11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_8_Plujós de Primavera a Can Trona_70x20cm_Oil on canvas.jpg 

第五年為各位介紹西班牙ROSA藝術集團來台參加[2017 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年特別邀請來了九位藝術家,大致可分為風景畫、人物畫與其他類。第三位介紹的也是初次參展的奧洛特風景畫大師 Jordi Isern。這幾年觀察下來,風景畫一向都被國人所喜愛,可能與居家裝潢首選風景畫有關吧?西班牙東北方加泰隆尼亞地區的好山好水孕育出一群特別的風景畫家,他們自稱為奧洛特畫派(Olot School),是在19世紀下半葉發展出來的一種藝術風格,與稍早成立於法國的巴比松畫派(Barbizon school)齊名。它不僅包括來自奧洛特這個地區(在西班牙Spain.加泰隆尼亞Catalonia自治區.赫羅納Girona省)的藝術家,也包括所有受到奧洛特景觀的啟發而創作的藝術家。奧洛特畫派影響了現代西班牙的自然景觀畫。繼2013, 2014年來參展的 Fermin Colomer,與2016年的 Toni Cassany ,大會今年又邀請來一位奧洛特畫派的風景畫大師 Jordi Isern

Jordi Isern的畫面並不迴避人文景觀,相反地,他蠻強調人類與大自然和諧共存。看他的畫會產生一種田園生活的恬憩感,自自然然身心就會平靜下來。以這幅畫為例[PLUJÓS DE PRIMAVERA A CAN TRONA / Rainy Spring Can Trona / 春雨中的Can Trona (暫譯)],田野中的小農舍就讓我回想起小時候放暑假去外婆家的情境,對都市小孩來說,鄉村中的一切都是新鮮的。Jordi 本人就是棄商從藝,揮別都市生活而返回祖先的居所,用反璞歸真的心靈之眼來畫出他的家園風光。


Jordi Isern 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2017-4-13~17 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K2+K5 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2017ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這九位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_0.jpg

Jordi Isern [譯音:裘迪.伊森] / Spain 西班牙
48歲(1969),西班牙人(巴塞隆那),現定居阿爾科韋爾(西班牙加泰羅尼亞塔拉戈納省的一個市鎮)。19年前他決定棄商從藝,從都市搬到鄉村,開始與大自然為伍,成就了他目前風景寫實畫家的名聲,作品非常具有寧靜安祥的氛圍。在旅行中,他認識了蒙特夫蘭克(MONTBLANC, 西班牙加泰羅尼亞塔拉戈納省的一個市鎮,孔卡德巴貝拉的首府),從第一刻,他就愛上了這個城鎮。他毫不猶豫地設立了他的第二個工作室。蒙特夫蘭克有著中世紀自然景觀,具有重大的歷史意義,加泰隆尼亞第一個法院就設在那裡。有27項個展記錄(包含1項美術館展出),之前在日本京都與中國杭州辦過展覽。藏家分佈於:西班牙、委內瑞拉、蘇格蘭、墨西哥、比利時、秘魯、加拿大、日本、摩洛哥和愛爾蘭。


Jordi Isern熱愛大自然,他畫大自然,以他解讀的方式。他要告訴我們如果善待大自然,大自然會回報我們更多。我們可以欣賞到生命的循環與新生、大樹始於新芽、天地和諧,而展現這些美麗的存在是藝術家的責任。

Jordi Isern loves nature, he uses his paint to make it his own and counselling us on how it should be viewed. His paintings show us that nature, when it treated with the respect it deserves, is Man's greatest ally, that the cycle of life and death makes way for the birth of new life, that a great tree is contained within a new bud and that harmony and balance, demonstrations of beauty and peace, do exist and it is our job to find and enjoy it.



以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯by Chris Lee): 


11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_1_Albons llueix la seva primavera_70x20cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_1_Albons llueix la seva primavera_70x20cm_Oil on canvas



This Work is painted in the region of Empordà in Catalonia in Northeastern Spain. It is an area that I love to paint, as the light and colors of the Mediterranean Sea are mixed between the sea and the mountain giving a unique tonality. In the background we can see the Montgrí mountain, bastion of the Empordà region. In this Work I try to convey the freshness of the spring, the smell of the flowers and the peace that flooded my spirit. I painted the town of Albons, because there lives a great friend of mine with whom I have learned a lot and with whom I spent great moments sharing our friendship.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_2_El blat de Joanetes_100x81cm_Oil on canvas.jpg   

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_2_El blat de Joanetes_100x81cm_Oil on canvas [寶勝畫廊預展 Preview at X-Power gallery]



Joanetes is a very small village in the region of La Garrotxa, in Catalonia. A very special place for me as was there where it started my passion for painting. Joanetes is the closest village to the majestic Puigsacalm Mountain. It is a rural area, where people lives from the earth, especially growing cereals such as wheat, buckwheat and corn. I wanted to pay tribute to these farmers, who are the engineers of the landscape and that thanks to them, we feed. This canvas was painted a clear and soft morning of late June. I was thrilled to hear the sound of the golden wheat spikes as they danced in the breeze. That sound conveyed serenity, peace and love for the earth.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_3_El blat de les nostres muralles_130x60cm_Oil on canvas.jpg   

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_3_El blat de les nostres muralles_130x60cm_Oil on canvas

EL BLATS DE LES NOSTRES MURALLES. MONTBLANC / Wheat Our Wall. MontBlanc / 蒙特夫蘭克的麥田與城牆 (暫譯)


This work is a tribute to the province where I live, Tarragona, south of Catalonia. The place painted is the town of Montblanc, one of the main sources of my inspiration. Montblanc is a Village of marked historical character, where the first Courts of Catalonia were celebrated. Impressive its medieval walls, where Sant Jordi, killed the dragon according to the most famous legend of Catalonia. A homage, to the work of the countryside people, where Nature is the main protagonist.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_4_Espolla_73x73cm_Oil on canvas.jpg   

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_4_Espolla_73x73cm_Oil on canvas [遠雄預展]

ESPOLLA / ESPOLLA / 埃斯波利亞 (暫譯)


Espolla is a village in the Alt Empordà in the province of Girona, north of Catalonia. An area where the vineyards are protagonists and that has its maximum splendor in Autumn when the vineyards give us those intense, pure and vivid colors with the change of their leaves.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_5_La Serra del Cadí ens dona la benvinguda_120x40cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_5_La Serra del Cadí ens dona la benvinguda_120x40cm_Oil on canvas [寶勝畫廊預展 Preview at X-Power gallery]

LA SERRA DEL CADÍ ENS DÓNA LA BENVINGUDA / The Cadí Mountain welcomes us / 卡蒂山脈歡迎著我們 (暫譯)


In this painting, the Cadí Mountain , in the Catalan Pyrenees, is the protagonist. It is a mountain where I always seek refuge when I need to think and meditate. I tried to convey in this work, what I felt a snowy morning breathing the fresh and pure air of this incomparable place, where Nature is shown in its maximum splendor.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_6_Llums de tardor a Banyoles_73x50 cm_Oil on canvas.jpg   

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_6_Llums de tardor a Banyoles_73x50 cm_Oil on canvas



Banyoles is a village in La Garrotxa, in the north of Catalonia. It is a magical place. There is a lake where the waters are born from the subsoil, forming a unique landscape. Autumn is one of the seasons that dress Banyoles with its best colors where grays mixed with warm tones, leave an exceptional landscape. I wanted to paint the peace of the place a romantic and nostalgic canvas, embraced by a tinted autumnal light that characterizes the unique atmosphere of La Garrotxa.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_7_Mañana de Junio en los trigales_80x80cm_Oil on canvas.jpg   

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_7_Mañana de Junio en los trigales_80x80cm_Oil on canvas



These fields of wheat are in the region of the Conca de Barberà, in Tarragona, south of Catalonia. On this canvas we can see this spectacular landscape, bathed by the summer early morning mists. The noise of the birds playing, and the sound of the wheat spikes dancing with the morning breeze created an special atmosphere of overwhelming inner peace that I hope the viewer will enjoy.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_8_Plujós de Primavera a Can Trona_70x20cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_8_Plujós de Primavera a Can Trona_70x20cm_Oil on canvas

PLUJÓS DE PRIMAVERA A CAN TRONA / Rainy Spring Can Trona / 春雨中的Can Trona (暫譯)

Can Trona有著典型的加泰羅尼亞農舍,它位於加泰隆尼亞北部的奧洛特。這些農舍和當地的農民,單純與勤奮,塑造了加泰隆尼亞特有的景觀,我想向他們致敬。在一個清新柔和的春天早晨,紫羅蘭的香氣促使了我去描繪這片美景。農舍中微露出來的亮光,讓我有機會欣賞這美妙地方的深度和氣氛。

Can Trona is an unmistakable example of the typical Catalan farmhouses. It is located in Olot, in the north of Catalonia. These farmhouses and their farmers have shaped the character and the landscape of Catalonia. It is pure and sincere history of people who have cared their land, creating a unique and unmistakable landscape. I wanted to pay tribute to them, on a fresh and soft spring morning, where the aroma of violets inspired me to shape this landscape. A sifted light that gave me the opportunity to appreciate the depth and atmosphere of this wonderful place.



11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_9_Puigcerdà_120x40cm_Oil on canvas.jpg   

11041_Jordi Isern_ART2017_9_Puigcerdà_120x40cm_Oil on canvas

PUIGCERDÀ / Puigcerdà / 普伊格塞爾達之秋(暫譯)


Puigcerdà is the capital of the region of the Cerdanya, in the North of Catalonia, next to the French border. An explosion of colors in the autumn made me pick up the brushes to paint these tones, and while I was painting, I heard the concert of the birds singing and the leaves of the trees falling. Nature in pure state, where time was stopped. That tranquility and serenity of spirit is what I try to convey in this work.


※Jordi Agràs Estalella (加泰羅尼亞政府在塔拉戈納的文化局長)的藝評:
Jordi Isern的畫作像是活著的、有脈動、會隨著光影呼吸和變化,並與你的情感連結,這種感覺是無法言喻的,就像孔卡德巴貝拉的景觀,它吸引你並包容你,使你感覺到是它的一部分,這種感覺只有當地人民了解它的精神、開放和輝煌才足以解釋。Jordi Isern無疑的繼承了這種精神。


※HIROYUKI KITAHARA 北原博之 (Philia art cop菲利亞藝術家聯盟):
西班牙和日本的文化交流持續了400多年。據說,還有602位姓Japón的居民居住在塞維利亞附近的科里亞德里奧。這些居民是400年前訪問西班牙的日本武士的後裔。所以,基於這樣的歷史背景,這是我的榮幸可以介紹Jordi Isern。他已經在日本辦過四次個展,並獲得良好的聲譽。他精緻的風格、柔和的色彩與光影非常適合日本人的喜好。再次,我想表達我對西班牙繪畫史偉大成就的尊敬,從葛雷柯、委拉斯奎茲及哥雅 (Greco, Velazquez and Goya) 等經典大師,到畢加索、米羅和達利 (Picasso, Miro and Dali) 等現代大師。另一方面,日本的“浮世繪 (the ukiyoe print)”也影響了在巴黎的印象派畫家。即使東西兩地相隔甚遠,但它們在現代繪畫的進展上似乎是與時俱進的。“現代主義”的精神也流向了在加泰羅尼亞的巴賽隆納。儘管與日本相隔遙遠,但卻分享著共同的價值觀。哥雅派的西班牙寫實主義對後繼者的新藝術運動而言,是一個偉大的基礎,就如同印象主義一樣,帶來新意。西班牙的第一顆印象派種子落在庇里牛斯山腳的奧洛特(Olot)。 Jordi Isern的作品承襲了西班牙風景寫實主義的傳統。我衷心祝賀 Jordi 踏入藝壇的二十五週年,並很榮幸地幫他在日本展出了他的華麗藝術品。恭喜!




Jordi Isern 的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2017-4-13~17 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K2+K5 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框框] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2017ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這九位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。

Art Revolution Taipei 2017 
貴賓之夜:2017. 4.13(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2017. 4.14(五)~4.17(一) 12:00~20:00 (4.16(日) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 


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