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第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。由於疫情影響,2020ART在世貿一館的正式展停辦,改為小規模的松山菸廠番外篇,但是已準備好的ROSA藝術集團十一位藝術家並沒有參與。等到2021ART時,ROSA藝術集團又加入了四位生力軍,總共十五位人數創新高打算盛大舉辦,不巧在今年臨開展前又因為台北疫情出現破口而延期!不論如何,就讓我們在網路上提前欣賞吧!

第三位介紹的是2020年就已經答應來參展的抽象塗鴉繪畫大師 Rafa López [譯音:拉法·羅培茲]。他的作品風格獨特,極具視覺衝擊力,融合了新表現主義、街頭塗鴉、普普藝術、超現實主義以及抽象主義等等元素,畫面非常富有張力;最搶眼的還是他強烈的手繪表現,隨性奔放不受拘束。近期頗受亞洲藏家追捧的美國抽象塗鴉繪畫大師--艾迪‧馬丁內斯(Eddie Martinez)在香港拍場屢創新高價,可見這種風格會被越來越多的藏家所青睞!




Rafa López 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



Rafa López [譯音:拉法·羅培茲]

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38歲(1983) ,出生於西班牙塞維利亞,塞維利亞大學專業插畫學科碩士畢業。風格獨特,極具視覺衝擊力,融合了新表現主義、街頭塗鴉、普普藝術、超現實主義以及抽象主義的繪畫,形成了一個巴洛克式的世界,可以在其中看到人物、動物、物件、景觀、標誌與幾何形狀等,非常自然地混合著。自2003年以來迄今有16項個展、27項群展的展出紀錄。13項得獎紀錄,其中兩項首獎(包括2015年第十屆西班牙法里尼亞酒莊全國大賽,贏得為當年首批葡萄酒酒標作畫的權利)。 


Rafa López的作品在形狀和色彩方面都極具視覺衝擊力,任何觀者都不可能無動於衷。他的繪畫融合了新表現主義、塗鴉、普普藝術、超現實主義和抽象主義等主流趨勢,形成一個巴洛克式的世界,我們可以在其中看到人物、動物、物件、景觀、標誌與幾何形狀等,所有元素都非常自然的混合在一起。
The art of Rafa López has a great visual impact, both for the shapes and for the color, it leaves no one indifferent, his paintings are a combination of the main artistic trends such as neo-expressionism, graffiti, pop art, surrealism and abstraction, forming a baroque world in which we can see figures, animals, objects, landscape elements, signs, geometric shapes, etc. All mixed with absolute naturalness.

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Yingchi & Emily]

20211189301_當瓜地亞納河消逝不再(双拼畫)_Cuando muere el guadiana_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_194x146cm_140號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2010.jpg

↑上圖:20211189301_當瓜地亞納河消逝不再(双拼畫)_Cuando muere el guadiana_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_194x146cm_140號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2010


This painting is the result of several days of work, walks, experiences and many anecdotes in the village of Ayamonte in Huelva, where the Guadiana river flows, this river is the natural border between Spain and Portugal. The author visits Ayamonte every year. For this painting Rafa has used notes, photographs, and sketches made before the final creation of the painting. The title does not refer to "where" and if to "when". This is due to the fact that the author wants to reflect the passage of time in his painting and not a single instant, in addition to housing the entire space from which this river flows and not just a point on the map.

20211189303_開往奧布拉多羅廣場的救護車_Deambulatorio por la plaza do obradoiro_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_97x73cm_35號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211189303_開往奧布拉多羅廣場的救護車_Deambulatorio por la plaza do obradoiro_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_97x73cm_35號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2018

這幅作品是個人花了幾天工作,在從萊昂 (León) 到聖地亞哥.德孔波斯特拉 (Santiago de Compostela) 的朝聖之旅 (Camino de Santiago) 經歷後,藉由一些筆記、照片、其他同主題較小幅的創作和速寫所創作完成的。標題是指到達奧布拉多廣場 (Plaza del Obradoiro,聖地亞哥大教堂所在的廣場)之前發生的事情,這是經過許多天的長途步行後,一個讓人非常激動興奮的時刻。

This work is the result of several days of work and personal experiences on the completion of the Camino de Santiago * journey from León to Santiago de Compostela. Through notes, photographs, smaller paintings and sketches prepared before the final creation of the painting. The title refers to what happened before the arrival at Plaza del Obradoiro (Plaza where the Cathedral of Santiago is located), a very emotional moment after so many days and miles of walking trip.


20211189304_從田野到廣場(双拼畫)_Del campo a la plaza_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_146x146cm_106正方_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2011.jpg

↑上圖:20211189304_從田野到廣場(双拼畫)_Del campo a la plaza_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_146x146cm_106正方_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2011

《從鄉村到廣場》是好幾天的工作結果,先有筆記、照片、小幅作品和速寫,然後再進行最後的創作,這裏試圖展現公牛的生命歷程(Lidia在此是指西班牙鬥牛的品種,它也是西班牙文中鬥牛之意), 從牠出生和在牧場上自由成長的那一刻開始,一直到最後以鬥牛告終。此一主題在整個藝術史中常被西班牙藝術家援用,這裏是拉法對鬥牛的評論和特殊見解。

From the countryside to the plaza is the result of several days of work done: notes, photographs, smaller works and sketches made before taking on this final work, which attempts to show a visual journey of the life of a bull Lidia. From the time he is born and raised in freedom in the pastures until his life ends in a bullfight. It is a criticism and the particular vision that the author makes of this theme so used by Spanish artists throughout the history of art.


20211189307_Kiky 你好!_Hello kiky_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_81x100cm_40號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2013.jpg

↑上圖:20211189307_Kiky 你好!_Hello kiky_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_81x100cm_40號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2013

在這件作品中,拉法希望突出粉紅色,為此,他不僅在構圖上用心觀察,玩了一場粉紅色調的遊戲,並透過這些刺激感官的“靜物”反映出他對這些色調的不同感知和觸發。標題來自知名的商標品牌「Hello Kitty」,在此以拉法家鄉兩姊妹鎮的說法「Kiki」來重新詮釋,「Kiki」是口頭上用來打招呼或不以名字來稱呼人的慣用語。

For this work, Rafa wanted to give prominence to the color pink, for this he not only contemplated the composition of the work as a game of different pink shades, but he also wanted to reflect the different perceptions and evocations that these tones produced on him through a sensorial "still life“. The title mentions the well-known merchandising brand "Hello Kitty" that it interprets in the painting next to the term "kiki" natural from the author's city, Dos Hermanas. Popular term used to greet or refer to a person without saying their name.


20211189308_波雷奇、雲端和空中迴旋_Porec_ nubes y top spin_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_120x40cm_24號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2017.jpg

↑上圖:20211189308_波雷奇、雲端和空中迴旋_Porec_ nubes y top spin_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_120x40cm_24號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2017


This work is the result of several days of work and memories of personal experiences during the painter's trip to Croatia, specifically this painting is one of those he painted on his way through the coastal town of Poreç. Through notes and photographs, he elaborated the sketches to develop five paintings with this theme.


20211189311_美麗的阿吉拉爾德坎波奥I_Que aguilar de campoo I_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_97x73cm_35號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211189311_美麗的阿吉拉爾德坎波奥I_Que aguilar de campoo I_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_97x73cm_35號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2019


It is the result of several days of work, walks, experiences and many anecdotes of the palentina population of Aguilar de Campoo. For this he has used notes, photographs, and sketches made before the final creation of the painting.


20211189312_美麗的阿吉拉爾德坎波奥II_Que aguilar de campoo II_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_97x73cm_35號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211189312_美麗的阿吉拉爾德坎波奥II_Que aguilar de campoo II_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_97x73cm_35號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2019


It is the result of several days of work, walks, experiences and many anecdotes of the palentina population of Aguilar de Campoo. For this he has used notes, photographs, and sketches made before the final creation of the painting.


20211189316_終局一戰(双拼畫)_En la plazoleta game over_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_146x73cm_54號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211189316_終局一戰(双拼畫)_En la plazoleta game over_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_146x73cm_54號_拉法·羅培茲_Rafa Lopez_西班牙_2020

這是該系列第二大尺幅的畫作,是畫家花了好幾天的時間以其童年為藍本而研究、發展出來的作品,直接與他80、90年代接觸電玩世界的回憶與經驗有關。拉法以筆記、速寫和其他作品為基礎來完成最終的創作。標題中引出拉法孩提時住處附近一般俗稱為「la Plazoleta」的一個小廣場,還有許多孩子們於此慣常進行的活動,比如電玩遊戲。Gameoveres是西班牙文口語沿用的說法,通常表示遊戲結束了。

In the Game Over Plazoleta, it is the second large-format work with this theme that the author develops, being the result of several days of research work on the artist's childhood, which has oriented him both to the electronic and videogame world as memories and experiences directly related to this time of his life during the 80s and early 90s. Making notes, sketches and other works before taking on this definitive work. The title refers to how the neighborhood where Rafa lived throughout his childhood was commonly known, "la Plazoleta" along with one of the many activities that children used to carry out, such as video games. Gameoveres (in Spanish ) the traditional message, which generally signals that the game is over.



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◎近期頗受亞洲藏家追捧的美國抽象塗鴉繪畫大師--艾迪‧馬丁內斯(Eddie Martinez)在香港拍場屢創新高價,可見這種風格會被越來越多的藏家所青睞!

周杰倫的「新歡」 Eddie Martinez 一天內兩破成交紀錄

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↑上圖:Eddie Martinez 的大尺幅畫作《高空飛行的鳥》(274.6 x 365.8cm)2019年尾在香港佳士得拍賣,估價只是HK$120萬 - 180萬,結果以遠超預期的HK$1,572萬(NT$6,050萬)成交!


Rafa López 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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