10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_8_Lago en Pirineos_100x60cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

第五年為各位介紹西班牙ROSA藝術集團來台參加[2017 Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會]的藝術家。今年特別邀請來了九位藝術家,大致可分為風景畫、人物畫與其他類。首先介紹的是連續第三次參展的風景寫實大師Miguel Peidro。今年不但延續他拿手的寧靜氛圍之外,更帶來了幾幅增添人煙味、強調人類與大自然和諧相處的作品,隱隱然有天、地、人合一的感覺。觀賞他的畫,除了讚嘆西班牙的好山好水之外,「對比」也是他畫作不可缺少的元素,大自然的靜與人類的動,成對比;像上面這幅[Lago en Pirineos / lake in Pyrenees / 拉里歐瑞塔湖的黎明],有繁花盛開與綠意盎然的對比,有山峰光影明暗的對比,也有奔騰彩雲與寧靜湖面的對比,這些都增加了畫作的豐富性。除了這些元素之外,很多藏家也採用「風水畫/Feng Shui/Geomancy」的觀點來收藏Miguel的畫喔!

Miguel Peidro的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2017-4-13~17 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K2+K5 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2017ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這九位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。


Miguel Peidro [譯音: 米蓋爾.貝伊徳羅]

1950年(66歲)出生於西班牙阿爾科伊 (Alcoy, Spain)。自1978年起迄今至少有120項展出記錄(包含8項美術館展出記錄)。除了在西班牙各地頻繁展出之外,近年也拓展到歐洲、日本和中國,作品廣被收藏。印象派風景畫家。他曾與現在非常著名的西班牙藝術大師Alex Alemany一同在Vicente Moya and Juan Ferri 的私人工作室接受藝術培訓。對大自然的美非常敏感,很容易讓觀畫者與他所描繪的西班牙自然風光產生共鳴,被畫中的寧靜與神秘所攝服。http://www.miguelpeidro.com/  ;https://www.facebook.com/miguel.peidro

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_00.jpg IMG_Miguel Peidro.jpg 


以下是藝術家本人對單幅作品的英文說明(中文翻譯by Chris Lee): 


10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_2_Dia Gris_70x70cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_2_Dia Gris_70x70cm_Oil on canvas [寶勝畫廊預展 Preview at X-Power gallery]

Dia gris / Gray day / 霧中小徑 (暫譯)
In this painting I looked for the work with the grays tones, trying to capture, that moment after the rain ... the smell of wet earth and grass ... the mist, a melancholic landscape, but with nostalgia and memories of those moments in which you feel the strength and wonder of nature.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_1_Barcas Varadas_100x100cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_1_Barcas Varadas_100x100cm_Oil on canvas [遠雄預展]

Barcas varadas / Stranded boats / 舢舨 (暫譯)
Canvas painted in Hondarribia, Basque Country Coast. It is at dawn, where everything is calm and quiet, and the boats are resting from their fishing activity. In those moments of dawn, the light changes very fast, and you have to be very precise at work and not recreate in details. The details of the painting are left for later, at the painter's study.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_3_Dorados en el Rio_100x100cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_3_Dorados en el Rio_100x100cm_Oil on canvas

Dorados en el rio / Golden colors at the river / 金色河流 (暫譯)
這是一個“溫暖”的景觀。 我想畫日出,但是以暖色調來主導:紅色、磚紅色和赭色等這些顏色是主角。河在圖像的中心,藉由天空的反射給出了亮點,本來在那個時刻光線已經很強而有力了,但是被雲彩所淡化。
This is a "warm" landscape. I wanted to paint a sunrise, but with warm tones predominating in it: red, tile and ocher colors are the protagonists. The river, at the center of the image, gives that point of light that is a reflection of the sky, that in those moments has much strength and intensity, but that is softened by the clouds.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_5_Fliores de Primavera_81x65cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_5_Fliores de Primavera_81x65cm_Oil on canvas

Flores de Primavera / Spring flowers / 雷阿爾城的春天 (暫譯)
Spring scene. A great variety of tones predominate in it, and with a very colorful approach that transmits this feeling of joy that gives spring. The landscape is of Ciudad Real, in the center of the Iberian Peninsula.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_6_Pueblo Pirenaíco_65x81cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_6_Pueblo Pirenaíco_65x81cm_Oil on canvas

Pueblo Pirenaico / Pyrenean Village / 村莊與石橋 (暫譯)
This is a work painted in the North of the province of Pamplona, North of Spain. This is an area with beautiful little villages.
In this painting, I wanted to capture a combination of elements that form a beautiful frame: the little village, the stone bridge and the river, this composition made a final painting which I enjoyed a lot painting it. The sobriety of the colors of the painting is break with the reddish colors of the tree. The soft colors of the background give depth to the landscape.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_9_Paisaje de la Cerdanya_60x100cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_9_Paisaje de la Cerdanya_60x100cm_Oil on canvas [BV預展]

Paisaje de la Cerdaña / Landscape of the Cerdanya / 色丹尼亞風情畫(暫譯)
La Cerdaña, a region located in the Catalan Pyrenees, next to the border with France, is a beautiful mountain area, where the painter can enjoy both, snow peaks and vast meadows. In this picture, the meadow was full of flowering poppies, which gives a great chromatic force, the red is the absolute protagonist, combined with the grays of the background. The depth of the landscape is also something that I wanted to reflect in this work.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_7_Pueblo de Pirineos_80x80cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_7_Pueblo de Pirineos_80x80cm_Oil on canvas [BV預展]

Pueblo de Pirineos / Village of Pyrenees Mountains / 庇里牛斯山的春天(暫譯)
這是描繪西班牙東北方庇里牛斯山的傳統村落風景。 庇里牛斯山脈充滿了這些小村莊,安靜的生活著,與大自然和睦相處。我想畫出這樣的寧靜感。前景是春天時節,罌粟花和丁香花一同綻放,非常豔麗。
Traditional and genre landscape of a village of the Pyrenees Mountains at the North East in Spain. The Pyrenees Mountains are full of small villages , where life is quiet and the contact with the nature is total, I wanted to reflect in this painting one of these beautiful and calm villages, in Spring, where the poppies and the lilacs were flowered, giving a touch of color to the foreground of this work.


[風水畫小常識/Feng Shui/Geomancy] 旺風水的客廳掛畫,畫面一定要呈現出靜逸祥和、心曠神怡之感,如涓涓細流、無風的海面、靜逸的山林,此類掛畫可借自然景觀提升你胸懷的寬廣度,而靜逸之感則是為了壓制你的戾氣,從而提升你的正能量,開闊你的人生格局。掛在客廳、書房皆可。本段文字出自:https://kknews.cc/geomantic/9eo9m8.html  



10595 台北市敦化北路207號B1
Tel ﹕+886-2-7707-8299
營業時間﹕週一 17:00~22:00 週二~週六11:00~22:00 週四 11:00~18:00 週日 11:00~20:00


10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_8_Lago en Pirineos_100x60cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_8_Lago en Pirineos_100x60cm_Oil on canvas [寶勝畫廊預展 Preview at X-Power gallery]

Lago en Pirineos / lake in Pyrenees / 拉里歐瑞塔湖的黎明 (暫譯)
Dawn scene at the Lake of “La Llebreta”, Pyrenees Mountains. In this painting, I gave to the reflections in the water a special importance, the background has depth to capture the immensity of the landscape, and I also give to the clouds that are reflected in the waters of the lake, a leading role. The color palette and the lights of this painting give it a relaxing atmosphere.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_10_Sunrise with snow_100x60cm_Oil on canvas.jpg  

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_10_Sunrise with snow_100x60cm_Oil on canvas [寶勝畫廊預展 Preview at X-Power gallery]

Amanecer con nieve / Sunrise with snow / 雪峰頂上的日出 (暫譯)
在埃斯特雷馬杜拉,植被比西班牙北部更乾燥。前景是 赭色調與紫丁香的組合。我試圖在雪山頂峰上加上一些金色調與帶著紅色調的黎明日光。小村莊融入景觀中,因此不是我要強調的對象。
Scene of a landscape of Extremadura, we can see impressive Gredos Mountain range in the background.
In Extremadura the vegetation is drier than in the North of Spain. A combination of ocher tones with the lilies flowers of the foreground. I tried to show in the snow on the mountain tops, some golden hues, with reddish tones of the dawn lights. The little village merges with the landscape so it does not have much leadership in the scene.



10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_4_Estany Besiberri_100x60cm_Oil on canvas.jpg

10626_Miguel Peidro_ART2017_4_Estany Besiberri_100x60cm_Oil on canvas [寶勝畫廊預展 Preview at X-Power gallery]

Estany Besiberri / Besiberri pond / 貝斯貝里湖 (暫譯)
這是庇里牛斯山系的許多池塘和湖泊之一。在這幅畫中,我想表現雪山的景觀,與前景的湖泊互相輝映。 這明顯是在冬季。 我一向很喜歡畫雪峰,對畫家而言,這是一個很好的挑戰,因為白雪不好畫,白色與灰色和藍色的組合,處理不好的話會影響白雪的純淨感。
This is one of the many ponds and lakes that are at the Pyrenees Mountains. In this painting I wanted to make a work of the snowy mountains, the look goes to the background of the painting, taking away importance to the foreground. It is a clearly winter landscape. I have always liked to paint peaks with snow, the snow has much difficulty for the painter, to work with white colors combined with grays and blues, has the danger of messing the pure white snow color. It was a good pictorial challenge.



藝評 by Sunny Ko  (部落客名家Famous Blogger) >>
Miguel Peidro 的作品藏了許多細節,在不同角度,眼睛像用望眼鏡看作品時,你會找到很多趣味。他的風景畫藏著人文風光與我們生命中可能所途經的各種鄉間小路,偶而有新發現,多數人不看,一旦你能注意到自然間轉化的力量,你會發現藝術家成熟的把你拉近作品裡,可以讓你想像你正聞著花香欣賞著田園風光的趣味。

藝評 by Emily Lin (ROSA區資深組員Senior) >>

藝評 by Yi-Chen Lee (ROSA區小組長Leader)>> 



Miguel Peidro的這些作品即將在Art Revolution Taipei 台北新藝術博覽會(2017-4-13~17 at 台北市世貿三館)展售,歡迎前往看展。展位代號:K2+K5 [西班牙ROSA藝術集團,請見上圖紅色框框] 。我們在FB也成立了公開社團(FB搜尋"2017ART-ROSA"),按這裡可以進入看這九位藝術家的所有參展作品以及每張作品的文字介紹。

Art Revolution Taipei 2017 
貴賓之夜:2017. 4.13(四) 19:00~22:00 (憑VIP邀請卡入場)
公眾展覽:2017. 4.14(五)~4.17(一) 12:00~20:00 (4.16(日) 11:00~19:00)
網 址:http://www.arts.org.tw/ 


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