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第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第九位要介紹的是2021年新參展的女性海洋系新藝術大師 Noemi Ibarz [譯音:諾艾蜜·伊帕茲]。崇尚新藝術風格(Art Nouveau)的Noemi,背景與克林姆(Klimt)相似,亦是其設計和裝飾性圖案的追隨者。她的作品大量運用大自然與海洋生物的曲線造形,欣欣向榮的生命被她化作象徵式的符碼,並融合清晰炫麗的色彩呈現,充滿活力也讓觀者心情愉悅,非常療癒。 







Noemi Ibarz 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



20211207900_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙.jpg

Noemi Ibarz [譯音:諾艾蜜·伊帕茲]

47歲(1974),西班牙人。生於萊裡達(Lleida),現居濱海卡內特(Canet de Mar)。1998年畢業於巴塞隆納大學美術系,主修版畫。曾投身織品設計長達15年並自創童裝品牌DraiKids,亦與Surkoya織毯藝術工作坊合作。從生活中汲取靈感,主題環繞於自然與海洋,受象徵主義及新藝術風格影響,擅長結合有機線條、圓點和鮮明的色彩創造一片絢麗繽紛的神祕夢幻,並大膽將人物、動物造型嵌入其中。自2017年起於中國和西班牙有6項個展記錄。 



My work is a subjective interpretation of my surroundings, especially nature, more specifically the seabed. I try to create visually attractive and pleasant images to confront the reality in which we are immersed. For this reason I start from an abstract base with very powerful colors in acrylic paint, or sometimes with alcohol ink, and then capture with acrylic markers, through very organic forms what I understand as my reality.

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Yingchi]


20211207901_魚之舞_Fish_複合媒材_Acrylic and Gouache on panel_100x120cm_60號_2020_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211207901_魚之舞_Fish_複合媒材_Acrylic and Gouache on panel_100x120cm_60號_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020

I practice diving frequently, this painting is inspired by the images I see when I dive into the sea, and it wants to transmit the peace and tranquility of the marine silence.


20211207902_海底悠遊_Jellyfish_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_2020_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211207902_海底悠遊_Jellyfish_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020

When diving I like to observe jellyfish, those enigmatic and subtle animals. In this composition I have captured their undulating movements, which seem like a dance between corals and algae.


20211207903_花兒朵朵_Lotus_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_120x120cm_75正方_2020_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211207903_花兒朵朵_Lotus_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_120x120cm_75正方_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020

Lotus flower is an allegory of the birth, specifically the rebirth of nature, of the flowers that come out again every year. The cycle of life has no end, and we have to help to preserve it.


20211207905_海底世界I_Red Sea_複合媒材_Mixed technique on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_2017_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2017.jpg

↑上圖:20211207905_海底世界I_Red Sea_複合媒材_Mixed technique on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2017

I painted this work, after a long diving, it was a meditation based on lines and colors.


20211207906_海底世界II_Sea_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on panel_80x80cm_30正方_2020_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211207906_海底世界II_Sea_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on panel_80x80cm_30正方_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020

This work is based on the impossible colors and shapes of corals and their great beauty that captivates the viewer.


20211207907_貓兒的夢_Cat%5Cs dream_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on canvas_88.5x100cm_45號_2021_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2021.jpg

↑上圖:20211207907_貓兒的夢_Cat's dream_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on canvas_88.5x100cm_45號_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2021

I adore cats, their magical and elegants movements and their free character. That is why I have several cats adoptees, collaborating in this way in reducing the cats abandonment and taking care of their well-being and happiness.


20211207908_深海奇緣_Deep_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_40x50cm_10號_2019_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211207908_深海奇緣_Deep_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_40x50cm_10號_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2019

The sea, the great blue and its beautiful perfection, the water that is life for all and that we must preserve.


20211207909_繁花似錦_Flower bed_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_40x40cm_8號正方_2020_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211207909_繁花似錦_Flower bed_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_40x40cm_8號正方_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020

This work is pure fantasy, and the product of my imagination, the shapes of the invented flowers are inspired by the undulating, hypnotic and graceful movements of the jellyfish.


20211207910_微觀世界_Microscopic_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_70x50cm_20M_2019_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211207910_微觀世界_Microscopic_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_70x50cm_20M_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2019

Another of the things that I am most passionate about is the human body, its perfect functioning, the worlds that are created at the cellular and microscopic level. This work is a personal vision of how cells work within living beings.


20211207911_海之夢幻_Ocean_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_54x65cm_15F_2018_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211207911_海之夢幻_Ocean_複合媒材_Acrylic and gouache on canvas_54x65cm_15F_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2018

Another work inspired by the sea, and in its blue tones that are perfect, harmonious and tremendously relaxing and inspiring.


20211207912_萬紫千紅_Red_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on canvas_54x65cm_15F_2020_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211207912_萬紫千紅_Red_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on canvas_54x65cm_15F_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020

I made this painting after a very special meditation. With this work I intend to represent life and strength, red is energy, it is like an active and moving meditation, the joy of life.


20211207913_璀璨旭日_Sun_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on canvas_40x60cm_15M_2020_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211207913_璀璨旭日_Sun_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on canvas_40x60cm_15M_其他_諾艾蜜·伊帕茲_Noemi Ibarz_西班牙_2020

I really like sunflowers, this flower represents light and life in all its splendor and evokes spring and the sun, the rebirth of nature, that I love so much.



Nature not only inspires Noemi’s art, but it also provides her respite from the many complexities of life and her own thoughts. Before she starts painting, she frees her mind. All of her work is painted without the use of previous studies or sketches. She lets her hand be unrestrained, to trace the lines it wants. The whole process happens fairly unconsciously. It truly is a form of meditation for her as the artist.


Noemi Ibarz 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


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