2019-11471-05_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_晨光 (萊昂山脈)_Manana de luz,Montes de Leon_油畫 oil on panel_41x21cm_6M_sm_2018.jpg

第七年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2019 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年創紀錄邀請來了十二位藝術家,各具特色。現在要介紹的這位是連續第二年來參展的西班牙夢幻派風景畫大師:Pedro Roldán [譯音:佩德羅·羅爾丹]。與雕塑大師 José 一樣也是來自西班牙南部大城哥多華。從小就展現繪畫天賦,八歲即贏得西班牙國家級的繪畫比賽獎項,得獎無數,生平擁有19項重要的得獎紀錄(其中有9項第一名)。全球近100場展覽,特殊畫風當代市場唯一!他的風景畫看起來很夢幻,你不能說他是超現實主義,因為他畫的還是現實世界,只是他看到的更美更好。即使是陰影,也是彩色的!




Pedro Roldán 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2019/4/25~29 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋 "2019ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十二位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


2019-11471-00_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan.jpg

Pedro Roldán [譯音:佩德羅·羅爾丹]

65歲(1954),西班牙人(哥多華,西班牙南部安達盧西亞自治區),現定居格拉納達 (安達盧西亞自治區)。從小就展現繪畫天賦,得獎無數,八歲時贏得西班牙國家級的繪畫比賽獎項。爾後舉家搬遷到藝術大城巴塞隆納,接受更完整的繪畫訓練,也因此聲名大噪,擁有19項重要的得獎紀錄(其中有9項第一名),知名度遍及歐洲及美國。他巧妙地融合了風景寫實派的構圖與印象派的筆觸,加上豐富的配色,營造出有如詩意般的夢幻氛圍。自1987年起迄今至少有52項個展(包括1項美術館)、30項群展(包含4場紐約藝博會)展出記錄。今年是連續第二年來參展。  

http://www.pedroroldan.es/index.php  ;  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009766178949


Roldán is a magical dreamer, a magician of the colors and the reality, that put passion, soul and conviction in each one of his paintings. Roldán proves that painting is not just painting, there is something more, much more. Painting means saying things and Roldan knows how to say them. His colorful and vibrant paintings, full of magic and fantasy, have been created so that the viewers can dream and enjoy his magic, perfect and ideal world.  


以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明 (中文翻譯 by Yingchi Ku): 

2019-11471-01_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_萬紫千紅映微光_Crepusculo en rojos y violeta_油畫 oil on panel_95x122cm_60號_sm_2017.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-01_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_萬紫千紅映微光_Crepusculo en rojos y violeta_油畫 oil on panel_95x122cm_60號_sm_2017

Realized in five sessions. 
Combining oil paint, with bar oil and natural pigments. 
I was walking through the fertile plain of Granada during the past spring. It was a quiet evening full of peace. The poppies, bathed by the last storm, showed their best color, a bright vermilion that the rain had become even more intense. I discovered at that moment, with unquestionable astonishment, violet-colored poppies, a variety that I did not know in these lands. It was late and I breathed in its perfume. It was impossible not to succumb to such beauty. I felt immersed in the midst of the most perfect beauty. Hundreds of flowers danced for me the soft beat of the breeze that at that moment was heard in perfect harmony. 
 Beauty seduces me wherever I find it. It moves me to capture it, enjoy it, feel it and recreate it through my eyes. Sometimes this assaults me after a bend of any road. Life creates every day, every moment, its own and particular work of art, you just have to be there and learn to look at it. 


2019-11471-08_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_暮光 (阿爾普哈拉)_Tarde de luz,Alpujarra_油畫 oil on panel_70x37cm_15號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-08_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_暮光 (阿爾普哈拉)_Tarde de luz,Alpujarra_油畫 oil on panel_70x37cm_15號_sm_2018

Magical vision in the surroundings of Sierra Nevada (Granada). 
Any afternoon of a hot summer.  From the high peaks of the Mountain range and letting the look slide in soft cadence to the sea, I enjoy the color that surrounds me, the intense chiaroscuro, diaphane and intense colors. Then I take the brushes and I remember the moment, trying to reconcile the immensity of the sea and the hardness of the rock that coexist in full harmony. 


2019-11471-07_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_絢麗之島 Rojos en la Isla_油畫 oil on panel_40x70sm_15號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-07_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_絢麗之島 Rojos en la Isla_油畫 oil on panel_40x70sm_15號_sm_2018

Ile Grande. French Britanny, Coast of Rose Granite. 
September afternoon on the island. Unforgettable moments lived due to the special beauty of the place and a beautiful game of tides that floods everything with silver, mirrors that reflect life from the other side. The horizon showed me all its warmth in golden and orange tones, violets, garnets ... From nothing to an immeasurable immensity. As if nature were allied in my favor and in a kind of spell that day I was surprised by the great marée. The inhabitants of the island knew, the tide was expected, but I had no knowledge of this fact that only happens three days a year. The water grew in such a way that it climbed over the entrance bridge to the island and I was trapped until the next low tide. I deeply appreciated and was thankful to nature for the gift of being retained to discover and enjoy in solitude a thousand hidden beauties. 


2019-11471-04_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_嬉戲光影 (內華達山脈,蘭哈龍山谷)_Juegos de luz.Valle de Lanjaron.Sierra Nevada_油畫 oil on panel_40x21cm_6M_sm_2019.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-04_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_嬉戲光影 (內華達山脈,蘭哈龍山谷)_Juegos de luz.Valle de Lanjaron.Sierra Nevada_油畫 oil on panel_40x21cm_6M_sm_2019

In a true aquifer paradise where we can find almost fifty cold and hot springs between two rivers, the Salado river and the Lanjarón river, a morning trekking of several hours, through the steep and winding paths of the high mountains of Sierra Nevada. A colorful and full of light walk, where the walker, with each new turn, discovers a beautiful surprise. The colors vibrate in whimsical games of always different tones, the color of the elements that live there and that are shown as a kind of magical tapestry. Today, in an immaculate way, flirting with the morning sun and letting myself be carried away by its rhythm, by the light that radiates that bathes everything with light, it is not looking at what my eyes do, but contemplating and admiring the beauty of what nature offers me. 


2019-11471-05_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_晨光 (萊昂山脈)_Manana de luz,Montes de Leon_油畫 oil on panel_41x21cm_6M_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-05_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_晨光 (萊昂山脈)_Manana de luz,Montes de Leon_油畫 oil on panel_41x21cm_6M_sm_2018

I had heard about the sublime of "the Valley of Silence" and I wanted to experience it in my skin. I started the trekking just at the beginning of the route of the hermits in the Montes de León, narrow isolated and lost paths, only accompanied by a deep solitude. I chose, to live the experience, the beginning of the autumn and its colors of infinite range, of subtlety and almost unrepeatable intensity. I meandered, along almost impassable paths, between reds, yellows and chestnuts. I confess that for a moment I felt an irrepressible desire to stay, to make that place my refuge. I felt then and still feel, that this place was already part of me forever, thus it became one of my favorite places to be and contemplate. 


2019-11471-06_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_初雪 (奧爾德薩)_Primeras nieves,Ordesa_油畫 oil on panel_50x43cm_10號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-06_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_初雪 (奧爾德薩)_Primeras nieves,Ordesa_油畫 oil on panel_50x43cm_10號_sm_2018 《入選本屆圖錄》

Dawn of light with the First Snows in the Ordesa Valley. The National Park of Ordesa. Central Pyrenees of Huesca, district of Sobrarbe, Aragón. 
A long and peaceful walk over that first snow that covers the woods, and paints with white the landscape. The first snows of October, the landscape is filled with thousands of nuances full of energy, and endowed with an enormous vital force. Everything vibrates around me. I feel, despite the blanket of snow, an immense heat under my feet, I feel the breeze and music that emanates softly from the forest and reaches my ears, is its the sound of nature. The rising sun, barely warm in the early hours, draws and projects branches, silhouettes, life.


2019-11471-03_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_月光小徑_El camino y la luna_油畫 oil on panel_23x48cm_6號_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-03_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_月光小徑_El camino y la luna_油畫 oil on panel_23x48cm_6號_sm_2018

I went for a walk, still at night, to feel the breeze from the cliffs of Sada (A Coruña) and wait for the new day just by delighting in everything that surrounded me, I longed to look at the infinite and let myself feel. I wanted to rediscover myself, at that precise point, with the immensity of Finisterre and feel myself one more. I walked very, very slowly, slowly, slowly and calmly with the, without anything or anyone to disturb my steps. I walked, yes, with the most beautiful company, the moon. A sublime full moon, that gradually faded with the first dawn light of the day, as she dressed in the grandeur of little things. It was an unforgettable walk and a painting to remember it. 


2019-11471-02_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_流光溢彩_Duraton_油畫 oil on panel_20x30cm_4M_sm_2018.jpg

↑上圖:2019-11471-02_佩德羅·羅爾丹 Pedro Roldan_流光溢彩_Duraton_油畫 oil on panel_20x30cm_4M_sm_2018 《入選本屆圖錄》

One bright evening, I walked by the sickles of that clean and transparent river. I walked alone, only accompanied by the sound of the cool breeze and the flight of the vultures that glide on the heights. The afternoon was peaceful and my walk was serene and without the haste to get anywhere. I listened attentively to those barely perceptible sounds, for those who do not have time to live the important things, that insurmountable music to my ears that produces the fall of the leaves, while looking at that mantle of color in eternal appearance. I like to pass by observing the landscape in deep silence for a long time, letting myself be carried and listening attentively to everything that the landscape needs to tell me. I like to sit on the leaves, fill with its color and its thousand different shades.  
Little by little, infinite images are formed in me, sensations that permeate me and feed me, when in solitude I face a new work that is yet to begin. This painting is a study with a pretension of immensity. I wanted a large painting capable of retaining so many emotions, but its execution and its result was in my eyes so deep and so certain that I had little more to show. 


Pedro López Ávila ( 語言學與文學教授、作家 / Professor of Language and Literature and writer )

假如彩繪畫家在作畫之前優先考慮色彩配置、假如色彩有它自己的個性、假如一幅作品必須具有感性層次與審美成分、假如藝術是情感的語言、假如材質和色彩存在著神秘感、假如創作內容必須要有深度,以及這個畫面必須超越具象的層面,我們會發現這些就是 Pedro Roldan 作品的特色。
If the colorful painters give priority to the color before the drawing, if the color is a sample of individuality, if a painting has to have a spiritual ethical and aesthetic component, if the art is the language of the feelings, if in the matter and the color resides the mystery, if the content of a creation must have depth and if we unite the figuration beyond what reaches our view, we will find the work of Pedro Roldán.

But, if in addition to all the above (more important than the well done) surprises us in the search for the open, a territory that was not there before, to undertake the adventure of breaking the limits imposed by reality and go incessantly and different in each creation (from a colorful show) in the world of dreams, of fantasy and of the pursuit of the enigma through extrasensory perceptions, its creation captivates us and miraculously captures us.

這就是 Pedro Roldan 的風格,打從內心來解讀這個世界,默默地只用色彩不需要陰影就能表達光明。
And it is that Pedro Roldan's painting is the interpretation of matter from his inner world, painting light only with color, he does not need shadows to turn the light on in silence.

Everything is placid; color announces the ineffable and from it arises silence, peace, timelessness, loneliness, melancholy and centuries looking for themselves in height; because, the passage of time does not exist, nor the human figure in his work, which is only insinuated in the artificial light of his houses imbricated in the landscape at nightfall, with a formal perfection bordering on a mystical hyperrealism, never known in the history of painting.

以上文章引用自 http://mileniumgallery.com/artista/pedro-roldan/    

現今Pedro 和他妻子女兒一起生活在美麗的格拉納達城中。
Nowadays Pedro lives with his wife and his daughter in the beautiful city of Granada.



Pedro Roldán 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2019/4/25~29 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框,東側入口第一站] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋 "2019ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十二位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹

Art Revolution Taipei 2019 
貴賓之夜:2019. 4.25(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2019. 4.26(五)~4.29(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 


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