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第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第五位要介紹的是2021年重新回歸來參展的風景寫實大師 Miguel Peidró [譯音:米蓋爾·貝伊德羅]。這次是Peidro大師第四次參展,今年除了延續他為人稱道的寧靜氛圍之外,還帶來了幾幅增添人煙味、強調人類與大自然和諧相處的作品,隱隱然有天、地、人合一的感覺。Miguel在日本有許多藏家與粉絲,包括日本前首相安倍晉三的夫人安倍昭惠女士也收藏了他的幾幅作品。





Miguel Peidró 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



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Miguel Peidró [譯音:米蓋爾·貝伊德羅]

71歲(1950),出生於西班牙阿爾科伊。畢業於瓦倫西亞聖卡洛斯高等藝術學院,並曾於私人工作室接受當今著名的西班牙藝術大師文森·莫亞(Vicente Moya)、阿列克斯·阿列瑪尼(Alex Alemany)和胡安·費禮(Juan Ferri)的訓練。風景畫家,兼具寫實與印象派畫風之功力,對大自然的美非常敏感,很容易讓觀畫者與他所描繪的西班牙自然風光產生共鳴,被畫中的寧靜與神秘所攝服。迄今至少有12項美術館展、127項展覽(不分個、群展)、7項藝博會展出紀錄。除了在西班牙各地頻繁展出之外,近年也拓展到歐洲、美國、日本和中國,作品廣被收藏。2015年至今是第4次參展台北新藝術博覽會。 


1950年出生於西班牙阿爾科伊,年少時拜藝術大師文森特·莫亞和胡安·費禮為師。Miguel Peidró特別能感應到大自然之美,並將之清楚地表現在他的畫布上。觀看他的風景畫,很少人不被畫中的寧靜與神秘所攝服。他的作品經常在西班牙、美國、歐洲和日本等地展出並廣被世界各地的藏家所收藏。

Born in 1950 in Alcoy, received artistic training at the private studios of the Masters Painters Vicente Moya and Juan Ferri. Miguel Peidró holds a special sensibility towards nature that clearly captures in his work. Viewing Peidró’s landscapes, one got caught up in the quiet and magical portrayals of his native land. Miguel Peidró has exhibited widely in Spain, USA, Europe and Japan, his works are included in Art Collections around the world.

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Emily, Teresa, Yingchi]


20211062601_綠蔭紅花_Almond trees and red flowers_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2018.JPG

↑上圖:20211062601_綠蔭紅花_Almond trees and red flowers_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2018


Spring is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for all painters, the almond trees in bloom, the fields of red flowers, with the contrasts between green and red, make that when that time of year arrives, I take my easel and my colors and go to the field to paint.


20211062602_花間拂曉_Amanece entre las flores_油畫_Oil on canvas_60x100cm_30P_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211062602_花間拂曉_Amanece entre las flores_油畫_Oil on canvas_60x100cm_30P_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2019

埃斯特雷馬杜拉(Extremadura)是一個美麗的地區,有著大片草地、農田和麥田,如果您想要使用土黃色和黃色作為基調,並為作品增添深度,那麼埃斯特雷馬杜拉的景觀便是完美的選擇 ,同時還可以畫下當地美麗而多樣的色彩,特別是在日出或日落時分。

Extremadura is a beautiful region and its landscapes of large meadows, crop fields and wheat fields are perfect if you want to work with a base of ocher and yellow colors and give depth to the works, and at the same time paint the beautiful and varied tones of the area, especially at sunrise or sunset.


20211062604_曙光天色_Amaneciendo_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211062604_曙光天色_Amaneciendo_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020


Landscape of Castilla, in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, I like to visit these quiet rivers, where I look for special and inspiring moments, especially at sunrise, where the colors are soft and golden and transmit peace and serenity.


20211062605_大地春回_Comienza la primavera_油畫_Oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211062605_大地春回_Comienza la primavera_油畫_Oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020


Almond blossoms welcome this beautiful season. The snow in the mountains is melting, and everything begins to acquire beautiful colors and fragrances.


20211062606_田園鄉居_La vida en el campo_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x50cm_25號_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211062606_田園鄉居_La vida en el campo_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x50cm_25號_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020


I love traveling to choose new motifs for my work. Catalonia, in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, is one of my favorite places, since its small towns are always full of life, I really like to paint the fields, which change color with the different seasons of the year. These different colors bring a lot of variety and depth to my work.


20211062607_田野晨光_Las primeras luces banan los campos_油畫_Oil on canvas_60x100cm_30P_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2019.JPG

↑上圖:20211062607_田野晨光_Las primeras luces banan los campos_油畫_Oil on canvas_60x100cm_30P_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2019


A spring sunrise, looking for the color of the poppies in bloom, trying to achieve a manifestation of color, both in the sky and in the close-ups parts of the painting.


20211062608_破曉天光_Luces del alba_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x50cm_25號_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2018.JPG

↑上圖:20211062608_破曉天光_Luces del alba_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x50cm_25號_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2018


A quiet river in Castilla, looking for that magical moment of sunrise, fleeting moments in which you can only make a small sketch, to later transcribe it calmly in the study on a larger canvas.


20211062609_遠離塵囂_Paisaje de Castilla_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211062609_遠離塵囂_Paisaje de Castilla_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020


Castilla is a region of great beauty, contrast and unique landscapes. I love to paint its extensive meadows, where I look for depths and distances for my works, and where the skies tend to acquire pastel and soft tones that are reflected in the waters of its rivers.


20211062610_紅花滿山_Primavera en La Garrotxa_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x60cm_30P_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211062610_紅花滿山_Primavera en La Garrotxa_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x60cm_30P_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020


This is a landscape of the Comarca de la Garrotxa, located in Catalonia, in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. La Garrotxa is a very special and beautiful area, its origin is volcanic, so its lands are of great contrasts, it is also famous for its huge beech forests. In this case I have painted a spring scene, highlighting the moment in which the fields are covered with red flowers, achieving fantastic and vibrant red colors.


20211062611_有火則旺_Vida Rural_油畫_Oil on canvas_70x70cm_25正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211062611_有火則旺_Vida Rural_油畫_Oil on canvas_70x70cm_25正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020


I like to paint everyday scenes of rural life, this is a beautiful moment, the burning of stubble is usually done in winter, and the gray of the clouds mixes with the gray of the bonfires, making any color stand out more and giving thus a very pictorial and atmospheric environment to the scenes.


20211062612_黎明微曦_Aurora_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x30cm_15號_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020.JPG

↑上圖:20211062612_黎明微曦_Aurora_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x30cm_15號_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2020

這是位於伊比利亞半島南部的安達盧西亞省,瓜達基維爾河的日出景觀。 映照在河面上的日出色調顯得格外柔和、溫暖而平靜,在這幅作品中,天空反射的光線就扮演了相當重要的角色。

This is a landscape of a sunrise in the Guadalquivir river, in Andalusia, South of the Iberian Peninsula. The sunrises in the river are of soft, warm and calm tones, in this work the reflections of the light of the sky are very important.


20211062613_春暖花開_La montana en primavera_油畫_Oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2018.JPG

↑上圖:20211062613_春暖花開_La montana en primavera_油畫_Oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_風景_米蓋爾‧貝伊德羅_Miguel Peidro_西班牙_2018


The Vallais area is the most mountainous and untamed of the Swiss Alps, and it is where I most enjoy painting summits. In spring I find the contrast of the high peaks, with the fields of wild flowers of infinite colors.



La obra de Miguel Peidro llega a Tokio (Miguel 受邀前往日本開展的新聞報導)

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Miguel Peidró 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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