2019-11580-03_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_晨光 Luz de manana_油畫 Oil on Canvas_80x40cm_16號_sm_2019.jpg

第七年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2019 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年創紀錄邀請來了十二位藝術家,各具特色。現在要介紹的這位是西班牙最偉大的超寫實藝術家之一:Marc Esteve [譯音:馬克·伊斯特法]。有人說:抽象藝術、觀念藝術皆需千言萬語來形容、來說明,寫實藝術最珍貴的地方在於千言萬語卻道不盡藝術家對當下的感動。在 Marc Esteve 的畫作中,我們可以感受到一種內在的寧靜:如果我們願意背對喧囂的現實生活,我們會進入一個單純的空間,欣賞他為我們留下的永恆之美。 




Marc Esteve 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2019/4/25~29 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋 "2019ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十二位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


2019-11580-00_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_sm.jpg

Marc Esteve [譯音:馬克·伊斯特法]




Marc is considered one of the greatest hyper-realistic artists of the current artistic panorama. He creates real moments on his canvases with his graceful technique; folded fabric, inanimate objects, stone beaches, and the ever present Mediterranean Sea and its ever-changing light. He fully understands how to grasp the feel of brightness and shadow in his artworks. His works are part of important art collections in Spain, England, USA and Russia.   


以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯 by Emily Lin): 


2019-11580-02_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_地中海畔的陽光 Bodegósota la llum de la mediterrània_油畫 Oil on Canvas_60x60cm_18正方_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11580-02_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_地中海畔的陽光 Bodegósota la llum de la mediterrània_油畫 Oil on Canvas_60x60cm_18正方_sm_2018 《入選本屆圖錄》

對住在海邊的居民而言,,大海彷佛也參與了這場聖宴,義大利刺繡的白布,當地人們經常飲用的白葡萄酒,還有在溫暖陽光下散發出的新鮮水果氣味......如同聖餐般的邀請儀式, 一起坐下來分享這塊土地賜給我們的美好食物....... 
The sea is also a communion of the people who live on its shores, white cloths of Italian embroidery, the wine always present in our Mediterranean culture, the smells of fresh fruit under the temperate sun ... ceremony of invitation to sit down table, to enjoy the goods that this land gives us ... 


2019-11580-01_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_拂曉的海 Alba al costat del mar_油畫 Oil on Canvas_120x60cm_40號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11580-01_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_拂曉的海 Alba al costat del mar_油畫 Oil on Canvas_120x60cm_40號_sm_2018 《入選本屆圖錄》

When I was a child, every morning, I would get up with my father, to see the sun rise behind the horizon, it is the magical memory of my childhood, of the awakening of a new day, of a new heaven, and of all the new light that is projected on the infinite sea. 


2019-11580-03_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_晨光 Luz de manana_油畫 Oil on Canvas_80x40cm_16號_sm_2019.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11580-03_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_晨光 Luz de manana_油畫 Oil on Canvas_80x40cm_16號_sm_2019

Inspired by the pure Mediterranean light, we are seeing the sea of the Costa Blanca,located on the Southeastern coast of Spain. The scene  is during the morning, when the sea shines with more strength, like  a mosaicof blue and white flashes of light, created by the architect  Gaudi... 




2019-11580-04_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_春季的地中海 Mediterrani en primavera_油畫 Oil on Canvas_120x45cm_30號_sm_2019.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11580-04_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_春季的地中海 Mediterrani en primavera_油畫 Oil on Canvas_120x45cm_30號_sm_2019

The sea changes during the different seasons of the year, after the cold winter, the turquoise colors open and appear between the foam of the sea, as in a  beautiful dance announcing life.  


2019-11580-05_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_寧靜的大海 Un mar de calma_油畫 Oil on Canvas_110x50cm_30號_sm_2019.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11580-05_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_寧靜的大海 Un mar de calma_油畫 Oil on Canvas_110x50cm_30號_sm_2019

The Mediterranean is above all, a sea of peace, its waters are calm, the image reflects the long walks along the beach, a place where you can find that same peace inside you. 


2019-11580-06_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_海畔的階梯 Y a un paso del mar_油畫 Oil on Canvas_130x50cm_35號_sm_2017.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11580-06_馬克·伊斯特法 Marc Esteve_海畔的階梯 Y a un paso del mar_油畫 Oil on Canvas_130x50cm_35號_sm_2017

The shore of the sea, under our feet, can be a magical place, there are horizons that are only a step away from our eyes ... a dance of the sun, making its way into a gallery of sculptures forged by the sea for hundreds of years ... 


Chris Lee (ROSA區資深組員):寫實主義(Realism)歷久不衰,照相機發明後,超寫實主義(Hyper-Realism)俄然崛起!Marc Esteve 挑戰了幾乎所有困難的項目:諸如絲織物的皺褶、海波浪的泡沫、石灘、靜物等等,在他的筆下可以創造出另一個真實世界。



Art Revolution Taipei 2019 
貴賓之夜:2019. 4.25(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2019. 4.26(五)~4.29(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 

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    Chris Lee


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