10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_10_Roselles Canigó_65x54cm_Oil on canvas_2015.jpg

西班牙ROSA藝術集團今年來了七位藝術家參加[Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]。前兩位分別是印象派風景畫大師(偏寫實)Miguel Peidro,與印象派風景畫大師(偏抽象)Andrés Rueda,第三位介紹的也是一位印象派風景畫大師,今年第一次參展的Toni Cassany 。來自赫羅納的他將故鄉恩波達地區的好風光持續介紹給世人知道。他擅長用俯瞰的方式來構圖,延伸到天際線的山野景觀與天空變化的雲彩是他的兩大特色;為了加強景深,他也會將遠方的房舍勾勒得特別清楚,帶給觀畫者不同的視覺衝擊。

Toni Cassany的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2016-4-22~25 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:C1+C2 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2016ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這七位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。


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Toni Cassany [譯音: 東尼.卡薩尼]

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯by Chris Lee):


10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_1_Cadaqués entre llums i ombra_100x100cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_1_Cadaqués entre llums i ombra_100x100cm_Oil on canvas


Cadaqués entre llums i ombres
One of my "obsessions" when I paint is the conquest of the light. This painting shows evidently the struggle for this conquest. To reflect the light is to reflect a frame of mind. Technically it is a unique combination of colors, a contrast between the range of cold and warm colors. The effect is a relief shaped by the effect of the light and thus close and plastic. Cadaqués is a beautiful villaje of the Costa Brava . Salvador Dalí lived there.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_2_Cadaqués Llum de capvespre_100x45cm_Oil on pannel_2015.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_2_Cadaqués Llum de capvespre_100x45cm_Oil on pannel_2015

卡達克斯的黃昏 [入選寶勝預展]

Cadaqués, llum de capvespre
Few villages are in the coastal Catalonia that preserve the beauty of the natural and authentic with such delicacy like Cadaqués. This painting is a wonderful play of light and shadows. The pinkish color of the sky and the reflections of the light in the white houses of the fishermen produce a strong sense of inner peace.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_3_Estiu a la plana empordanesa_73x50cm_Oil on canvas_2015.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_3_Estiu a la plana empordanesa_73x50cm_Oil on canvas_2015

盛夏的恩波達 [入選克緹預展]

Estiu a la plana empordanesa
The Empordà is a beautiful area of the Mediterranean Coast, Summer there is so beautiful. This painting is a clear sample of the kind of landscapes I like to paint. On the horizon, heaven and Earth meet. The paintings seeks the feeling of infinity, feeling small, admiring the spectacle of wheat fields in summer. The fields, arranged in increasing perspective produce a sense of depth that is very characteristic in my works.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_4_Fent feina a la vinya_90x60cm_Oil on canvas_2015.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_4_Fent feina a la vinya_90x60cm_Oil on canvas_2015


Fent feina a la vinya
The Empordà has many beautiful  vineyards just in front of the sea. The wines produced there are very appreciated. The painting is an scene of the people working picking grapes to do the wine. The human figure is rarely present in my work. Only when man is in intimate communion with the earth it has place in my landscapes. Working in the vineyards  of the region of northern Catalonia presented here a chance that I wanted to paint on site. The colorful  tone denotes the splendor of the fall.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_5_Gallarets voltants del Far d%5CEmpordà_73x54cm_Oil on canvas_2015.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_5_Gallarets voltants del Far d'Empordà_73x54cm_Oil on canvas_2015

恩波達燈塔旁的罌粟花田 [入選寶勝預展] 已收藏

Gallarets al voltant del Fard' Empordà 
Gallarets is an Area of the Empordà with a beautiful Poppies Landscape in Spring and it is very close to the Empordà Lighthouse. This painting has three of the main features of my work: the infinite horizon;  the sky light that causes sublime emotions; and the impact of color that bring the spring poppies. Surely this is a good example of what I seek when I take the brush and prepare myself to talk about my soul through painting. 



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_6_Grocs prop de Garriguella_36x48cm_Oil on canvas_2015.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_6_Grocs prop de Garriguella_36x48cm_Oil on canvas_2015

加里格利亞的山野黃花 [入選寶勝預展]

Grocsprop de Garriguella
Garriguella is a beautiful village of the Empordà, with wonderful landscape and nature. In my representation of the landscapes I try to raise two types of emotions. Serenity and exalted emotion. This second emotion is conveyed through color. In this case, the rapeseed fields in full bloom spring helped me to transport the viewer to the wild beauty of color.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_7_La Badia de Roses_92x73cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_7_La Badia de Roses_92x73cm_Oil on canvas


La badía de Roses
For me this is the most beautiful and stunning landscape of l’Empordà . Its beauty lies in its dimensions, its diaphanous conception of space. Contemplating this site is a real spiritual pleasure. The curve traced on the ground by the sea and the light that bathes is highly suggestive. This is a good example of how the landscape of l'Empordà arouses emotions. This scene requires a great mastery of perspective and composition.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_8_La plana del Montgrí_120x60cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_8_La plana del Montgrí_120x60cm_Oil on canvas


La plana del Montgrí
Montgrí  is a massif of mountains in the Costa Brava Area.  It has a very unique place of wild nature. This piece is emphasized by its vertical composition. This layout contrasts with the landscape of L’ Empordà represented in it. L'Empordà is a region of northern Catalunya characterized by its extensive plains and vast and majestic skies. I set myself an original challenge with the composition of this work and I believe that the  effect achieved is very original.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_9_Pla fins a Roses_100x50cm_ Oil on panel_2015.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_9_Pla fins a Roses_100x50cm_ Oil on panel_2015


Pla fins a Roses
This is a landscape of the plains of the Empordà region going to the Coastal Village of Roses. A Plain in the north of The Empordà. This piece shows two features,very characteristic of my work, in one pictorial exercise: the majestic landscape next to the color spot  of the fields. The layout of the clouds and fields, trees and colors are all serving to the perspective and depth once again.



10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_10_Roselles Canigó_65x54cm_Oil on canvas_2015.jpg

10878_Toni Cassany_ART2016_10_Roselles Canigó_65x54cm_Oil on canvas_2015

罌粟花田與卡尼古山 [入選BV預展]

Roselles. Canigó 
Poppies give this painting an exalted color grade that elevates  the spirit of the viewer. At the background of the scene, the great  Mount Canigó, an imposing massif that Catalunya and France share, is caressed by the snows of the late winter. This painting was painted very early spring when the winter cold have not yet entirely dissipated. The Canigó is a magical mountain of the Pyrenees, it is in France now, but in the past this French Area of the Roussillon was a Catalan Area and has a very special meaning for all the Catalan people  The landscape is magnificent.


藝評 by Emily Lin (ROSA區資深組員)>>
Toni的用色很繽紛,景深也夠,天空的雲彩也很好看。出生地赫羅納,跟前兩屆也是熱賣的Fermin Colomer 同鄉,都是風景畫的高手。他那張「葡萄園的工作」令人聯想到巴比松畫派米勒大師的「拾穗者」。

藝評 by Yi-Chen Lee (ROSA區小組長)>> 

藝評 by Andrew Hsu (歐美區組長)>> 
他很特別的是畫中遠方的房舍反而勾勒的很清楚(以在BV展出的「罌粟花田與卡尼古山」為例),讓觀畫者的視線一下就拉到景深很遠的地方。這也是與 Miguel Peidro 不同的地方。


Toni Cassany的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2016-4-22~25 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:C1+C2 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2016ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這七位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。

Art Revolution Taipei 2016 
貴賓之夜:2016. 4.21 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2016. 4.22~4.25 12:00~20:00 (4.24 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 


    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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