to the series that I name "Windows". In it I show a large window through which we see a sea landscape, dominated by a large sky, in the last hour of the day. This sky exerts a hypnotic power on the spectator and also on the figures who admire the event. That appear stunned and admiring ccontemplating its splendor as they dissolve in the magical light that wrap them. This large format work obtained a prize in the 54 Reina Sofía Prize organized by the centennial Association of Painters and Sculptors of Madrid, Spain. It is made on canvas, with oil over an acrylic base and built through multiple sweeps made in fresco and several layers of paint, so that by adding all of them the final effect is achieved.


20211190405_夕照餘暉_Ventana al ocaso_油畫_oil on canvas_114x130cm_74號_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2016.jpg

↑上圖:20211190405_夕照餘暉_Ventana al ocaso_油畫_oil on canvas_114x130cm_74號_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2016


This time a window shows us a sunrise over the sea. The sun just rises behind the horizon creating this symphony of colors that come to the shore of the beach and welcome the new day. This work is done with oil on canvas, over the first acrylic layers that show the sum of horizontal sweeps that, layer after layer create the effects.


20211190408_沙灘寄情_Ventana larga II_油畫_oil on canvas_120x60cm_36號_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20201190408_沙灘寄情_Ventana larga II_油畫_oil on canvas_120x60cm_36號_荷西馬利亞·品托·雷_Jose Maria Pinto Rey_西班牙_2018


In the early hours of the day, two figures stroll and play by the sea shore with their pet. This painting belongs the "Windows" series, its format and composition emphasizes the horizontality of the image. Once again, the multiple sweep technique in various directions make colors diffused, integrated and united in an environment of warm and diaphanous light. Oil on canvas, over an acrylic color base.



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◎2019年入圍了由西班牙畫家和雕塑家協會組織所舉辦的第 54 屆雷納索菲亞獎,荷西馬利亞因其畫作《依稀猶見 Hipnosis evanescente》被評審團指定為進入決賽的六名選手之一。

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“索菲亞皇后繪畫.雕塑獎”創立於1964年,它是繼榮譽勳章之後授予藝術家的最高獎項。 “索菲亞皇后繪畫.雕塑獎”是以時任皇后索菲亞名字命名的獎項,索菲亞同時還擔任西班牙畫家雕塑家協會名譽主席。該大獎賽每年一屆,在雷蒂羅宮舉行,索菲亞出席開幕式和頒獎典禮並且親自為獲獎藝術家頒發獎項。

重磅! “索菲亚王后绘画.雕塑奖”首次对中国艺术家开放

El Premiado y los finalistas del 54 PREMIO REINA SOFIA DE PINTURA Y ESCULTURA

Jose María Pinto Rey queda finalista en el 54 Premio Reina Sofía de pintura y escultura


José María Pinto Rey 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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