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第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加 [2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會] 的藝術家。

第六位要介紹的是連續第三年參展的人物畫大師 Fabio Hurtado [譯音:法比奧·歐羅他多]。他是一位很有辨識度的藝術家,利用幾何的背景搭配寫實的人物,在空間上營造出超現實的氛圍,令觀者彷彿進入一個神秘卻幽雅的世界。其次,他擅長凸顯出頗具現代個性的女性主角,似乎暗喻新時代女性的到來。展出資歷完整,曾經獲得西班牙皇后索菲亞頒發榮譽獎章,西班牙郵政總局也以他的作品來發行郵票,2018ART來參展時其畫作為大會主席所收藏。






Fabio Hurtado 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


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Fabio Hurtado [譯音:法比奧·歐羅他多]

61歲(1960),西班牙馬德里人,康普頓斯大學藝術學院畢業,是畫家兼攝影師。獨特的立體幾何風格,以20、30年代電影場景為背景,既互補且和諧的色調,創造了特殊的畫面質感,而畫中女主角們皆具優雅、豐腴、獨立、神秘、有教養和喜愛旅遊等氣質。為羅馬現代藝術學院會員,西班牙皇后索菲亞在BMW繪畫競賽上為他頒發榮譽獎章,西班牙集郵套票「女性與閱讀」中收錄他6幅畫作。其作品被愛爾蘭阿爾斯特美術館和馬爾他國家美術館永久收藏。至少有24次個展、50次群展 (含10場藝博會、3項美術館)。從2018年起,已連續第三年參展台北新藝術博覽會。 



Embarking on a journey through time, despite changes in society, I find a subtle parallel underlying both the past and the present; the human factor. My work incorporates emotions into the skin of the paintings as an intimate approach to a hidden world of feelings and self-awareness. The recurrent subject of traveling becomes a metaphor of this “inner movement”, a poignant statement of the timeless unchanging realities of the human condition. 

以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 Yingchi]


20201146002_蒼鷺和鏡子_La Garza y el Espejo_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x97cm_80P_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211146002_蒼鷺和鏡子_La Garza y el Espejo_油畫_Oil on canvas_150x97cm_80P_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2019

This work also belongs to the series that celebrates the communion between the human being and nature. The play of curved and straight lines accentuates the voluptuousness of the figure, creating a scene with a certain sensual air. Also, the closed eyes and serene expression of the woman, transports us to an inner world full of serenity and happiness.


20201146003_淑女鳥_Lady bird_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211146003_淑女鳥_Lady bird_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x100cm_40F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2019

This painting belongs to a series of works that celebrate the communion between the human being and nature. The poetic image of a woman interacting with a bird in the forest represents a metaphor for respect and trust. It seems that humanity has finally begun to become aware of the importance of respecting and caring for our true home: our planet.


20201146004_托斯卡尼之旅_Un viaje en Toscana_油畫_Oil on canvas_89x114cm_50F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2019.jpg

↑上圖:20211146004_托斯卡尼之旅_Un viaje en Toscana_油畫_Oil on canvas_89x114cm_50F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2019

The trip, as a transfer and also as a metaphor for the course of life, has been a constant in my work. A starting point, a luggage, an apprenticeship and a destination. In this painting we can see a beautiful oriental woman visiting Tuscany in Italy, a region with wonderful landscapes full of history.


20201146007_藍調探戈_Blue tango_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x114cm_50P_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211146007_藍調探戈_Blue tango_油畫_Oil on canvas_81x114cm_50P_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020

Music has always been as important to me as painting. It is a form of emotional communication through a universal language, pure magic. In the image, a left-handed accordionist seems to catch the attention of a bird while playing a tune. The interaction of human being and nature as well as the world of emotions is a constant in my work.


20201146008_圓月探戈_Fool moon tango_油畫_Oil on canvas_55x73cm_20P_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211146008_圓月探戈_Fool moon tango_油畫_Oil on canvas_55x73cm_20P_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020

The title is a play of words that suggests a crazy night of love under the full moon. Tango is a musical genre and dance of complex origin and meaning, a symbiosis of different cultures with a strong emotional charge. It has European, African and South American influences. It is danced in pairs and evokes sometimes conflicting feelings such as sensuality and melancholy or seduction and disillusion. In this work a man and a woman dance a tango in the water, under the light of the full moon. Water is one of the four elements of nature, traditionally associated with the world of emotions.


20201146009_鳥語 I_Birdland I_油畫_Oil on canvas_27x35cm_5F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211146009_鳥語 I_Birdland I_油畫_Oil on canvas_27x35cm_5F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020

The interaction between human being and nature has always been a source of inspiration. In this intimate work, the closed eyes and the intensity of warm colors transport us to an interior space, to a world of emotions.


20201146010_鳥語 II_Birdland II_油畫_Oil on canvas_27x35cm_5F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211146010_鳥語 II_Birdland II_油畫_Oil on canvas_27x35cm_5F_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020

The interaction between human being and nature has always been a source of inspiration. In this intimate work, the closed eyes and the intensity of warm colors transport us to an interior space, to a world of emotions.
[中文翻譯 by Yingchi]


20201146011_鳥園 II_El aviario II_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x60cm_30號_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020.jpg

↑上圖:20211146011_鳥園 II_El aviario II_油畫_Oil on canvas_100x60cm_30號_人物_法比奧·歐羅他多_Fabio Hurtado_西班牙_2020

In this work a woman interacts with a tropical bird through a game of looks. The bird is like a mirror, the reflection of her own beauty and feeling of freedom. Warm colors and curved lines also convey an underlying sensuality.



◎西班牙托雷多別開生面的「音·色樂器博物館」(The Chromatic Museum)終於在四月十日隆重開幕,博物館位於聖母無原罪始胎修道院(Convent of the Immaculate Conception),座落在托雷多歷史悠久的加利亞納皇宮(Galiana palaces),二者相互輝映,為西班牙文化與歷史做見證。

創辦人路易斯·賈西亞·希德·隆塞洛(Luis García-Cid Roncero)為托雷多知名樂器製造家族第四代傳人,家族企業自1875年起創業至今,享譽歐洲,是西班牙最古老的樂器製造商;但路易斯·賈西亞·希德·隆塞洛不以樂器製造商自限,他歷經二十年苦心計劃籌備博物館,更提出革命性的創新概念把音樂與藝術相結合,讓館藏展出的樂器經名家之手彩繪裝飾,不論是鋼琴、吉他或薩克斯風,全都化身為一件件精心繪製的藝術品,展覽會場亦有現場音樂演奏,更讓音樂與藝術水乳交融,相得益彰。

首展共七十件作品,有日本畫家安藤光浩以及西班牙當地首屈一指的藝術家共襄盛舉,我們喜愛並熟知的西班牙藝術家Fabio Hurtado也受邀參與,展出一把大提琴與一把吉他。Fabio在大提琴琴身上畫的正是他將於2021台北新藝術博覽會展出的畫作《淑女鳥》,吉他音箱上隨樂起舞的也是即將在台北展出的《圓月探戈》的姊妹作, Fabio為琴身妝點故事和色彩,依然不改其一貫復古優雅的風格,柔和雅致的色澤與謎樣的神祕氣氛讓樂器更添嫵媚感性,而畫面的詩意扣人心弦,也將永遠伴隨樂音悠悠,旋律飛揚。

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Fabio Hurtado 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


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