第八年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2020~21 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。由於疫情影響,2020ART在世貿一館的正式展停辦,改為小規模的松山菸廠番外篇,但是已準備好的ROSA藝術集團十一位藝術家並沒有參與。等到2021ART時,ROSA藝術集團又加入了四位生力軍,總共十五位人數創新高打算盛大舉辦,不巧在今年臨開展前又因為台北疫情出現破口而延期!不論如何,就讓我們在網路上提前欣賞吧!
第一位介紹的仍是這位畫風非常有辨識度、連續第二次來參展的火焰派都市景觀畫大師 José Abel [譯音:荷西·亞伯勒]。他來自於擁有古根漢美術館的西班牙北方工業大城-畢爾包。受到透納風格 (19世紀英國浪漫主義風景畫家) 啟發, 擅長用「火」將筆下城市的繁忙嘈雜昇華為山嵐飄渺的深度、悠遠與沉思! 火痕造成之獨特抽象印記,獨樹一格故成為多所美術館展覽之常客與數十件藝術首獎之得主。
José Abel 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
José Abel [譯音:荷西·亞伯勒]
55歲(1964),出生與定居於西班牙畢爾包(Bilbao)。早年曾在畢爾包藝術重製美術館工作過,也從事過廣告業,現在開設畫室教學。印象派藝術家,擅長都市水岸景觀的描繪,以及運用乙炔火焰噴槍來營造煙霧氛圍。有五家美術館展出記錄與34項得獎紀錄(其中有23項是首獎)。他的啟發來自電影《銀翼殺手》(英語:Blade Runner,香港譯《2020》,中國大陸譯《銀翼殺手》)或《萬惡高譚市》(英語:Gotham是一部美國犯罪戲劇電視劇,取材自DC漫畫經典超級英雄作品《蝙蝠俠》)。此外,還有浪漫主義的大師畫家,例如大衛·弗里德里希(19世紀德國浪漫主義風景畫家)或特納(19世紀英國浪漫主義風景畫家)......
「靠近我的作品聞得到火焰、煙霧氛圍、濕氣、微風… 這就是我的目標。」在城市景觀與工業景觀(好比畫家出生地西班牙巴斯克的工業區)的製作與呈現上,荷西.亞伯勒有著一個不循常規且毫不設限的創作過程,他找到了以火焰噴槍來作畫的方式,這種特殊的技法賦予其作品一種特別的氣氛,獨樹一幟而備受藏家推崇。
"Lean out to my work and smell the fire, the atmosphere, the humidity, the breeze…This is my goal." José Abel Sánchez has an unconventional trajectory with no limits when it comes to shaping urban and industrial landscapes, such as the Basque factory area, where he was born. There the artist found elements that are currently part of his paintings made with fire, a particular technique that gives his unique works, very appreciated by collectors, a special aura.
以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 [中文翻譯 by Emily & Yingchi]:
↑上圖:20211158301_曼谷_Bangkok_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_125x80cm_50號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
當夜一降臨曼谷,這座城市似乎就隨著華燈初上而變了。 在這幅畫中,我希望觀眾覺得他就像鳥一般在城市上空飛翔,感受這座繁華迷人之城的氛圍、聲音和氣味。
Night falls in Bangkok and it seems that the city is transformed with the first lights. In this painting I want the viewer to feel that he is flying over the city, like a bird, to feel the atmosphere, sounds and smells of this exuberant and fascinating city.
↑上圖:20211158302_巴賽隆納_Barcelona_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_125x80cm_50號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
This painting is dedicated to the beautiful city of Barcelona, with one of its most emblematic views: On the left side of the work we see the end of its famous Ramblas, and the alleys of the Gothic quarter, highlighting among them the dome of the Mercè Church, in the center of the work we contemplate the statue of Christopher Columbus, always vigilant and welcoming visitors who come to the city by sea. To the right of the picture we can see the seafront with its impressive buildings and the port with some pleasure boats sailing. In this work we can enjoy the wonderful Mediterranean light that the city has, I have applied two columns of smoke in this painting, to give a more atmospheric feeling, the same one that there was that spring morning, due to the light mist that came from the still cold sea water.
↑上圖:20211158303_北京_Beijing_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_90x125cm_56號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
Beijin is fascinating, a great city full of movement and opportunities, in this work I wanted to capture that endless activity, so that the viewer can see and even breathe the atmosphere and ambience of an endless city. In the background of the work you can see the CCTV (television building). The entire lower part of the frame is completely burned, thus producing a more atmospheric and motion environment.
↑上圖:20211158304_金燦上海_Golden Shanghai_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on canvas_125x80cm_50號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
Shanghai is a lively city, full of activity and sounds. In this image I have chosen the time of sunrise, with its magic and golden light. The time when the new day begins and the new opportunities too. In this work I wanted to stop the city for a moment, and silence it, trying to make the spectator feel peace and tranquility, so that the same spectator is the one that puts on the painting their own sounds.
↑上圖:20211158309_白銀上海_Shanghai_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_125x90cm_56號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
這幅作品的色調比我大多數作品的色調都淺,場景是在早晨,我希望觀眾可以沉浸在一個充滿日常商業活動的城市中,看到貫穿城市的黃浦江賦予上海生命和繁榮, 並想像自己在這方無垠無際之上翱翔。
This work has lighter tones than most of my works, the scene is in the morning, I want the viewer to immerse himself in a city full of daily commercial activity, we see the Huangpu River that runs through the city giving it life and prosperity. The viewer can recreate himself flying over this infinite space.
↑上圖:20211158305_倫敦 II_LONDRES II_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_125x90cm_56號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
這幅作品展現了倫敦的日出,我想用這樣的景象讓觀眾置身在這座宏偉而又歷史悠久的城市,並見證諸多歷史性的時刻。 畫中的金黃色調和貫穿城市的泰晤士河,就像是一部歷史劇、神秘或浪漫的電影場景,我希望觀眾可以覺得自己如同劇中主演的電影明星一般。
This work represents the sunrise in London, with this image I want the viewer to move to this grand and historic city, witness of so many historical moments. This painting could be the setting for a historical, mystery, or romantic movie, with its golden tones and the Tamesis river running through the city, I want the viewer to feel like the star of his own movie.
↑上圖:20211158306_巴黎夜景_Paris Nocturno_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_125x80cm_50號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
Paris, the city of light and love, the romantic city par excellence. In this work the viewer can see a Paris crossed by the Seine, an image that invites to romantic and relaxed walks along its shore. Crossing their bridges in a placid and calm evening. In this image I wanted to give prominence to the Seine river, so I have painted a different perspective, from where the typical image of the Eiffel tower is not seen.
↑上圖:20211158307_布達佩斯鏈橋_Puente de las cadenas_ Budapest_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_120x60cm_36號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
我很喜歡匈牙利的布達佩斯,喜歡在它的市內街道上漫步,整個城市充滿歷史感。這張畫裏捕捉的是非常出名的鏈橋,是布達佩斯的象徵之一。它不但是布達佩斯最古老的一座橋,也是整條多瑙河上最著名的橋。為了紀念其創建者塞切尼伯爵(Count István Széhenyi),鏈橋的正式全名為塞切尼橋。一直到鏈橋竣工之前,人們只能乘坐渡船過河,或在寒冷的冬天徒步穿越冰凍的多瑙河。鏈橋連接雙子城布達和佩斯,是交通連結和繁榮的象徵。
I adore the Hungarian city of Budapest, and stroll through its streets, full of history. In this painting I have captured an image of the iconic Chain Bridge, which is one of the symbols of the city. The Chain Bridge is the oldest bridge in Budapest and the best-known bridge in the entire Danube River. It is officially known as the Széchenyi Bridge in honor of its creator, Count Iván Széchenyi. Until the construction of the bridge, the Danube could only be crossed by boat or, during cold winters, walking on its frozen waters. This bridge is a symbol of connection and prosperity, linking two cities, Buda and Pest.
↑上圖:20211158308_塞拉耶佛_Sarajevo_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_125x80cm_50號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
This work is an ode and my little tribute to this beautiful city, which suffered the longest siege of a modern war. In this work with light of dawn and hope, you can see a cold tone that dominates the painting, where the whole of the lower part has been burned, in the background of the work I have added a warm light, which wants to appropriate the painting, in order to give an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that floats in the environment and in the city nowadays.
↑上圖:20211158310_台北_Taipei_複合媒材_Mixed Mediums on panel_150x100cm_75號_荷西·亞伯勒_Jose Abel_西班牙_2019
I am very grateful to Taipei and Taiwan for the opportunity it has given me to be able to show my work in Asia. So I wanted to make this work as a token of appreciation to this beautiful city. The image shows a beautiful entrance to the city from land and water where you can see in the background the impressive silhouette of the majestic and emblematic TAIPEI 101 skyscraper.
藝術家為參加【2021 NFT World MasterAward】特別製作標題為「福島」的NFT動畫版,可以看到火焰與濃煙冉冉上升的效果!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeTHJzMob_s 美術館展出
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QInSgZuw2EQ 經營畫室
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aZ2RwNLRNQ 作畫過程
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1BvosSWg0c 水彩畫作品
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmP2j29eryM 媒體專訪(西班牙語)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY3ALDMNsQE 畫作瀏覽
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcT3auKSr2I 作畫過程
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7mjcz35C7o 作畫過程
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5RBVr_WsAg 作畫過程(沒有用火焰)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzfNTcF7UTL6QmZKbjh1V0lWa1U/view 媒體專訪(英語字幕)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzfNTcF7UTL6TzFLUG0yVWdCcXc/view 作畫過程
José Abel 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會 台北市世貿ㄧ館展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:G1~G4 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2021ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十五位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。