
第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第十三位要介紹的是2020年就已經答應來參展的魔幻立體派大師 Carolina Cuadrillero [譯音:卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛]。Carolina Cuadrillero 與她的先生Alvaro Reja [譯音:阿勒瓦洛·瑞哈]是主辦單位開展以來第一對同時受邀參展並且獨立作畫的夫妻檔藝術家,上一篇介紹了先生的作品。Carolina則是以豐富的細節紋飾,不受既有藝術法則的束縛,風格自由獨特、坦率天真、隨心所欲,以直覺將思緒所及、觀察入眼的事物畫進畫布,充滿天真浪漫的魅力與熱情!







Carolina Cuadrillero 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹



20211185600_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙.jpg IMG_Alvaro%26;Carolina.jpg

Carolina Cuadrillero [譯音:卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛]

57歲(1963) ,出生於西班牙佩德拉哈斯,1977-1982就讀於當地的工藝學校,婚後搬到帕倫西亞,先生Alvaro Reja也是一位藝術家,並一起參展本屆台北新藝術博覽會。初期學習寫實繪畫,直看到Elena Narkevich的展覽,才找到創作出口。透過豐富和諧的色彩、立體幾何的結構,創造出魔幻童話般的世界,傳達生活日常的美好和強勁的生命力。風格和題材深受藝術家Diego Rivera和 Fernando Botero的影響,部份場景來自魔幻寫實文學「百年孤寂」一書的神奇想像力。藏家包括西班牙前首相、前沙烏地阿拉伯國王、知名服飾品牌Zara負責人、電影007始祖、F1車神、拉丁樂界第一女神...等人。 


「歡迎來到我的世界,請盡情享受與獲得啟發,和我一起同遊我過去的回憶。我了解藝術是一種親密關係的分享,我喜歡將現實的過往轉化為天真的回憶。」 Carolina的作品融入了她對生活的願景,充滿想像、色彩與柔情。主要影響來自「百年孤寂」的馬奎斯,以及畫家迪亞哥·里維拉與亨利·盧梭。 

“Welcome to my world! Please enjoy, inspire and travel with me to those memories of my past! I paint as I want because I understand art is a shared intimacy. Art to me is transforming the realistic past into ingenuous memories”. Carolina's work merging her vision in life is pure imagination, color and tenderness. Her main influences are the writer Gabriel Garcia Márquez and the painters Diego Rivera and Rousseau. 

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Emily & Yingchi]


20211185601_靜物與西瓜_Bodegon con Sandia_油畫_Oil on canvas_162x130cm_100F_靜物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211185601_靜物與西瓜_Bodegon con Sandia_油畫_Oil on canvas_162x130cm_100F_靜物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019

I’m especially happy with this cubist still life. It has full and neat forms where the color becomes very important for me, the fruits have forgotten their organic state and the objects appear as something artificial for which time do not pass.


20211185602_向日葵_Girasoles_油畫_Oil on canvas_146x89cm_80M_風景_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211185602_向日葵_Girasoles_油畫_Oil on canvas_146x89cm_80M_風景_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019

創作這幅畫我使用了純粹的裝飾概念,在空間裏注入光線,和梵谷 (Van Gogh) 的作品《向日葵》有相同的脈動。梵谷為歡迎他的朋友高更 (Gauguin) 和裝飾高更的房間而作畫,我想像我的向日葵也有類似的目的 — 給人一個心悅神怡的片刻停留。為此,我特別重視黃色調的運用,並與純真、簡樸的形式相結合,忠於我的個人風格。
I composed this painting with a purely decorative concept, to give light to a space ... with the same impulse that Van Gogh paint his work “Sunflowers”, to decorate and welcome his friend Gauguin, I imagined my sunflowers with a similar purpose... make a pleasant stay and for this I have given special importance to the games of yellows tones, combining them with naivety and simplicity in the forms and being faithful to my style.


20211185603_持扇的女人_Mujer con abanico_油畫_Oil on canvas_97x130cm_60F_人物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211185603_持扇的女人_Mujer con abanico_油畫_Oil on canvas_97x130cm_60F_人物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019

在這幅畫中,女人只是作畫的一個托詞,主要藉以捕捉黃色系和粉紅色調的色彩配置與運用,試著營造出一種溫暖、歡樂和性感的氛圍,同時透過形狀和圖案的解構,提供一種顏色強烈到近乎緊張的圖像。 那正是我在尋找的, 一種強而有力的視覺衝擊。
In this painting, the female figure is a pretext to capture a whole play of colors in yellows and pinks tones, looking for an impact of general warmth, joy and sensuality, that together with the decomposition of shapes and patterns, offers an almost chromatic stress image. That is what I am looking for. A powerful visual impact.


20211185604_鴿子 1_Paloma 1_油畫_Oil on panel_60x45cm_12P_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211185604_鴿子 1_Paloma 1_油畫_Oil on panel_60x45cm_12P_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2018

20211185605_鴿子 2_Paloma 2_油畫_Oil on panel_55x46cm_10F_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211185605_鴿子 2_Paloma 2_油畫_Oil on panel_55x46cm_10F_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2018

20211185606_鴿子 3_Paloma 3_油畫_Oil on canvas_120x120cm_72正方_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2018.jpg

↑上圖:20211185606_鴿子 3_Paloma 3_油畫_Oil on canvas_120x120cm_72正方_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2018

正如我之前所說的,上面三幅鴿子系列是以我對印花布、設計圖案,還有對裝飾性繪畫的熱愛為藉口,不受拘束、自由創作最好的例子, 作品中的任何一個元素都在追尋色彩和造形的和諧。儘管是較小幅的作品,卻是在精心繪製、悉心感受下而誕生的創作。
These 3 paintings above, as I have commented previously, are an example of the use of any excuse to give free rein to my love for prints and patterns, for my love for the decorative aspects of the paintings, to dress definitively, any element of the works looking for a harmony of color and shapes, and although they are smaller works they are specially worked and felt.


20211185607_關於米羅_Sobre Miro_油畫_Oil on canvas_89x116cm_50F_抽象_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211185607_關於米羅_Sobre Miro_油畫_Oil on canvas_89x116cm_50F_抽象_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019

我一直很欣賞米羅 (Miró) 的作品,尤其是他簡單的造形、對色彩的敏感度,以及畫中所體現的個人世界。這幅畫是對他的一件作品所做的詮釋,融合我的印花圖案,像是一件拼布創作,呈現了立體感和雕塑感。
I have always admired Miró's work, the simple forms and the sense of color of his paintings, and his personal world embodied in his canvases. This painting is an interpretation of one of his works, incorporating my prints as if it were a patchwork and offering a volumetric and sculptural vision.


20211185608_藍色公牛_Toro en azules_油畫_Oil on canvas_120x120cm_72正方_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211185608_藍色公牛_Toro en azules_油畫_Oil on canvas_120x120cm_72正方_動物_卡洛琳娜·瓜德里耶洛_Carolina Cuadrillero_西班牙_2019

以公牛作為繪畫動機,對我來說是一個反復出現的主題,我一次又一次地回到這個主題上,但不是從鬥牛的角度去看它,因為我不喜歡鬥牛,而是以公牛作為一種動物所具有的強大形象來看,就像圖騰一樣,已經成為許多文化的一部分。 奧斯本公牛 (Osborne Toro) 在整個西班牙境內都看得到,它是一種形像,連結到我的童年和周末的公路旅行,並且在我的許多畫作中重複出現。
The bull as a pictorial motive is for me a recurring theme on which I return again and again, not to face it from the angle of bullfighting, because I do not like bullfighting, but the bull as an animal the powerful image it has, like a totem, that has been part of many cultures. The Osborne bull, present throughout our geography, is an image linked to my childhood and weekend trips by the roads of Spain, and has appeared repeatedly in many of my paintings.

這隻公牛看起來是靜態的,就像動物在擺姿勢一樣。 如此一來,解構後的形狀和圖案就變得相對重要,有時也會使用高彩度的顏色而達到飽和的色澤。
The image appears static, like if the animal were posing. Where the unstructured shapes and patterns become important and where color sometimes reaches saturation.


◎Alvaro Reja & Carolina Cuadrillero夫婦的藏家大有來頭,包括西班牙前首相、前沙烏地阿拉伯國王、知名服飾品牌Zara創辦人、電影007始祖、F1車神、拉丁樂界第一女神,還有諸多名人等等。以下是西班牙某藏家將Alvaro Reja & Carolina Cuadrillero夫妻檔的作品佈置在他的豪宅裡 。





Carolina Cuadrillero 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


    創作者 Chris Lee 的頭像
    Chris Lee


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