第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。
第八位要介紹的是2020年就已經答應來參展的自然景觀畫大師 Llorenç Danés [譯音:尤倫斯·達內斯]。Llorens大師出身於西班牙自然景觀畫中最富盛名的奧洛特畫派(School of Olot),但是除了風景畫之外,他也關注到風景畫的配角--動物們身上。他的動物肖像畫描繪出動物們充滿靈性的神韻,僅用簡單的背景來凸顯,試圖帶出主角背後所象徵的人文精神,別具意義。
Llorenç Danés 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Llorenç Danés [譯音:尤倫斯·達內斯]
39歲(1982) ,出生於赫羅納(Girona)的聖葡瓦特登瓦斯(Sant Privat d'en Bas)。12歲開始在當地的文化中心學習繪畫,16歲開始第一次展覽。風景畫和動物畫是創作的兩大主軸。兩者皆受到奧洛特地區四季優美的鄉村環境和奧洛特畫派傳統的藝術風格所致。有16項個展和40項群展記錄,以及2項美術館、2項沙龍展紀錄。
Llorens Danes,1982年生。12歲時開始與著名的奧洛特畫派大師學習藝術,16歲時舉辦首次個展。如今的Llorens既是一位農民也是畫家。他對大自然毫無保留和深切的熱愛激發了他創作寫實生動的風景和動物肖像畫。他的作品已在西班牙、法國和俄羅斯展出,並獲得了許多獎項。
B.1982 At the age of 12 he started to study art with different masters painters of the prestigious Landscape School of Olot, at 16 he made his first individual exhibition. Nowadays Llorens is a farmer and painter. His unconditional and deep love for nature inspires his realistic and vivid works of portraits of animals and landscapes. His paintings has been exhibited with great success in Spain, France and Russia, he has won many prizes and awards.
以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Andrew Lai & Yingchi]
↑上圖:20211185701_大象家族_Elephants family_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x81cm_40F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2019
This work represents the scene of a family of elephants migrating to a new destination, in search of water and fresh abundant vegetation. In this painting I want to recreate the need that many living beings have to migrate in order to survive. The background of the painting is completely realistic, the trees are leafless and the grass is already very dry due to drought. Elephants walk on a stony and dusty path, which marks the path to follow in search of fresh pasture and life.
↑上圖:20211185702_幸運貓頭鷹_Good Luck Owl_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x100cm_50正方_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2019
Owls are animals that represent intuition and wisdom and are considered bearers of good luck. It is believed that having a chance encounter with an owl or having an image of an owl in our home is an excellent sign of good fortune in every way, but fundamentally in the economic aspect. In this portrait the bird has a penetrating gaze, as if it was observing the movements of the viewer. Dressed in a plumage of shades of white, ocher and brown that make it even more elegant. A short and curved beak that together with the two eyes, draw a very interesting triangular symmetry of composition. The background is of ocher tones so that it is discreetly integrated with the feathers.
↑上圖:20211185704_狼族兄弟_Mountain Wolves_油畫_Oil on canvas_92x60cm_30M_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2019
The wolves are the kings of the Iberian fauna. In this scene, we can observe them in their natural habitat of the mountains of Galicia, stalking, motionless on a stone, I am always curious to know what they must be plotting. With this work I wanted to express a point of intrigue and at the same time show the coordination and rapport of a pack of these fantastic canines. The background of the work is abstract with shades of vegetation, green and intense blue to highlight more the faces and expressions of these beautiful animals.
↑上圖:20211185705_庇里牛斯山牛群_Pyrenean Cows_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x81cm_40F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2019
A small group of cows from my own herd, heading to other pastures, the cows constantly move between the different pastures of our lands. I always fall in love painting the animals on our farm. In this work the background is very real, intensifying the spring greens, which further highlight the animals.
↑上圖:20211185706_犀牛_Rhino_油畫_Oil on canvas_116x89cm_50F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2018
Scene in the Kruger Park, in South Africa. A rhino is grazing slowly, the rhinos are animals that inspires me calm by the way of acting, of walking they have ... time does not matter for them. With this work I wanted to recreate the apparent tranquility of a mammal, which once is an adult knows that it is free from animal predators but does not know that it is not free from poachers who covet its horns. The bottom of the painting is quite uniform, earthy, with some herbs that hint under the rhino's feet. I hope that we all become aware to protect these magnificent animals, and that they do not die out.
↑上圖:20211185707_象王_The King of the Elephants_油畫_Oil on canvas_97x130cm_60F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2019
A majestic elephant with large tusks advances safely, as if nothing could stop it. This painting wants to show the strength and wisdom of an adult animal, which is the King of the elephants, the boss of the herd. The background of this work is made with spots of ocher tones in order to highlight the gray tones of the animal, I have let the background of the painting breathe in many points where the viewer can appreciate the previous pencil drawing.
↑上圖:20211185708_虎踞_Tiger_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x80cm_40F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2018
A portrait of the most beautiful feline. Stretched, resting very calmly. Calm but at the same time with an intriguing look. In this work I made a grisalle background, a neutral color so as not to interfere with the color tones of the fur of this majestic feline.
↑上圖:20211185709_斑馬_Zebres_油畫_Oil on canvas_146x114cm_80F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2019
In this painting, I wanted to make a different approach and a more contemporary composition. Black and white stripes, side by side, forming these precious zebras.
In this work I want to show the need and esteem that these animals have to be with other members of their species, in order to feel protected and loved. On a gray background as if it were the mixture of colors of the stripes and to not highlight the animals much. In some areas of the painting, the background is integrated with the animals and in some other areas the viewers can see the lines of the previous pencils drawing.
↑上圖:20211185710_大象家族II_Manada d' Elefants II_油畫_Oil on canvas_146x114cm_80F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2019
Walking slowly, united at one. I am a passionate about observing and being able to paint the largest mammals on the planet.
In this work I have opted for a background of earthy and gray tones, so that the herd of elephants is integrated into the work, and thus be able to create a harmonic effect, without highlighting them too much, since this piece is large.
↑上圖:20211185703_西班牙之狼_Iberian wolf_油畫_Oil on canvas_73x60cm_20F_動物_尤倫斯·達內斯_Llorens Danes_西班牙_2017
Frightened look, drooping ears, in the portrait of this fascinating animal, I wanted to show the expressions on the face with which he is showing a prudent attitude. Portrait of a majestic animal made on a gray background to contrast with the warm tones of its fur. Studied drips of paint to give a more contemporary air.
◎奧洛特畫派(Olot School):
西班牙東北方加泰隆尼亞地區的好山好水與充分日照孕育出一群特別的風景畫家,他們自稱為奧洛特畫派(Olot School),是在19世紀下半葉發展出來的一種藝術風格,與稍早成立於法國的巴比松畫派(Barbizon school)齊名。它不僅包括來自奧洛特這個地區(在西班牙Spain.加泰隆尼亞Catalonia自治區.赫羅納Girona省)的藝術家,也包括所有受到奧洛特景觀的啟發而創作的藝術家。
奧洛特畫派影響了現代西班牙的自然景觀畫。前幾屆來參展的可歸類為奧洛特畫派(School of Olot)藝術家包括:2013、2014年來參展的 Fermin Colomer,2016年的 Toni Cassany、2017年的 Jordi Isern,2018年的 Joan Coloma,還有2013年、2014年、2017年的 Mario García Miró 都是。
Llorenç Danés 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。