2019-11581-06_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_甜甜又蜜蜜 Honey Moon_複合媒材 mixed mediums_146x73cm_50號_sm_2018.jpg

第七年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2019 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年創紀錄邀請來了十二位藝術家,各具特色。現在要介紹的這位是西班牙童趣派大師:Jordi Pintó [譯音:裘地·品托]。Jordi 的畫裡充滿了色彩,他並不害怕使用顏色,我們也因此可以欣賞到許多不同色調的微小差別;另外,在他的構圖中秩序與混亂是和諧共存的,幻想及幽默在他的畫裡與象徵符號交織融合,創造出一個充滿童趣天真的小世界,令人愉悅。 




Jordi Pintó 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2019/4/25~29 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋 "2019ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十二位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


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Jordi Pintó [譯音:裘地·品托]




The works of Jordi Pintó are figurative, imaginative, colorful, with a great variety of tones and nuances and plenty of small details and humor. He does a compositional synthesis in which order and chaos coexist in harmony. His optimistic and positive paintings provokes a smile by the sympathy he transmitted, using rounded and soft forms to create the figures, objects and landscapes of his works and because the intuitive and cheerful colors they have.   


以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯 by Yingchi Ku): 

2019-11581-01_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_在鄰近的天空下 Bajo Cielos cercanos_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2017.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-01_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_在鄰近的天空下 Bajo Cielos cercanos_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2017

I love Barcelona, I love its blue, clean, clear and bright sky. 
But there is another heaven, a heaven that gives us peace, that gives us tranquility, that make us learn and discover new places without moving from the place where we are, that heaven, is the paradise and pleasure of reading. 
The physical sky and the inner sky merge in a magical moment, where everything is possible and the feeling of fullness and satisfaction is very, very close. 


2019-11581-02_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_一桌好料 El arte y la ciencia de la buena mesa_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2017.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-02_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_一桌好料 El arte y la ciencia de la buena mesa_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2017

I love cooking as much as painting, just the pleasure of eating exceeds the pleasure of cooking. 
I really like the food and prepare delicious dishes. I like the ritual of preparing and arranging the food and then cooking it, placing it on the table and seeing its shapes and colors, its textures and flavors. 
I firmly believe that good cooking and the culinary act begins with the view, and that everything enters through the eyes and that is my science, my pleasure and my happiness.


2019-11581-03_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_生命之旅 El viaje de Nuestra Vida_複合媒材 mixed mediums_140x70cm_50號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-03_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_生命之旅 El viaje de Nuestra Vida_複合媒材 mixed mediums_140x70cm_50號_sm_2018

生命是段漫長的旅程,而且最好是有你摯愛之人相伴… 因為有這麼多東西要看、要思考、要享受;去散個長長的步,親近大自然,去看看不同的城市,接受文化洗禮。 
Life is a long journey that is best, if we do it accompanied, especially with the person you love… There is much to see, much to contemplate, much to enjoy, take long walks, enjoy nature, see cities and enjoy culture. 
Everything is better if we are with someone who brings us love, joy and vitality to our life. 


2019-11581-04_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_Hi到最高點 Emociones fuertes_複合媒材 mixed mediums_80x130cm_60M_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11581-04_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_Hi到最高點 Emociones fuertes_複合媒材 mixed mediums_80x130cm_60M_sm_2018

Life is a roller coaster, now we are up, now we are down. You have to relax and enjoy all the moments and gifts that life and the universe offer you. 
If we see life as an adventure, everything is more fun, we need emotions, emotions that make us feel alive, but at the same time focused on the present, the past already happened, the future does not exist. 
There is only the present, our vital moment, we enjoy all the joy that life offers us, we smile, close our eyes and let ourselves be carried away. 


2019-11581-05_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_早安!巴塞隆納 Good Morning Barcelona_複合媒材 mixed mediums_81x100cm_40F_sm_2017.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-05_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_早安!巴塞隆納 Good Morning Barcelona_複合媒材 mixed mediums_81x100cm_40F_sm_2017 《入選本屆圖錄》

My painting wants to show the small oasis that every person can find in their everyday life, even living in a big city, like Barcelona, we can find a state of calm, comfort, with a quiet reading, a good breakfast, a warm coffee. Enjoying these little things, of the present moment, that make us happy, and that many time we do not appreciate how we should.


2019-11581-06_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_甜甜又蜜蜜 Honey Moon_複合媒材 mixed mediums_146x73cm_50號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-06_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_甜甜又蜜蜜 Honey Moon_複合媒材 mixed mediums_146x73cm_50號_sm_2018

This painting is an ode to the always sweet, splendid and spectacular, beginnings of love. Full of optimism and hope for a happy life, together with the loved one. 
Lovers see the life of candy, sugar and marzipan, then life and circumstances will do their job, but I wanted to reproduce in this painting that magical moment where everything is possible and everything is to be done, live and discover that moment, called honeymoon. 


2019-11581-07_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_最美的夜 La Noche más hermosa_複合媒材 mixed mediums_140x70cm_50號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-07_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_最美的夜 La Noche más hermosa_複合媒材 mixed mediums_140x70cm_50號_sm_2018

I love cities especially at night, everything is flooded by thousands of flashing and multicolored lights and neons that make everything magical and different. 
I really like the energy and movement that is inside cities, ships that come to the harbor, planes that go over the sky, nothing at all stops, everything flows and moves. 
One of these nights the aliens will visit us, they will come from outer space and we will not be alone anymore, and that night will be the most beautiful night.


2019-11581-08_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_美夢成真 Los sueños pueden hacerse realidad_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-08_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_美夢成真 Los sueños pueden hacerse realidad_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2018 《入選本屆圖錄》

To travel, to find a partner, to fall in love, to find the love of our life, to fulfill our dreams and illusions. 
This painting, like almost all the paintings I do, is a song of optimism and hope.  A hope that everything will go well, no matter what you do. And faith in life and its processes, in the vitality of nature that pervades everything and in something indefinable and major that we cannot understand but intuit and feel.


2019-11581-09_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_快樂星期一 Me encantan los lunes_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11581-09_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_快樂星期一 Me encantan los lunes_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2018

I believe that in life everything is relative, if you are in love with your couple, your work, or life, everything becomes wonderful, and a Monday can be as fascinating and cozy as a holiday. 
I like to travel and get to know new places, but I also think that with an optimistic and positive attitude, a breakfast in an insignificant and trivial place can become a unique experience and in the best of paradises. 


2019-11581-10_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_直到永遠 Todo el tiempo del mundo_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2018.jpg


↑上圖:2019-11581-10_裘地·品托 Jordi Pintó_直到永遠 Todo el tiempo del mundo_複合媒材 mixed mediums_100x81cm_40F_sm_2018

Living sometimes is stressful, work, bills, daily pressures. All that pressure can undermine the love and magic of the couple and what one felt for the other can vanish. 
It is important to find time for the couple, and for love, so that the spark resurfaces, time to walk through the countryside and enjoy each other, in contact with the inner nature and with the external nature. 
Everything changes, everything moves, everything changes, the clouds pass. But if you manage to reconnect with that divine part, that we all have inside, you feel that everything is beautiful, that things calm and relax and that you have the eternity inside you, that you have all the time of the world.





Art Revolution Taipei 2019 
貴賓之夜:2019. 4.25(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2019. 4.26(五)~4.29(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 

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    Chris Lee


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