
2019-11586-07_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_曼哈頓 Manhattan_油畫 oil on canvas_50x150cm_40號_sm_2018.JPG

第七年為各位介紹 西班牙ROSA藝術集團 來台參加[2019 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年創紀錄邀請來了十二位藝術家,各具特色。現在要介紹的這位是擅長以低彩度的色階來描繪城市的迷濛感的印象派都市景觀大師 Angel Asensio [譯音:安荷拉·亞森席歐]。來自於擁有悠久藝術傳統的巴賽隆納,這次他帶來兩幅畫向現代建築鬼才-安東尼·高第致敬。他常常會留下大面積的圖面給大氣、水域或是土壤,來對比出人工建築物的力量。也會用透視法的斜線來打破平行的構圖(諸如天際線或是地平線),以尋求畫作的深度。冷色調帶出空寂感,與赭色的暖色調形成對比,還引入了橙色和紫色搭配著白色,為藍色調和灰色階的畫面帶來生氣。風格非常前衛! 




Angel Asensio 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2019/4/25~29 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K1~K6 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2019ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這十二位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹


2019-11586-00_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio.jpg

Angel Asensio [譯音:安荷拉·亞森席歐]



Dalí said that surrealism was a movement that went beyond painting, for him it’s a way of life. Jean Hélion said that he could not paint abstractions, that he lived a real and figurative life. I agree with these statements, I understand painting how a system of life, I believe in realism, figuration, I may define my work as a content, limited, intentional realism, where the process and the pictorial richness are an important part of the work.  


以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯 by Emily Lin): 

2019-11586-01_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_露臺欄杆 Balcons i Baranes_油畫 oil on canvas_50x50cm_12正方_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11586-01_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_露臺欄杆 Balcons i Baranes_油畫 oil on canvas_50x50cm_12正方_sm_2018

在一個春天的早晨,嘗試去捕捉地中海清澈的光線,此時陽光正投射在經常被稱為La Pedrera的”米拉之家” (Casa Mila), 一棟坐落在巴塞隆那, 歷史悠久且造型特殊的建築,具有曲線的波浪形外觀。 
Trying to capture the clear light of the Mediterranean, during a spring morning, while it is projecting on a historic and special building such as La Pedrera in Barcelona, with its sinuous organic forms.  

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IMG_米拉之家 Casa mila_2.jpg

補充 by Azen Lee : 米拉之家 Casa Milà (La Pedrera) 建於1906年至1912年間,是富商 佩雷米拉 Pere Milà 與 富孀 Roser Segimon 結婚前請高第設計的宅第,1984年被列入 世界文化遺產。米拉之家外觀用傳統乳白色石材搭配交錯的波浪型降低石材厚重感,窗戶及陽台像極了海蝕洞、波浪,有著海浪的律動也好似沙漠中土著的洞穴住宅,這種沒有死板直線的結構是很標準的高第式自然主義。


2019-11586-03_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_巴特略之家 Casa Batllo_油畫 oil on canvas_50x50cm_12正方_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11586-03_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_巴特略之家 Casa Batllo_油畫 oil on canvas_50x50cm_12正方_sm_2018 《入選本屆圖錄》

這幅畫來自同一系列的作品,靈感源於巴塞隆那的地中海建築。坐落於格拉西亞大道(Paseo de Gracia),令人印象深刻和充滿想像的巴特略之家(Casa Batllo)的片段記憶。午後的陽光灑在建築物的窗戶和外牆,散發出一種非常平靜和輕鬆的氛圍。 
This painting is from the same series of works, inspired by the Mediterranean architecture of Barcelona. It is a fragment of the impressive and imaginative, Casa Batllo, located on the Paseo de Gracia. The afternoon light on the windows and the facade of the building reflect a very calm and relaxed state of contemplation

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IMG_巴特略之家CASA BATLLÓ_2.jpg

補充 by Chris Lee : 巴特略之家(Casa Batlló)是建築師安東尼·高第同若熱普-瑪麗亞·茹若爾(Josep Maria Jujol)合作裝修改造的一座建築。該建築建於1877年,在1904年到1906年間接受改造。位於加泰隆尼亞巴塞隆納擴展區(Eixample)的格拉西亞大道(Passeig de Gràcia)43號。2005年被擴充入世界遺產安東尼·高第的建築作品中,與另一座世界遺產米拉之家(Casa Milà)處於同一條大道上。

補充 by Emily Lin : 藝術家刻意忽略外觀五彩繽紛的馬賽克裝飾,以慣有的低彩度來突顕陽台的圓弧曲線,從繁複到簡單的純粹,從具象到意象,以此向高第大師致敬!


2019-11586-04_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_金黃圓頂(巴黎榮軍院) Cupula Daurada_油畫 oil on canvas_120x120cm_70正方_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11586-04_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_金黃圓頂(巴黎榮軍院) Cupula Daurada_油畫 oil on canvas_120x120cm_70正方_sm_2018

巴黎壯麗的景色,以及彌漫在整座城市的迷霧。從天際線中脫穎而出,宛如紅玫瑰在花園中綻放,是座具有指標性的建築,兼具特色和歷史,宏偉的金黃圓頂和反射的金光, 格外引人注目,無庸置疑的成為畫作的主角。 
Panoramic view of the splendor of Paris, and the enigmatic mist that caresses the city. Standing out from the skyline of the city, as red roses bloom in a garden, its emblematic buildings, characteristic and historical, and with a special attention  to the magnificent golden dome, that with its golden reflection captures the attention of the viewer, becoming the undisputed protagonist of the work . 


補充 by Chris Lee:榮軍院始建於1670年,由當時法王路易十四下令建造,是一家用來接待及治療退伍軍人及抗戰後殘疾軍人的醫院。目前有拿破崙的陵墓以及法蘭西軍事博物館,每天吸引大量遊客巡禮。


2019-11586-05_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_帝國大廈 Empire State_油畫 oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11586-05_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_帝國大廈 Empire State_油畫 oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_sm_2018 《入選本屆圖錄》

First rays of daylight, waking up in a hotel room with the magnificent view of Manhattan, when the city is still at rest, contemplating the contrast of the majestic buildings with the water and the sky ... this work tries to capture that moment, the pause contained before everything begins to flow, and the orchestra begins to play and the city awakens completely.


2019-11586-02_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_城市森林 Bosque de Hormigon_油畫 oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11586-02_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_城市森林 Bosque de Hormigon_油畫 oil on canvas_80x80cm_30正方_sm_2018

Inspired in NY , this painting  is like the feeling that you have when walking on a dense forest of huge trees, it is like an exchange of nature for  a large mass of concrete built by man, where the majestic buildings rise towards the sky,  sun light and transparencies are project on their facades just as the rays of the sun project  between the branches of the forest trees. 


2019-11586-06_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_曼哈頓VII Manhattan VII_油畫 oil on canvas_60x60cm_18正方_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11586-06_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_曼哈頓VII Manhattan VII_油畫 oil on canvas_60x60cm_18正方_sm_2018

Mid-afternoon light projected on the beautiful buildings of Manhattan, trying to capture the atmosphere of the vibrant city, and a blurred drawing, where reality mixes with the abstraction and the reverie that the city transmits to us. City where dreams come true, city of opportunities and future. 


2019-11586-07_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_曼哈頓 Manhattan_油畫 oil on canvas_50x150cm_40號_sm_2018.JPG

↑上圖:2019-11586-07_安荷拉·亞森席歐 Angel Asensio_曼哈頓 Manhattan_油畫 oil on canvas_50x150cm_40號_sm_2018

You could spend hours and hours contemplating the Manhattan Skyline, little by little you will discover corners that you had not seen before, where the buildings mix with the sea and with the sky, in this work I try to reflect that and capture the atmosphere and energy of the city, like a great symphony of calm blue colors.




Art Revolution Taipei 2019 
貴賓之夜:2019. 4.25(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2019. 4.26(五)~4.29(一) 11:00~19:00)
網 址: 


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