20211186304_我心充盈_La Abundancia Es Nuestra_複合媒材(三拼畫)_Mixed Medium (Acrylic+Oil) on panel_349x130cm_225號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2018.jpg

第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第十五位、也是最後ㄧ位要介紹的是2020年就已經答應來參展的奇幻寫實大師 Nicoletta Tomás [譯音:妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯]。Nicoletta 以其極為紮實的寫實功力與充滿寓意的奇幻題材,在今年四月初“松菸預展”時獲得不少藏家的青睞,成績十分出色!



20211186304_我心充盈_La Abundancia Es Nuestra_複合媒材(三拼畫)_Mixed Medium (Acrylic+Oil) on panel_349x130cm_225號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2018]




Nicoletta Tomás 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



20211186300_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙.jpg

Nicoletta Tomás [譯音:妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯]

58歲(1963) ,出生於西班牙馬德里,現定居於瓦倫西亞。自學成才,從小就喜歡繪畫,但直到1990年搬到瓦倫西亞時才重拾畫筆。風格偏向奇幻寫實,擅長描繪大地母親與人類萬物相依相惜的情感,又帶點過去現在未來時空旅人的味道。自2000年以來迄今有60項展出紀錄,包含35項個展、7項群展以及19項藝博會,在瓦倫西亞有一項美術館展出記錄。 


Painting has been growing inside me and I in it. We go hand in hand because it is an intimate language between my soul and I. I inhabit the realm of form to let deep feelings speak, mirrors from my world to the world: my pictorial motifs, the light of the human being, its fragility and its greatness. Sketches of the path that one travels along, with the Animal and Nature kingdom, in search of the answers to the great questions of the human being. 


以下是藝術家本人的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Yingchi]

1963年出生於馬德里,母親是希臘人,父親是西班牙人,祖母是奧地利人。目前居住在西班牙的瓦倫西亞。我覺得我不屬於任何地方,而是地球的女兒。 I was born in Madrid in 1963, from a Greek mother, a Spanish father, an Austrian grandmother. I currently reside in Valencia, Spain. I don't feel anywhere, I'm a daughter of the Earth.  

In each painting that I made there is a desire for a better world for all, with the conviction that if we give our best we will be able to coexist in harmony with each other, feeling nature and the animal kingdom as inseparable companions on the way.


20211186301_媽,我回來了_El Retorno Del Emigrante_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_100x75cm_40P_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2015.jpg

↑上圖:20211186301_媽,我回來了_El Retorno Del Emigrante_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_100x75cm_40P_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2015


20211186307_小瑪莉7_Mariluna 7_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_70x35cm_12號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2011.jpg

↑上圖:20211186307_小瑪莉7_Mariluna 7_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_70x35cm_12號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2011


20211186302_團圓 I_Reencuentro I_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_110x110cm_60號正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2015.jpg

↑上圖:20211186302_團圓 I_Reencuentro I_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_110x110cm_60號正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2015

I love to paint about our capacity to love, to integrate ourselves into nature, of the communion between humans, the Animal Kingdom, and the Vegetable kingdom, as companions of the same initiation journey, of the mystery of life and death, of the Cosmos, of sensitivity of a conscious being. Of self-knowledge. Of the eternal questions. All this is fascinating to me at this time of my life.


時空旅人系列 Cosmos Travaller:

20211186305_星際旅航員II_Viajero De Las Estrellas II_複合媒材_Mixed Medium (Acrylic+Oil) on panel_100x100cm_50正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2017.jpg

↑上圖:20211186305_星際旅航員II_Viajero De Las Estrellas II_複合媒材_Mixed Medium (Acrylic+Oil) on panel_100x100cm_50正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2017


20211186306_老朋友_我們又見面了_La Alegria De Nuestra Union_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_30x30cm_5正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211186306_老朋友_我們又見面了_La Alegria De Nuestra Union_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_30x30cm_5正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2018


20211186310_旅程II(初心)_La Partida II_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_170x123cm_100號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211186310_旅程II(初心)_La Partida II_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_170x123cm_100號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2018




20211186308_旅程(莫忘)_Recuerda_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_110x110cm_60正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2017.jpg

↑上圖:20211186308_旅程(莫忘)_Recuerda_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_110x110cm_60正方_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2017



20211186309_旅程I(夥伴)_La Partida_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_75x50cm_20號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2017.jpg

↑上圖:20211186309_旅程I(夥伴)_La Partida_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_75x50cm_20號_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2017



20211186311_寧靜7(心之所向)_Serenity VII (un camino con corazon)_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_150x115cm_80F_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211186311_寧靜7(心之所向)_Serenity VII (un camino con corazon)_壓克力顏料_Acrylic on panel_150x115cm_80F_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2020



20211186303_夢想的種子在永恆初心中萌芽_油畫(三拼畫)_Oil on panel_70x100cm_40P_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2015.jpg

↑上圖:20211186303_夢想的種子在永恆初心中萌芽_En El Corazon Eterna La Semilla De Un Sueno Brotando_油畫(三拼畫)_Oil on panel_70x100cm_40P_人物_妮可蕾塔·多瑪斯_Nicoletta Tomas_西班牙_2015

I use acrylic, because I consent to everything; the marble dust, because it brings me closer to the earth, giving texture, weight and borders; newspaper, because it speaks of the everyday of the absurd and the anecdotal; I paste written papers of poems, because the written word is fertile ground for the soul, and I also integrate photos that I cut simply or capriciously so that they dance with the painting, with the figure and its air. I am not so interested in a work because of how it is executed, but because of its ability to nurture the one who looks at it, to speak directly to people's hearts.  


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Nicoletta Tomás 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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