第五年為各位介紹西班牙ROSA藝術集團來台參加[2017 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年特別邀請來了九位藝術家,大致可分為風景畫、人物畫與其他類。先前介紹的是奧洛特風景畫大師 Jordi Isern的作品,談到奧洛特畫派就一定要接著介紹這位參加過2013, 2014ART, 今年第3次參展的Mario García Miró,因為他也曾經是奧洛特畫派的一員,但是他近年來發展出一種"混搭"的風格,就是將風景畫(Natural Landscapes)以非常有創意的手法融合波普藝術(POP Art)與極簡建築元素(Minimalism Architecture),進而形成了獨樹一格的超現實效果,畫作非常有辨識度。作品常有「畫中畫」也是他的一大特點。以這幅畫為例[Recuerdos de Iguazú 伊瓜蘇瀑布的回憶(暫譯)],背景是極其寫實的巴西伊瓜蘇瀑布,展現出藝術家驚人的描繪功力,前景則是配色活潑大膽的波普藝術風格的室內裝潢,搭配牆上掛的兩幅超現實主義的畫作,令人非常嚮往自己就是住在這間屋子裡的主人。附帶一提,大部份的傢俱都是他自己設計的喔!
Mario García Miró 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2017-4-13~17 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K2+K5 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2017ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這九位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Mario García Miró (譯音:馬利歐.賈西亞.米羅)
52歲(1965),西班牙人(巴塞隆納)。原本受到奧洛特學派(School of Olot)傳統風景畫的影響而成為西歐頂尖的風景寫實畫家,近年來隨著環保議題的省思,將風景畫(Natural Landscapes)以非常有創意的手法融合普普藝術(POP Art)與極簡建築元素(Minimalism Architecture),而形成了獨樹一格的超現實效果,畫作非常有辨識度。作品常有「畫中畫」也是他的一大特點。此一新風格自2006年起迄今至少有9項個展與36項群展的展出記錄。
Mario García Miró出生於西班牙的巴塞隆那。他專注於寫實主義但融入了現代風格。他的畫風主要受到兩大因素的影響,一是加泰隆尼亞地區盛行的奧洛特畫派傳統風景畫(School of Olot),二是西歐目前最前衛的寫實藝術家。他獨特的「融合」風格不但呈現出令人驚艷的視覺效果與極簡主義的建築元素,讓人聯想起波普藝術;同時極盡寫實的風景畫又展現出驚人的描繪技巧。他對自然界與動物界的關愛不時流露在他幽默的畫風中。這次是繼2013,2014後第三次參展。
Mario García Miró was born in Barcelona, Spain. He focuses on realism but with a decidedly modern twist. His major influences are both traditional landscape painters of the Olot School and Western Europe’s cutting edge realists. His fusion paintings are visually stunning and unique, blending minimalist architectural elements, which often remind us the Pop Art, with realistic landscapes and objects depicted in the most traditional manner. His fond love for the nature and animals and his wonderful sense of humor are always present in his works. Mario's works are highly appreciated in Asia and this is his third time exhibiting in Art Revolution Taipei.
以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯by Chris Lee):
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_1_Vista Imposible_ 130x97cm_Oil on canvas [遠雄預展]
Vista imposible / Imposible View / 倫敦夜景 (暫譯)
London is one of the cultural capitals of the world that inspired me to make this painting. In London, its medieval history merges with the great and contemporary artistic currents. The two paintings in the interior of my painting, are fragments that belong to the painting "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dalí, a painter for whom I have always felt a great admiration. The detail of the giant can of soda, represents a personal critique of the necessary work of recycling, that humans should do in a more exhaustive and conscious way. The size of this can represents the vital message of help, that our planet is sending to us, to protect the nature and the environment.
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_2_Lectura en San Francisco_100x81cm_Oil on canvas [遠雄預展]
Lectura en San Francisco / Reading in San Francisco / 舊金山的金門大橋 (暫譯)
In this painting I try to reflect my passion for the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. I have read a lot about the history of this bridge; the great feat that supposed its construction between the years 1933 and 1937, was a great work of engineering loaded of problems that finally were solved. The painting of the books, that appears in the painting, is a "wink" to the many hours I have spent reading about the Golden Gate and its construction.
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_3_Armonías Campestres_100x81cm_Oil on canvas
Armonías campestres / Country Harmonies / 鄉間合奏曲 (暫譯)
Painting, together with the music (I play the bass in a band) and the photography form a vital triangle in my life. In this painting, I want to express the union between my three passions with an exterior view of the Noguera Pallaresa River in (Lleida), an area that I usually visit to get inspired by the magic of the nature of this area.
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_4_Recuerdos de Iguazú_130x97cm_Oil on canvas [BV預展]
Recuerdos de Iguazú / Memories of Iguazú / 伊瓜蘇瀑布的回憶 (暫譯)
This is my tribute to the water, and what better to do it than in one of the most impressive places in the world (Iguazú Waterfalls, Brazil ) where this vital element lets us live in this planet. The two paintings that appear in my work are two surrealistic expressions.
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_5_La Huida_92x73cm_Oil on canvas
La huida / Run Away / 北西北 (暫譯)
這幅畫是對我最愛的電影之一的致敬,就是1959年出品的《北西北》,導演是亞佛烈德•希區考克。我看了很多次,其中一次是在朋友家,他們住在庇里牛斯山脈的安道爾附近,那是一個有嚴寒的冬天和大雪的地方,那一天下了很多雪。 我總是認為我必須畫一幅畫來紀念那一刻。
This painting is a "wink" to one of my favorite films, “North By Northwest” by Alfred Hitchcock (1959). One of the several times I saw this film, was at the house of some friends of mine ,who live near Andorra at the Pyrenees Mountains, a place with hard winters and great snow, that day it had snowed a lot and the landscape was very bucolic. I always thought I would have to do a painting reflecting that moment.
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_6_New York y Las Meninas_100x81cm_Oil on canvas [遠雄預展]
New York y Las Meninas / New York and Las Meninas / 紐約與委拉斯奎茲的侍女圖
In this painting, I want to reflect a parallelism ,with a good dose of sense of humor, between the city of New York and the painting of Las Meninas by Velázquez, both saturated with people. I would have liked to be able to travel to Taiwan for this exhibition, but it could not be. Finally I decided to include myself, in the form of self-portrait, in the painting so that a part of me can be there.
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_7_La Vall d' en Bas_65x50cm_Oil on canvas
La Vall d’en Bas / 拉瓦利登巴斯 (西班牙.加泰隆尼亞.赫羅納省的一個市鎮) (暫譯)
This house is located in the beautiful and scenic region of “ La Garrotxa “ near Olot in Girona. It always has been a source of inspiration for me for its spectacular views of the woods and the place where it is located. In this house resides a good friend of mine, who is also a painter of landscapes, when I go to visit my friend, we have long talks about art, at the same time that we calmly observe and enjoy the beautiful landscape.
10092_Mario García Miró_ART2017_8_Colliure, Rincón del Mediterráneo_73x54cm_Oil on canvas
Rincón del Mediterráneo (Colliure) / Corner of Mediterranean (Collioure) / 地中海的角落(科利烏爾)(暫譯)
Colliure (France) is a very picturesque town that is relatively close to the border of Spain and the city of Barcelona where I live. In this village, there are many small art galleries. Colliure is place where you can breathe art and it invades you, this is my little tribute, in form of painting, to this unique and amazing village.
Mario García Miró,出生於具有悠久歷史的西班牙寫實主義重鎮,巴塞隆納,他的風格當然是著重於寫實主義(Realism),甚至傾向於超寫實主義(Hyper-Realism)。他曾經是西班牙頗有影響力的寫實畫派Amigos del Realismo組織的成員。隨著經驗的累積,除了早先受到古典風景寫實的奧洛特學派(School of Olot)影響之外,他也吸收了西歐當代前衛藝術的佼佼者,如達明•赫斯特等的創作風格。
在這兩種截然不同的風格激盪之下,他開展出另一種“融合(fusion)”的創新,將寫實主義的風景畫(Natural Landscapes)以非常有創意的手法融入了普普藝術(POP Art)與極簡建築元素(Minimalism Architecture)裡面,而形成了獨樹一格的超現實效果。某位藝評家說他的作品“具有驚人的視覺效果,展現出獨特的辨識度。”
Mario García Miró 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2017-4-13~17 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K2+K5 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框框] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2017ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這九位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。
Art Revolution Taipei 2017
貴賓之夜:2017. 4.13(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2017. 4.14(五)~4.17(一) 12:00~20:00 (4.16(日) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/