10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_1_Abanico español_粉蠟筆(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_92x73cm_2016.jpg

西班牙ROSA藝術集團今年來了七位藝術家參加[Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]。之前介紹了五位都是以景觀畫為主(Miguel PeidroAndrés RuedaToni CassanyUlpiano CarrascoJavier Bajo),外加一位女性藝術家,Ana Perpinya。最後壓軸介紹的是以女性人物畫為主、在歐美非常熾手可熱的粉彩畫大師,Vicente Romero。寫實派就是考驗基本功,Vicente從達利的母校畢業,年輕時又以街頭畫家的身份歷練過,畫作技巧自然不在話下。除了人物畫的神韻之外,他已經挑戰到主角之外的細節,譬如蕾絲綢緞之類的編織物,光澤、色彩、通透度與飄逸感,都要面面俱到,而且又是用粉彩畫的,難怪需求度那麼高。

Vicente Romero 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2016-4-22~25 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:C1+C2 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2016ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這七位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。


10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016.jpg

Vicente Romero [譯音:文森特·羅梅羅] 60歲(1956),西班牙(馬德里),現定居布拉瓦海岸。1982年以優異成績畢業於馬德里聖費爾南多學院美術系(薩爾瓦多•達利的母校)。寫實主義,除了油畫之外,他亦精於粉彩畫。主題多為女性人物,搭配地中海風情與陽光,展現出一種甜憩的休閒風。近期自2002年至2015年共有17項個展(包括1項法國沙龍展)的展出記錄。

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯by Chris Lee):


10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_1_Abanico español_粉蠟筆(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_92x73cm_2016.jpg

10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_1_Abanico español_粉彩畫(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_92x73cm_2016


Abanico Español
Delicate pictorial composition where we see an elaborate background with a Mediterranean garden, is early summer and the morning sun floods the room where the young woman rests, she is dressed with a delicate lace dress and sheltered by the beautiful and classic embroidered silk shawls (Manila Manton), while fans herself with a Spanish fan just enjoying life.



10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_4_Spring morning_粉蠟筆(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_116x89cm_2015.jpg

10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_4_Spring morning_粉彩畫(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_116x89cm_2015


Spring Morning
Luminous outdoor composition, is an spring morning, the garden is lush with blooming jasmine and wisteria, at the bottom of the paintings we can see the Mediterranean sea bathed in sunshine. The beautiful young woman, rests relaxed, wrapped by a silk shawl and dressed with a delicate dress, just contemplating and admiring such beauty of mother nature.



10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_3_Mediterranean Breeze_粉蠟筆(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_54x73cm_2015.jpg

10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_3_Mediterranean Breeze_粉彩畫(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_54x73cm_2015


Mediterranean Breeze
The  beautiful young girl standing at the shore of the Mediterranean Sea,  she feels the warmth of the  spring sunlight on her delicate skin and the soft sea breeze caresses her hair and dress .Her feet are bathed by the warm sea, her hands pick up the beautiful lace dress.  A sailboat sails peacefully by the calm waters of the sea, the time is stopped.



10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_2_Innocence_粉蠟筆(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_70x100cm_2016.jpg

10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_2_Innocence_粉彩畫(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_70x100cm_2016


Interior scene with elaborate and rich elements, the canopy bed is hand carved, the golden mirror at the bottom of the painting, the classical lamp that brings a special light to the work. In the foreground a beautiful girl, very young and innocent, with a nice tulle  blue skirt contemplatively, after returning from her first dance that she never will forget.



10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_5_Summer reading_粉蠟筆(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_81x65cm_2016.jpg

10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_5_Summer reading_粉彩畫(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_81x65cm_2016


Summer reading
Summer day on the coast, in the background we can see one of the beautiful beaches of the Costa Brava, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea. In a lovely garden a beautiful young woman, sensually dressed in a light dress, enjoy the pleasure of reading in such beautiful surroundings.



10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_6_The little gardener_粉蠟筆(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_65x50cm_2016.jpg

10880_Vicente Romero Redondo_ART2016_6_The little gardener_粉彩畫(pastel on Ingres paper over an impasto base)_65x50cm_2016


The Little Gardener
Beautiful and tender composition, in the foreground we can see a lovely little girl, dressed with a cute summer dress, holding her wicker basket and collecting flowers from the garden that she has cared. The sun's rays bathe her blond hair, emphasizing all the innocence, delicacy and tenderness of children.


The peace and calm are virtues considered by many as an almost unobtainable luxury in these times where life goes always so fast. Serenity seems to be, at all times, one millimeter beyond our reach, while the obligations of the day become more and more subjugating. At some point in life we were taught to forget, or perhaps the problem is that we never learned ,that time is not the one that moves quickly but us, and to stop ourselves a little, to enjoy the moment, should be a priority.

Vicente Romero 的作品向我們展示了人生中仍然有某些平靜的片刻是值得放在記憶中的。他在馬德里聖費爾南多美術學院(達利大師的母校)習得了油畫與粉彩畫的技巧。但只有粉彩畫可以更細膩地表達出他想要的效果。
The artworks of Vicente Romero Redondo (Spain, 1956) show that there are still places where every moment is able to transform into memories of perfect peace. He studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid, where he received his training in oil painting and pastel color. With the pastel color technique, Vicente has achieved a more delicate expressiveness in its forms.

His artistic work is full of peace and quiet serenity. Women who appear in his paintings do not seem static but contemplative, as if the moment of calm they are feeling was not something immovable and at any time the scene could continue with small and almost imperceptible variations.

Sensuality is another important element on Vicente’s works, it arises from the everyday gestures and common poses, that seem to occur only when there is no rush to move onto something else.

With his works, Vicente Romero Redondo seems to invite the viewers to share the peace that women of his paintings seem to be submerged, as if it was a warm dream, a content sigh able to transport us to someplace in the Mediterranean.

Tehnique description 技巧說明
和煦的地中海日照穿進海灘旁的小屋,整個畫面洋溢著通透又溫暖的色彩。多情浪漫、休憩色調、生動構圖、光影處理,這些都是Vicente Romero的作畫風格。他的創作不僅主題明確又饒富細節。
Transparent colors, warm colors and slashing colors of sunlight breaking through a house near the beach. These are the pastel works of Vicente Romero: Instinctive and romantic, the use of the color, in addition to the composition of the live drawing and the play of the light and shadows. Romero's paintings show us human figure in a well defined and full of beautiful and rich details space.


藝評 by Emily Lin (ROSA區資深組員)>>

藝評 by Chris Lee (ROSA區資深組員)>>

藝評 by Yi-Chen Lee (ROSA區小組長)>>


Vicente Romero 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2016-4-22~25 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:C1+C2 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2016ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這七位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。

Art Revolution Taipei 2016 
貴賓之夜:2016. 4.21 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2016. 4.22~4.25 12:00~20:00 (4.24 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 


    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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