威尼斯雙年展自助行第四天。位於Arsenale軍械庫的展館1。 (先PO照片,敘述後補)
下圖:Michelangelo Pistoletto
Born in Biella, Italy, 1933. Lives and works in Biella, Italy
"義大利藝術家畢斯托雷托(Michelangelo Pistoletto)的11面鏡子原本完好的置放在整個展示廳的牆面,開幕期間藝術家親自上陣,將鏡面擊破,裝置觀念與行為藝術結合鏡面投影與反射的視覺性,至今仍為人樂道。"~以上敘述摘錄自~
下圖作者:Gonkar Gyatso
Born in Lhasa, Tibet, 1961. Lives and works in London, Great Britain
The Shambala of the modern time, 2008,
stickers, papercuts, pencil and ink on treated paper, 200 x 219 cm
For more information:
Elaine W. Ng, Editor and Publisher of ArtAsiaPacific writes: “Gonkar Gyatso often mixes the iconography of traditional Tibetan art with images from Western popular culture, such as children’s stickers, cartoons and newspaper cuttings. (Referred from here)
本篇路徑圖:搭52號船到S.Pietro站,步行至軍械庫展館(藍色方塊區),看完後,再走至Arsenale 站搭1號船回去。